QuadV announce new game streaming station

image: quadv200 QuadV have announced today that they have gone live with their brand new game orientated streaming and casting station. The newly formed company has been built from the ground up as a professional online broadcaster using bespoke technology written specifically for the task.

QuadV have launched 3 dedicated Video Stream Channels and 4 High Quality Audio Channels available to their team of commentators to air live broadcasts of online and lan tournaments from around the globe.

Paul “ReDeYe” Chaloner will lead the team alongside his Technical Director Oliver “Jester” Aldridge. Paul returns to the shoutcasting arena after Five months away and brings a wealth of experience from his time with iTG and covering events such as WCG, ESWC and Quakecon. QuadV are determined to bring LIVE gaming coverage of people’s favourite matches and tournaments right into their living room via Internet TV and Radio.

“Oliver and I have spent a considerable amount of time and effort setting up the company correctly to give us a solid base to start from. We truly believe that we are in a great position to deliver a great experience for the viewer and listener by providing high quality video and audio streams LIVE from the events and tournaments.” Said Founding partner Paul Chaloner.

“We believe that people want and need the LIVE coverage from tournaments and with our strong technical relationship with our partners, it will enable us to deliver the kind of streams people want. Working in a professional way and having an open approach, we will also work closely with tournament organisers to give them the kind of coverage their tournaments deserve.”

Multiplay, the UK’s leading Gaming ISP and Game Server Provider, will provide technical support to QuadV and Paul Chaloner is particularly pleased about it. “I cannot stress how important it is to have such a fantastic ISP backing us from start up and I look forward to working with the Multiplay people on an ongoing basis.”

QuadV have also signed a deal to cover a major online tournament in the coming months both on Video and Audio across the internet and are in discussion with several other tournament organisers about coverage of LAN based tournaments. They have also landed a brand new global tournament which will culminate in world finals later in the year and should be announced in the coming months.

QuadV is also committed to high quality coverage of ONLINE tournaments such as Clanbase EuroCups and OpenCups as well those offerings from other major online organisers and further announcements regarding specifics will be released in due course.

www.quadv.com - #quadv (irc.quakenet.org)
Nice project, good luck Redeye!

Hopefully ET will get some support, too!
waiting for TosspoT's comment
What you want me to say? :D Paul know's I wish him the very best of luck in his endeavours, he is one of a kind and I have no doubt he will be successful with his new station.
Not only do they have redeye, but the guys at MPUK aswell as Iain and Rubberchicken are fantastic, they have the foundations for some great success.
I want you to post a list of the entries in the mapping comp. Free newspost Tosspot, you know you want to...
I couldnt work with Iain, hes too good looking
I'd say it would work out just fine. :p

image: ying-yang-twins
I met them at HHGL
gl redeye <3
Big good luck to redeye :)
V is 5, not 4!
[LTC]Iian? :O
The one and only, well [LTC]Mowgli actually but nm...
yeh thats the right nick :D
i was [LTC]elzoido
:O Zoid long time no speak... although ur on MSN all the time.......
Well the important thing is the casters, good casters that know what they are talking about and are able to pass the info on>*

Casters make or brake projects like these, gl!
Would be nice and see how their tv thing works.

from my own experience sending ET games in less than 1000k/s will never compete with ETTV even tough you got sound sync and dont have to fly round to find the action byurself
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