Frost Final Out Battery In

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Its been another good week for the ET masters tournament having all ready seen some quality clashes. Heres a brief review of some of the games.

Group A[/u]] is unfortunately not going to be a massively exciting finish. With the drop out of Sweden KIH and Sweden zeroPoint cruising to a straight 4:0 win it leaves Croatia elite walking home licking their wounds being now unable to qualify. The final game in this group will be a battle for first spot between Europe Pingwins and Sweden zP

Group B[/u]] is on catchup this week, last night seeing Germany 141 and Germany Helix finalling starting of their campaign. Helix will have to work hard however to bounce back from a decisive beating from the seasoned 141 team. Both squads have had their share of issues recently with talk of Finland Squall leaving 141 and then deciding to stay and for hx we saw Finland Sanda & Finland Spirea again removed from another team with Netherlands Bull and Netherlands Azz0r replacing them. (nice breaking Netherlands M!lk's microphone btw Azz0r)

Group C[/u]]
823 viewers tuned in to see a closely fought match between Belgium cZar and United Kingdom Impact Gaming, the latter taking the win 4:2 after beating cZar on braundorf in the decider. Opening the game on frostbite and impact without their usual lineup (since Azz0r sabotaged M1lk's microphone) were marginally beaten by cZar after a great return of the docs when Impact looked set to steal the first map. Turning to supply and the game was less close with Impact setting a reasonable time on attack and looking comfortable on the defence even though they were forced to now replace Tiigeri who is still suffering from Poland internet issues. A poor defence and quality attack from Belgium cZar looked like enough to take braundorf however United Kingdom Impact's attack on braundorf was swift and direct and good enough to win the game.
The Europe TLR game was as expected a very one sided affair with Netherlands Morrigu losing 4:0 to a strong TLR team that really did not look like it even had to go into high gear in this game.
A comfortable win and TLR have qualified for the elimination stages in 1st place having not yet dropped a map. The winner of the Impact - Morrigu should go through to the next round unless it ends in a 4:2 victory for either side and cZar manage to beat TLR 4:0 in their game in which case cZar and the winner of mQ - Impact would be tied with an 8/8 score.

Group D[/u]]
A win for United Kingdom Auxilla 4 - 2 over the finnish powerhouse that is Finland Negative Image and Europe Polar eSports taking a 4:2 win against Belgium Violence is Bad. These results have left this group wide open with every single team being able to qualify. You can be sure that the final games in this group will be a tense affair with no one daring to make a mistake.

Round 3 Changes[/b]

The dates for games in round 3 to finish have been extended until Wednesday 21st March. This is to accomodate some of the teams that are struggling to keep up with the fast schedule but also to give some teams a little more time to prepare for a change of map.

Frost Final B3 has unfortunately been a large disappointment to many of the teams that have been practicing this map. Unfortunately the map maker has tried too hard to adjust the design based on the comments he received on b2. B2 was too biased to allies, B3 it seems is just the opposite. Its extremely hard to attack this map and will result in almost certain full holds by both sides as we have seen in practices played so far.
That being said yesterday evening in the tournament private channel i asked the team leaders of nearly all the clans their opinions on the map and unfortunately there were no teams wanting to play it. I agreed to replace the map and opened the floor up to suggestions for a replacement. A couple of maps were mentioned however Battery seemed to be the most obvious with a lot of teams also wanting to see this played in the forthcoming EC. To this end i made a decision and that is that round 3 will be Radar and Battery however there are some stipulations.

- I do not intend to make a new config for this tournament however mines are not permitted on battery. Mortar is already removed. All teams should be aware of this and if mines are placed (and no one is gonna bullshit me by saying i accidently laid a mine that killed 6 guys) it will result in a forfeit loss of the map.

- Since this change is late notice for this round only you may agree with your opponent to play another map on the map pool. If you cannot agree on a map then you will have to play Battery.

- Battery is now part of the map pool and for further stages of the tournament it will be part of the map list so you will "have" to start practicing it because in later stages you cannot agree to change the map. It is only allowed to change for round 3.

I'd like to make it clear that i do not have anything against the map frost final and i think that hopefully when the right changes are made this will be a good map for all to play however at this stage it is not ready for competitive play.

i hope everyone is enjoying the tournament and coverage of round 3 will be posted when all games are scheduled.

gl @ all teams :p
woo battery :-), railgun next?
Battery? Hmm it is A change tho ;) looking forward to the second stage of battery!
yeah, the second stage of battery is fucking nice. before the problem just was that not many could get to the 2nd stage from the beach , because of mines and mortar :D
Ye I know, I only know battery from the old days and back then it was pretty awesome :p, if someone could somehow change that first phase then it would be much better imo.
i removed mines
Not exactly what I was thinking about =D
hehe that was probably the most suggested map apart from battery
Yes, battery !
nice evo, well done o/

(positive comment in case u were wondering)
hmm played battery allot on pubs, not so much in wars :/
It´s nice to see battery back in competition. Wunderbar! :>
AuxiliA is United Kingdom ... if i know well the management and the main team ( CSS ) is enough to call them United Kingdom
Battery... I wonder who will fullhold the other? ;-)
never played 6o6 in war loelz, gonna try it ..
we need railgun again
battery? rofl pls...
its nice to have 4 good maps in maplist now
Have fun winghaven. ;-)
One possible suggestion for battery, not sure if it's already been done... Maybe making this secondary door dynamitable (or maybe satchel) would lower the amount of fullholds?
best suggestion would be enabling cp spawn after back gate is blown (or and flag too)

since, first phase is KIND OF easy to pass, which forces allies mostly attacking from bunker(flag) and that one day door is fucking spammy as it used to be before too. attacking from behind is an option but you must run too long way. Maybe we have to wait clans play it @ etmasters and see how it works
its not the first time battery should "save" competitions and make them more interesting.. it will be played like 3 or 4 months after that it will drop again..
Same change for cpc2 needed!

Battery simply is a great map without mines and mortar.
Not gonna happen!

But I like battery, nice to see it back!
ngr pls, its Evil Dictator
battery is really fucked up, even without mines and mortar
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