2006 starts with a bang!

image: small_blue After a brief festive sabatical, GamesTV.org returns to full flow with two cracking games lined up for this week already.

Finland uQ face a tough challenge from their strong rivals Europe IDKFA, whilst United Kingdom one4one do battle with Finland Gods Inc, brought to you by the now warming-up CB Eurocup.

Even at this early stage, ETTV has been confirmed for both games courtesy of Germany Team-Zenith, details can be found below:

Match: Finland uQ vs Europe IDKFA
Date: Thursday 5th Jan
Time: 20:00 CET
ETTV: gtv coverage

Match: United Kingdom 141 vs Finland god
Date: Sunday 8th Jan
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV gtv coverage

Coverage *UPDATE*
I've just spoken to Germany FlyingDJ[/b] who has given me his personal assurances that he will be shoutcasting the 141 - god game! Stop chaging your mind damnit!:>

United Kingdom TosspoT and RadioiTG also will be out in force, casting the uQ - IDKFA game. It's a little bit of a sad occasion, with Tossie going back to university to do that thing they call missing lectures and eating breakfasts of pizza. Enjoy the 'fun' while it lasts!

Expect plenty more ETTV servers to be listed soon!
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