Call of Duty 2 LAN pitches in Finland

image: level7logohe3Call of Duty 2 is finally going to Finland again with the recent announcement of a 16 team LAN tournament hosted by Level7, one of Finlands biggest gaming cafes located in Helsinki, Finland. Working together with the Insignia Cadre team they are to host the LAN during the 14th-15th of April, the same weekend as the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 LAN event. Prizes have been announced from QPad and Creative themselves and an unconfirmed money amount is also i nthe prize purse.

Entrance fee is 100 euros per team which has to be payed before the 9th of April, so if you are wanting to attend this LAN, get your sign-ups in quick! This LAN is not BYOC and is has been confirmed that the event will be played without smoke grenades in hand for the team shotgunners following a big debate on smoke bugs and the actual use of it in ladders and tournaments across the scene.

1st Place
Cash Prize (TBA)
5x Creative X-Fi Soundcards
5x QPad|CT

2nd Place
Cash Prize (TBA)
5x Creative Products (TBA)
5x QPad|CT

3rd Place
Cash Prize (TBA)
5x QPad|CT

4th-5th Place:
QPad Glidz, Wristband & Keystrap[/hide]

Finland Cheets, the tournament supervisor from Insignia Cadre web site team gave the following statement about Level7:

"We are expecting total 16 teams to participate to Level 7 CoD2 OpenCup. We know that the date happens to be at the same time as CrossFire but due to other bookings at Level 7, this was the only available weekend. However we still expect this to be high quality lan with great teams. Of course there will be lots of finnish teams coming but we are also expecting teams around the Europe to come to the lan. Level 7 staff is working hard with the sponsors and final prizes will be announced soon.

It has been confirmed that the Insignia Cadre line-up will be attending the event and will start the team list off. More information on signing up can be found on the links given on the bottom of the post. More updates to come! I'm sure the prizes will also draw teams attention towards this lan. The tournament will be played on 2 days and I'm very positive that everyone will get an experience that they won't forget easily. Even thought the schedule might be tight on some spots, we sure will have lots of fun while playing and spectating matches! So everyone out there who hesitates, just click yourself to the site and signup for the tournament!"

Level7 Web site
sounds good =)

need some like this for ET!
Another plus for CoD2, hopefully more national based events like this will come around.
plus? Why have two lans on the same weekend? We moved CPC2 because of shgopen, tek-9 moved theirs to the summer because of potential clashes with events in the spring (WB, Milk and CPC) so why do level7 come in and try to compete? At the end of the day everyone is working for the same cause.
Ahh yeah, ofc the clash is bad, I meant a plus as another Call of Duty 2 LAN returns. A majority of the big teams will be going to CPC2 with the announcement being a bit more early and preparable, I see Level7 as more of the Finnish event, just like i30 attracts more of UK teams (although thats the BYOC fault :P).
lol how stupid can one be to host that lan at the same weekend as cpc2 knowing all big teams have already signed up for enschede
why not put same time there wouldnt be anyway any other from finland besides attending cpc2 :ll
hmm that place is kinda small been there few times
hope they get new computers. last time when I played cod2 there, I had like ~~ 20-60 fps in every map.
Can someone explain the smokebug btw? I've heard alot about it
If you take a fps <50 ( correct me if i'm wrong ) you can see through the smoke. And if you have some kind of screenshot bind it is also possible to see through it.
If you tap the screenshot button right before the smoke starts to come out of the grenade, it will disappear
Easy for cadre then seeing as Logitech are at CPC
hm cubesports will win this LAN I think.
If superjoukkue attends :lll but yep lvl7 doesnt have so good pcs...
ive been there ive been there!!!111

they have good enough PC's to run WoW, and DoD:S, which are pretty much the only games i've played in there 8<
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