ET to be played at The Party V?
14 Mar 2007, 16:30
Rules are there to be broken and changes are there to be made. If we want Enemy Territory to become a major game, we will need to make changes, and it is us who need to take action. If we want to see Enemy Territory represented at the largest events troughout the world, we will need to show the world we are worth it!
The first step in bringing competive Enemy Territory to a higher level is to get it played! There are various events troughout Europe were our game could be featured, but it isn't. I think this is because we show no interest to the outside world that we want to get it there.
From 20 April until 22 April here in The Netherlands, a large LAN named The Party V will take place. Officially this LAN will not feature an ET competition, but I would like to see this changed. That's why I contacted their organisation and asked them about a possible Enemy Territory competition, and they said Yes, but there will only be prizes only if at least 10 clans / teams will attend. 10 clans / teams is all we need to get Enemy Territory featured at one of the largest BYOC LANs in the Benelux. Would you discard the chance to meet your online friends in real life and finaly play versus your opponents without lag or suspicion? Then playing on a LAN is suitable for you!
The Party V
Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands (map)
Date: 20 April until 22 April
Entry: € 38.50 in advance or € 45 at the event itself
Max Attendees: 1000
Prizes: Hardware from the sponsors
If your team is interested in going, please tell us by replying here, if one sheep leaps over the ditch the rest will likely follow!
Current signups, admins and players looking for a team
For updates please join #et4tp5 at Quakenet.
4 in axel lavod xfrd atemi
1 doesnt have money alternate ( but we will get him there )
1 doesnt know yet santje.
- SHGopen showed that byoc can be a problem for a lot of teams
- prices only hardware? i think some teams wont find it worth it
I can't see that being a problem for some of the TOP ET teams.
They win events, get $$$ and are commited to making the event :)
However you turn it without BYOC ET has no future. We cant always rely on organisations like Quakecon and Crossfire to organise non BYOC events, because this basicly costs a lot more money to organise. Also, the benelux scene has much more competive clans than the ET scene in Denmark has I think.
The top teams who only want to play for money will attend events like CPC2, the teams which play for fame and smaller rewards (altrough winning someting like a headset is a nice award for an ET player as well I think) can attend at events like these. Remember that Crossfire didn't even allow clans like hardMethod and inFlux to play a qualifier match? This event will be there for the less professional but still competive Enemy Territory teams.
Get my point? :P
En is het invite only? Of mag ik als low--'er ook meespelen? :)
Ik bedoel, ik wil niet daar komen en dat het helemaal slecht verloopt..
And i guess there are at least 6 teams which live close near by (i mean in nl) :)
What hardware prize is there? :o
Team Bawls.ET (amnesia) won it :p
i think this event is better for the lower teams, who couldnt make it to the CPC.
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