Lets Eliminate

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With just 1 game in the groups stages remaining its now onto the Elimination stages of the ET Masters but first lets recap the last few games of the group stages.

Group A
The only game of the group occured between Sweden ZeroPoint and Europe Pingwins to decide who would qualify from the group as #1. With both teams already through to the elimination stage this game was all about pride however Zeropoint showed their dominance of Group A beating pingwins 4:0 and qualifying 12/0 having not dropped a map from start to finish.

Group B
With Agony Realm and Helix both folding the results were set after week 2, nick lamers Europe 4I qualifying 1st and Poland Netrunners in second.

Group C
United Kingdom Impact Gaming take on Netherlands Morrigu in the final game of this group to see who will qualify 2nd in group C, United Kingdom The Last Resort having already qualified in 1st place like zP, having not dropped a round so far and looking extremely strong.

Group D
This is the group that everyone has talked about so far in the tournament. With United Kingdom Auxilia having qualified in 2nd place before the final game it was down to the match between Finland -img and Belgium ViB to decide who would be joining them in the playoff stages.

Finland Negative Image needed only a win to see them through against a Belgium ViB side who had nothing to win since they were unable to qualify anyway. That being said no one could have predicted what we saw in this game. With Finland Finland having traffic routing issues through to the UK and Germany it left us with only holland as an available server location for the game.
Unexpectedly there was at least 1 person who still had issues to the forced match server. That being said the performance and attitude showed by ViB in the game left admins, players and spectators furious and i'm certain that ViB wont be getting any christmas cards from the Polar players this year. For those unaware we saw on battery a team turn up with no tactics planned, players disconnecting unhappy with their ping and eventually the whole team just going covert and messing around sniping. The sort of behaviour you would expect to see from a bottom league OC team full of children and not a respected ET Masters invitee.

In their defense they did come out later and apologise for their display although it was not enough for the ViB management team who quickly released the ET squad from their organisation.

The result of this meant that Europe Polar eSports crashed out of the tournament very unexpectedly, since they were #1 seed in the group, on rounds won/lost. As disappointed as they will be i am sure they will look on this as a lesson learned and they will bounce back in EC and ET Masters season 2.

Now we move onto what some consider the more exciting stages, with what should be the best of all the teams battling it out knowing that they can only afford a maximum of 1 dropped game.
The preliminary schedule for the elimination stage looks like this:

Grid Round 1 - Date: 21-29 March
Grid Round 2 - Date: 1-4 April
Grid Round 3 - Date: 5-8 April
Grid Round 4 / Winners Final - Date: 9-11 April
Losers Final - Date: 12-15 April
ET Masters Grand Final - Date: 16-19 April

For the full grid click here

ET Masters follows the same format as Clanbase Eurocup and so the maps in the elimination stages are not set. Each team chooses a home map and informs the admin 1 hour before the game is due to start. If both teams choose the same map then elimination will decide the second map with the admin deciding which map is played first.
Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games. Full rules can be found here

Sweden ZeroPoint vs. United Kingdom Auxilia

Europe 4I vs. United Kingdom Impact Gaming

United Kingdom TLR vs. Poland Netrunners

Finland -img vs. Europe Pingwins

- sw_goldrush_te
- Radar
- Supplydepot
- Braundorf
- Frostbite
- Battery

Good luck to all teams in the next rounds.

ET Masters Website
TLR ftw
would be nice to see impact vs 141
battery rox imo!
nice, gl to the teams !
missing a banner eVo? :P
no the banner shows up ok for me
oh Adblock was hiding it :P
I rest my case =]
GL Impact tonight
n1 blaming vib :D!
well who else would you blame for that performance?
the funny people that forced the server
you had a lower average ping by 20ms than img, your behaviour is your own responsibility no one elses. AFAIK gjerry pings badly on a lot of servers.

Does that explain why you did not bother to even do tax on the game, why players disconnected, why you unpaused with 5 players and went covert ops?
*4 players , gjerry 500 ping and danone 999 every 5 sec...
danone crashed ONCE in a fucking round, and you are saying 999 every 3 sec ROFLPLS GET SOME SKILL

gjerry had jumping ping 100-200 not 500 ROFLPLS GET SOME SKILL

EDIT: so, vib attacked nicely, they tricked us and got flag, when we got flag back and they would have spawned the beach danone crashed and they stoppen playing ,RIDICLOUS BEAVIORU lOL
Maybe we didn't have time to do normal tactics for that.
Maybe there was about 3 minutes time before we went covert. Maybe it didn't have any use anymore to attack since we wouldn't get anything anyway.
Maybe people had to restart their PC or router etc.

Just maybe.

Oh - and what Matias said. Not our fault that Polar lost their matches.
I wouldn't blame any clan, it is not vib's fault that polar lost to img.
thats not what i was referring to
geen kerstkaarten voor vib dit jaar amai
das wel erg kort door de bocht
ik verwachtte er nochtans 1tje van jou met kusjes enzo :(
teveel postzegels, geen geld voor
4I vs Impact .. ? Not sure yet :)
if the only one match occured in group A, how can zP have 12/0?
they played all the teams before they folded
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