ET 6o6 Cup by NxM - Divisions

image: xfirelogo

After I received more than 64 signups in my mailbox, I finally made 4 playoff tree's to start with. The divisions and schedule are published on the cup site, info and questions can be stored in a pm to NxM @ Only division 1 will be published on, other clans can check their division and opponent on

All info about the clans is on the Clans page on the site, if the info of your clan isn't working or is wrong, pm or mail me to change it. For all clanname changes and more, pm me to update the site. If your clan is dead, mail me so another clan can replace yours.

Division 1:

Germany advanced Gamers united vs Netherlands artificial
Europe Butter my Arse vs Israel eSrael
Finland Euthanasia vs Poland Fear Factory
Netherlands Hyperion Gaming vs Europe intellic
Europe myLegend vs Finland Mystic`gaming
Germany oceans6 vs United Kingdom Onesoldier
Europe pstarZ vs Finland team angelDust e.V.
Russia team-zenith black vs Belgium zerobarrier

If clans want to switch to another division, they need to search another clan from another division and both clans need to mail me! This can be done till Sunday 1 Januari 2006 Midnight 24:00 CET. If not, nothing will be changed.

If a clan drops out, we have some clans to replace them, that are all clans signed up after the first 64 signups. Clans are still able to signup as reserve team, go to the site and click on Signup.

All clans need to challenge their opponent thereself by pming on irc or mailing. All clan info can be found on the Clans page on the site. The deadline to mail me with your date and time is Thursday 5 Januari 24:00 CET. If i haven't received a mail yet, the match will be forced to the last sunday of the matchweek, in the first matchweek it will be Sunday 15 Januari 2006 at 21:00 CET.

The first matchweek is 9 Januari 2006 till 16 Januari 2006 for the people who forgot it.

All clans are able to reschedule there matches once, you need to mail the new date and time within 48 hours to me, I need to receive a mail from both clans. Also mention the clan who wasn't able to play!

After a match is played, please pm me the result on irc or mail it, so I can update the site.

If clans didn't know this: Only players from your CB account are allowed to play! All players who are playing the cup need to be on it. Add all your players before Sunday 8 Januari 2006 24:00 CET so they are allowed to play the first matchweek. If you want to add a new player to your clan during a matchweek, he is NOT allowed to play in the same matchweek as he is added, but in the matchweek after it.

The new maplist is also available. After the most people voted for et_Ice as last map, I added it.

The maplist consist of these 6 maps now:

This info will also be posted on the main page of the cupsite.

Please all clans idle to make other clans and me easier!

I wish all participating teams much fun and good luck, for the clans, stick together and don't die!

Related links:
- [email protected]

- Grid page
- Clans page
- Schedule page
- Result page
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