CPC Reminder Post

None of the information below is new, however just to refresh the memories of those who may not have seen, here is a small refresher of the information for CPC2. If you're not playing but wish to come along, please do! There will be limited access for media, but general spectating is free and we encourage to come along and watch on the big projectors with iTG commentary!

April 13/14/15
Enschede, Holland
Match Schedule[/hide]

Each ET and CoD entry is 35 euros per player (if you are playing with 7, 7 payments are due), RTCW payment is 25 euros per player. We urge teams to pay well in advance of March 9th to avoid any problems and the risk of losing your spot to another team.

Please make your payment to the following bank (note we only accept bank transfers):
- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC
- Bank Address: 65 High Street, Ruislip, Middlesex

The deadline for payments is March 14th at 18:00 CET[/hide]

Announcement URL
Map Contest Is Now Closed
Maps Announced[/hide]

Please send any queries regarding the event to tosspot at gmail dot com for a prompt reply.[/hide]

Late Payments

Due to a SIGNIFICANT amount of late payments, we will be contacting teams this evening with regards to missing payments. More news to follow. Additionally could the following people please Identify themselves, as we have their payment but cannot link it to their team or game handle:

Manni Danielle
teemu seijri
salexjulfalexbully <-- ?

Thats either

Juls or

from FallanX ( RTCW )
Sorry if my journal seemed offensive or insulting, it's just alot people shared the same miss information as I did. :P

Anyway, cya there I guess. ;>
"big projectors" != Cinema ...right?
the final is way too late for guys with a long way home...
do you also have to pay when you come as a "general spectator" ?
no costs for spectators afaik
greedy admins will take 10cents for every step they make
We'll just put a seperate room for coats and bags then go through it stealing all their moneys when nobody's looking.
but seriously, be prepared for the polish impact!
18:36:13| (ae`dONK) see you at lan then for the fist fight
image: dwarf%20midget%20boxer%20danny%20black%20feather

I would be careful if i were you zerender, I heard donkey is quite the fighter
hmg are participating at cpc?
haha indeed
QuoteThe deadline for payments is March 14th at 18:00 CET

not clear enuf?
lol pls the schedule sux

21:30 last match...
You want what? Earlier? Later?

CPC we played until about 19:00, SHG we played until more like 02:00...
I want to play longer.. like 23:00 last match.

then the final on sunday could be earlier and I would arrive @ home before monday :s
Oh believe me, you'll be playing longer. The schedule is so tight I would be absolutely amazed if we don't get at least a couple of hours' delay by the end of both Friday and Saturday.
would be really cool if the final on sunday is earlier :/
I submitted mine by email, but Toss might reject it because it's absolutely dreadful - some major texture and shader problems with the latest compile, plus a few holes in the map which should've been fixed. I don't have the time to fix the problems until the 25th of March or so. Wish I had time to fix it before, but I don't.
low-med max.

oh and hi.
all clans already paid ?:)
AuXiliA has payed!!:D
i got my ticket already so im avi to play or group up some people to fill up the "possible" spot!
but we need more same here replys :(
manni danielle = danone i believe
Manni Danielle : ItalydAnone
teemu seijri, which should be Teemu Seijari as far as I know, is Finland rauzki
teemu seijri = rauzki according to his email and xfire name
the last one are jul + bully from falx.rtcw
manolito from verdiend
yeah :) salexjulfalexbully are jul and bully from wh00ps/fallanx
Can you confirm the teams that are fully paid now toss?
maybe a list of all teams that have, and that havent paid.
It's Daniele, not Danielle :O
nice deleting my comment
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