CPC Map Contest - Showmatches Incoming!

With 6 maps in competition for the final spot on the maplist for the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 LAN event, running from the 13th to 15th of April in Enschede and sponsored by WZZRD.nl, it's time we got to see the maps in contention before Wednesday's clanleader vote. A series of showmatches running on Monday and Tuesday will serve to enlighten us as to the wonders that have been skilfully created by the mapping community for our fragging needs. For the contest winner a prize consisting of over €100 in steelseries products, awaits, while for the teams playing they know the choice of map could be crucial to how the LAN event plays out.

21:00 CET: Europe polar eSports vs Europe The Last Resort
played on Vio_grail_b3 & Bremen_b1

22:00 CET: Sweden Kno i Horn vs Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
played on Wolken1_cpc & Sub_base

Tuesday 20th:
21:00 CET: Europe Pingwins vs Europe Violence is Bad
played on Odenthal_b2 & Field_hq_b2

All 6 maps are currently on the Crossfire.nu public server:
oh, fu ada :D

vio_grail :DDDDDD
Go go Wolken.
Us and polar are good with testing "nice" maps!
hf guys :>
Get sp_delivery2 back plzzzzzz
wtf who signed us up :XXXXXX
:P Ye I'm wondering the same
we need bigger maps again, like oasis and grush, nowaday there are to many lotto maps imo (still you need some teamplay to win them, but the longer the map, the less luck you can have)
goed gezegd padawan
image: 96821606_6f4149085e_o

theres no skill in playing a "long" map 1000 times so you know ur positions and the gameplay by heart.

small dynamic maps forces you to do quick decisions and it takes good comms to be good.

you just want to take the easy path.
Depends, the old maps was really really exhausting to play if you made a full hold. You had to keep you concentration for 20-30 minutes, same goes for the attack :)
lol =D

Never though endurance would be a factor

we should have like 3 hour long games instead, you have to store up with food and water to be able to play the whole game =) (but going to the bathroom, hmz? ! )
5-6 hour game between christmas and new year 2003, Northpole cup ALIS vs. Fallen Lords :)
Odenthal_b2 is an okey map atm, but some changes would be great, and also make it abit smaller..
ET need big and longer maps imo!

If you now play a war on frostbite and adlernest (and braundorf) you have to wait 30minutes before the match starts and after 10minutes the war is over

Or add an new gametype:

Timelimit: 20minutes
And make a map with doc run but with 9999docs , and who secured the most docs in 20minutes wins!
baserace ftw
i havent even downloaded these maps yet lol
need to find trickjumps
sub_base 22MB????? That's much...
no we dont need big maps and we dont need to play 20 minutes one round. btw oasis isnt rly that big i would say.
oasis has to big problems with chokepoints =/

allow dynas outside wall imo!
yeah 5 minutes for a war is really fun -_-
5 minutes one round 5 minutes one round 10 minutes one round 10 minutes one round plus all breaks 5 minutes = 25-30 minutes for war
still to short imo
for me its enough. then you find next oponent and play other maps. just too long time on one map can be very demotivating
No et_ufo = no good.
ufo with mines and rifle = no good.
There is no use for mines on ufo, since you can't plant them nowhere useful.
Hi g4mml3rb1t
was geht homeboy :-)
Cs neuinstallieren dank drecks Kostümsounds. 8(
ich lache
morgen sind wir wieder unbanned @ esl LeL
Ich freu mich!
das wird ein f3st
odenthal is a good map, but axis can't really defend the first phase (unless skill difference is huge), so something should be changed in there...

2nd phase works nicely
odenthal is a bloody terrible map, very poorly made with tiling of textures everywhere and a huge overuse of the reinforced glass texture.

Watch this space for a new map called weaponlab :) it's gonna blow ure tiny frickin mind
Bremen looks pretty nice, new paint job (aka textures) and it's ready to go!
odenthal looks like a Zoo
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