AuxiliA announces a new ET team and new sponsors

image: aux_et_cpc2

The Multigaming Clan AuxiliA is proud to introduce its new Enemy Territory lineup which will be representing them at the CPC2 in April this year, as well as future online events. The squad has moved over from dtekt to Auxilia in a surprise move. The lineup is as follows:

Sweden Andy "blaze" Kurabasa (Cpt)
Norway Mats "Snuble" Teigen (Manager)
Russia Daniel "humM3L" Müller (Orga)
Turkey Fatih "fireBall" Hot
Poland Mateusz "z3R0" Wandzel
Portugal Joao 'sexyhot' Carvalho
Sweden Mikael "tornis" Torndahl

Sweden Ida "irZ" Norberg (Mascot)

Statement from team captain, blaze
Quote I feel confident in this team. We are having fun and doing our best and hopefully it will stay that way. If we come well prepared to CPC II I think we could go far. But however it goes I’m sure we will have a great time.

The AuxiliA management has also revealed that they have secured new cash and hardware sponsors providing the support needed to send their teams to LAN events throughout 2007.

image: aux_24

High-Voltage PC has taken the place of head sponsor providing Auxilia with long term financial and hardware support.

QuoteHigh Voltage PC is a company dedicated to gaming. We sell full system’s, components, tower’s everything that a gamer need’s. If we don’t have then we will get it. Our systems will exceed any other on the market when it comes to gaming performance & cost.

image: prizeplay

Prize-Play will also be providing financial support to Auxilia, as well as continuing to provide the squads with top quality gameservers.

QuotePrize-Play are a leading provider of gameservers for CSS, BF2, CoD2 and many more. Their wide range of voice coms, games servers and dedicated server rentals mean they are the one stop shop for your games hosting needs.

PrimativeState have also recently sponsored Auxilia with clothing for LAN events.

QuoteAfter a difficult period of searching for support, we are now very pleased to be working with our new sponsors, in particular HVPC, our new headsponsor. The support they are providing us is exactly what we needed to take Auxilia to the next stage, and their staff are a delight to work with. Prize-Play also have done a lot to enable us to put our support back into Enemy Territory, and we owe them a great thanks.
I would also like to welcome the new ET lineup to Auxilia, and wish them every success at CPC2, and beyond.

The Auxilia CSS team all set to dominate at i30, and seeded number 1 for the upcoming ebuyer LAN. With their new ET team already qualified for CPC2 in April things are positively glowing in the Auxilia camp.
#AuxiliA at Quakenet

Interview with Russia humM3L at the suXus eSports website
made my day
didn't someone make a journal about this already :P ?

GL tornis, irZ, sexyhot, snuble, blaze :)
ida? what the hell are you doing in there?

However, get on msn or irc. Need to talk with u.
bla bla bla
at least a good looking mascot and not some doggy or something :p

gl mr. kurabasa & co
with sexyhot is GG

GL biatch
gl z3R0!
gl blaze
yo m8 where is fjellah ? :)
this is different team :P
gl all* tornis
gl snuble, the child abuser
you will fold after CPCII k thx bb
they were made because of cpc2 so no shit?
Can't see it lasting tbh, but GL for the LAN :)
this is like the village people, everyone is diffrent :P
cuz of flagfake, it has 3 germans.
is tornis going to lan?
no im only backup :)
U dont know who u are fucking fuck with
some kiddiehaxor who makes his own cheats. Or atleast says so to "fool" some drunk Belgian dude who was drunk and started acting like a retard on the ventrilo.
W1LL Y0U 3V3R F0RG1V3 M3 1337 T0RN1S PL0XPL0X PL34S3 ??
whout would you louke mou tou dou?
hoooo blaze and irzy! :]
vais jogar com o badocha sexyhot? lololol

olha q para dar revives a esse precisas de 5 seringas
ya pa. fds :/ ando a suckar a medico por causa disso. ele é sempre gibado ! :D
nub paladin! Essa do badocha XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
good luck guys !
I think this will be one of the suprising teams at the CPC #2!

Good luck guys :]

@ Snuble:

I hope your offer to drink some beers together is still open :p
"Your last team at AuxiliA didnt last for so long, what is different about this team what will make it survive longer you think?

In the last Auxilia we got into some strange problems.. First we started very motivated, but that soon changed with the HB vs defix 3on3 OpenCup match. This meant fireBall (ru) humM3L and z3Ro would be playing versus sanda spirea lepari and we owned them so they didn't want to play with us anymore. That was the point where the team broke, and right now this team is so nice with a lot of friendship."
Lies... hummel was the one who said he doesnt want to play with us. There was some situation that some guys from defix was pissed off but they wanted to play still. hummel decided to close the team by himself and now writing some bullshit :/
hummel killed the team. Anyway I didn't like his behaviour much anymore after the 3on3 game (such flaming and stuff). Such acting towards his team-mates can't be tolerated :P

and we tried to play with him still although we kinda hated him, but he was the one who left the team and went over to dtekt

so, hummel is first in my black list atm!
Attention whore irZ.

And good luck tornis! hoppas du kommer till västerås någon gång :<
:) lol jo kanske kommer nån gång
Mascot is also another word for not wanting to be in management but helping out anyway. But whatever floats your boat.

Mascot stands for luck. and for the more fun part. derives from the word WITCH!

makes me wanna laugh. ^^
Ägd av jops sådeså!
back off irZ, it's AuxiliA after the attention.
gl tornis, blaze, sexyhot and Snuble :]
thanx mate :)
thx mate =)
"Girls or ET?"
"Girls ofcourse"

image: hummelgz5 & girls...
hahahahaaahaha i rly lolled :D
wheres ur picture? :-)
omg immer diese wannabes die sich vor nen spiegel stellen und dann n foto machen
leicht behindert oder so?
ja genau so find ich diese leute
okay, du bist mehr als nur leicht behindert. D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
hmm wenn DU das sagst :O)
is mir auch egal mach deine fotos wo du willst
eben, verstehe gar nicht warum du dich hier so aufmuckst.
ich sehe keinen grund warum du das recht hättest über diese quote zu lachen.
dann solltest du unbedingt mal zum augenarzt.
er is mehr sexay als humM3L mkay?
Meh, I lolled.
this RLY made my day
hi ösizora :O
ich wär liebend gerne n ösi, dann könnt ich immer snowboarden..
aber neeeeeeeein...ich bin so n kack deutscher xD

hi @ btw :)
Snuble & sexyhot <3
see if they are still playing after the cpc2 :>
I hope this team will go down (because of fireball and hummel) thx
:< all this hate.

why oh why.. please jebus, come back to me and help me save this broken soul
nothing against u and the other guys + girl... I already wished u GL up there

well, maybe I wonder why u play with those 2 retards :P
i like your attitude xD
well. I cant tell u what u should think of them, but my experience with hummel and fireball are all good..

and i hope it continue:>

2 bad we wount see u and and sanda @ cpc2:<<

anyway, thanx for the wishes (the ones longer up:>)
u will learn to know him I'm afraid :(

but GL for the lan :)
thanx mate:>
the other guys are too nice to wish them such a bad luck m8...
I wished the others GL already, but after I saw what kind of lies hummel said about the old aux, it makes me kinda pissed off
i still love u dont worry!
thx duud :)
i wish you good luck in the future...
and how often do you consider yourself correct? though i partly agree with you. but i think that in no way is blaze or snuble to be disrespected like dat !
a team is only as stable as its most unstable members are
Why are you insulting other guys from ur ex team over the news and interviews? BTW. You could ask sanda spirea krein fjella if they can go to lan before making a team maybe? So cut off this bullshit and say you and fireball left auxilia,and not that they killed old auxilia. Afaik, I still see them playing. And this team,with this lineup, wont be alive till the next CB season.

btw. gl blaze
Quotewont be alive till the next CB season.

I really do hope you are wrong there mate. Time will tell.
It will,maybe,but with some lineup changes,I'm tired with these newspost about new team of zero hummel and fireball
doesnt help that much that sexyhot allso have a reputation:D

atleast me and blaze aint the typical clanhoppers.. so we will see.

I have faith in this team.. so we just have to see how it goes.
clanhopper :P
agreeeee soooo much
sexyhot you are to sexeh to play with hummel :[[[ gl
why sexyhot play with lowskill :/
yeah right... pls why are they playing with sexyhot ...
whats wrong playing with me? eh?
Hard to concentrate when playing with you because you are so sexy .. hot
what's your clan mr highskilled?
secret I guess, they dont want to be busted for hax ;p
Im not in a clan
gl hf guys :)
2 weeks :]
Viel Glück, Daniel.
gl Snuble, tornis, humM3L, sexycold
QuoteThese teams are the whores of ET...some bigger clans are willing to have them once or twice and maybe even pay them, but a long relationship? No way. And you better use a condom anyway since all this unfiltered bullshit that is written in the news posts every time is going to make you sick.

What do you know about anything? stop being fucking retard and judge us before u atleast know something.

We had a very good time in dtekt (the old squad), but we have our reasons for mooving. And if we are working for a long time relationship, who the hell are you to come and say no way? Maybe it wount work exactly as we want. maybe we even fold after cpc, which of course is not our intention.. But atleast we try, and atleast we have the communication with our sponsors and management.

So if u belive there is bullshit in this newspots, u better wake up again.. and if u are getting sick.. good fucking deal, go throw up some crap somewhere else.
agree. :-)
no u dont:D

u have to agree with me.. cause u are Norwayfanboy... dont u go changing sides:<<<
gl fire and hummel <3 cu at cpc2
Aren't mascots supposed to be small and cute, not big and ugly?
arent norwegians supposed to have a bit of manner? and act sometimes abit gentle?

borcster, now i have to slap u when we take the next beer..

din slemme faen:D
I have no manners, you should know that.
true. my bad.

gl Croatia Blaze
attention whore alert
_,-~`~-,_,- hOi -,_,-~`~-,_
ur just jealous. so np.
Ofcourse I am. I wish I was the mascot of a group of nerds and become superfamous !
gl to these guys, i hope its a stable team for the future of auxilia

to FDJ and some other haters saying they are whores etc then thats so stupid and uncalled for its unreal

I dont know the exact details but if you had the choice of being in a MGC with some decent support but not a massive financial backing and knowing you had to pay to go to the LAN out of your own pocket or a MGC that will financially support your team then surely theres not really a question of whether you would switch?

Gl snuble and co.
i'm not arguing that but you cant say that you disagree with their move to a MGC that will further support them financially?
u are german and a fking retard. dont u realize everything u say is shit? everytime u post something there are atleast 10 guys that u are retard and a faggot. why dont u shut up? no one cares wtf u say.
mind your own bussiness, and die.
whats the problem, beeing a german?
erm, what the fuck?
actually i think FlyindDJ is right, dnst :P ur fucking clanhopper whore ]:D

and whats up with being a yerman? i am yerman too (double nationality)
well maybe these 10 guys cant handle the truth? and whats the problem with being german?

hummel is "german" too.
You are weird.
you refer to certain players though and not the whole team. This is a new team with some players that have jumped around. Is it fair to brand the whole team whores?
Won't last long, as usual.
You might be the biggest fucking whiner ever, You have never done anything good for the ET community only brought tons of whine over alot of people. Really mate next time mind your own business and if you dont have anything good to say then dont say it.
someone needs a chillpill!
and atleast 2 of them are ugly as hell :o
just shut up, no one cares
i care, just a bit but i care :)

The point is FDJ is right, tbh i dont really like him cuz i think he is a attention whore and he need to put himself always in the front, but its a fact that Russia Mr. Bigmac and Turkey Mr. Dreckstürke just want to stick with the Team untill they are usfull. If there are some problems they will leave them as fast as they can.

*Edit* I added some Flags, nice hm?
Their logo somehow reminds me of Praetoriani.
How comes?
Actualy it does, Auxilia were troops in the late republic part of rome, and mostly gave support to legions by guarding their flanks against cavalary attacks. They were armed with hasta ( long spear ), big shield and poor armor. They were mostly considered as disposable units and always attacked in the first rush, I hope this ET team use the same tacs. :D

From their name comes the word " Auxiliary " which means " additional, helpful ", for example " Auxiliary power ".

nP for the history lesson. :*
say thanx to wikipedia
I could, but wiki isn't the place where I know it from!
they are also called Hastati if iam not wrong
Hastati were before Marian reforms which brought the more proffesional army into use, aswell as the turtle formation. Before that Hastati were the main and lighter version of the legionars.
No, there is also excessive civ4 gaming!

8-9 years of playing strategy games, especialy all Total war sequels, helped aswell. :D
Yes ofc, i like the whole ToTal War Series. Specially RTW with Rome Total Realism.
I always played the Macedonians, thats why i didnt have a clou about the Rome Empire ^^

You know the Mod?
I used it yep, but currently R:TW is deinstalled because of HDD shortage. :P
I liked the Macedonians aswell, especialy at the later periods when you have supreme cavalary! Alexanders add-on was great aswell. :)
Oh yeah, that was pretty nice. But also hard to play the Campain, it was very difficult to conquer all the Regions in such a short Time.
agreed, some of those guys change clan every two days almost

but well, its their life, none of our problem anyway
Sweden Ida "irZ" Norberg (Mascot)

oh pls, AuxiliA; you attention whores; havent you gained enough? no disrespect to irZ - aimed at AuxiliA!

humm3L u clanhopper <3

I really don't apprechiate all these brand new teams forming with old guys, with big names. There is no effort needed here the sponsors do it all for them. Lazy fucks pull your finger out, it's all about money, where is your love for the scene?

HVPC i really am interested in the way in which your business chose to go about things, they are making an effort towards the scene. AuxiliA however; you have lost every bit of my respect.
he's gonna' blow!
so true LOL!
Can i ask what the fuck you are talking about?

"I really don't apprechiate all these brand new teams forming with old guys, with big names. There is no effort needed here the sponsors do it all for them. Lazy fucks pull your finger out, it's all about money, where is your love for the scene?"

Do you mean that there is no effort playing ET on a high level? Or do you mean that i should look for sponsors myslef who can support us for the future lans? Then what exactly should a MGC do?

You are almst like FlyingDJ, al you do is flame others. Really mate next time mind your own business.
you are on the wrong field mate..

what the hell are u talking about? U really dunno know shit do u..

"These brand new teams, forming with old guys with big names".

Fireball, hummel and zero wanted a team for cpc2. me and blaze met in denmark, and startet talking about a team for cpc2.. and sexyhot wanted to go aswell, so he joined in.

AuxiliA know hummel from earlier, and like to work with him. So whats the problem in taking his team in?

please raged..
gl blaze, irZ, sexyhot, humM3l ! take some pics for me will ya ! :)
thx mate :P
FlyingDJ, you are a stupid tard plz, go polish your head you baldy

image: fudge_head_polish
GL blaze and sexyhot :) well after readin that interview hummel please go fuck yourself who talks shit about your mates in an fuckin interview jesus :/ barley knows sanda or spirea but cant be worth to trow shit at them for whatever they did
i think u need a few more of those awards:D there are more retards out there:>
gl snuble
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