Wanna Play?

With the upcoming Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge set to be one of the most hotly contested events of the year many teams are looking to get a edge on thir opponets, and thanks to WZZRD you can! With the WZZRD gaming center in Utrecht be sure to make sure that your team is in shape for the event. Open right now, the center will not only host the upcoming CoD2 qualifier tournament, but can play host to your bootcamp also.

The new WZZRD gaming center in Enschede is currently undergoing the final touches, and with the CPC2 being its launch event there is just one opportunity to get inside the venue before everyone else. The center will open its doors on Thursday April 12th specially for teams wishing to get some last minute practice! For a special rate of 100 euros for the day, your team can be the very first to play in Hollands biggest gaming center.

For more information please contact [email protected] or head over to WZZRD.nl

and now finish the mappingcontest :P
a edge on thir opponets? o_O <3
QuoteFor a special rate of 100 euros for the day, your team can be the very first to play in Hollands biggest gaming center.

Finally, my dream has come true!
Though it's an added expense for the weekend I couldn't afford, that seems a decent offer for the going price. The LAN centre nearest to me does a special offer on Saturday's, offering you all day for £15 - times 6 is £90 (132~ euro)

Would you make it back the next day thanks to the prep?:p
still jews :D
100 damn euros
good deal, a whole lan place for 16.77 euros per player, in malta with like 12 euros u buy a wireless internet card for 1 hour :D
100 for whole day? :PP

TCG was 2.50 per hour to play =(

and i dont figure utrecht has the same settings as enschede chairs/desks/computerswise?
the offer is for the enschede one :P
QuoteWith the WZZRD gaming center in Utrecht be sure to make sure that your team is in shape for the event. Open right now, the center will not only host the upcoming CoD2 qualifier tournament, but can play host to your bootcamp also.

read maltese
QuoteThe new WZZRD gaming center in Enschede is currently undergoing the final touches, and with the CPC2 being its launch event there is just one opportunity to get inside the venue before everyone else. The center will open its doors on Thursday April 12th specially for teams wishing to get some last minute practice! For a special rate of 100 euros for the day, your team can be the very first to play in Hollands biggest gaming center.

Read Dutchie :ox
u dont get it obviously, me stating the TCG was cheaper than the 100 euro's for thursday at enschede has nothing to do with me asking whether utrecht has the same settings as enschede as i was planning to take the opportunity to go play in utrecht if so.
QuoteThe new WZZRD gaming center in Enschede is currently undergoing the final touches, and with the CPC2 being its launch event there is just one opportunity to get inside the venue before everyone else. The center will open its doors on Thursday April 12th SPECIFICALLY for teams wishing to get some last minute practice! For a special rate of 100 euros for the day, your team can be the very first to play in Hollands biggest gaming center.

read dutchie

also notice the 100 euros for the day, the which means u cant play for more, which im sure they would have said, per day if it was the utrecht one meaning that they can play for more
u dont get it obviously, me stating the TCG was cheaper than the 100 euro's for thursday at enschede has nothing to do with me asking whether utrecht has the same settings as enschede as i was planning to take the opportunity to go play in utrecht if so.
2,5 * 5 * 12 hours = 150 euro at TGS ;)
Why multiply with 5? And 12 hours of non-stop playing? gG
2,5 euros per hour per player, so considering you are a team of 5 players and buy a block of 12 hours (which is what bootcamps are about) then you come to that amount.
Yeah but i was wondering why practise with 5 players if the LAN is 6on6. ;)
things is, i have school in thursday so i wont be there before 19CET or smth as i have to pick up the swedes from the airport :P dont think anyone's gonna be able to profit from "a full day of bootcamping"
that is why there is also a rate for just that evening ;)
so WZZRD lets you practise in two spots: utrecht and enschede?

be sure to make sure :D
For the teams attending the WildCard tournament, they will have the opportunity to use the hours prior to the tournament to bootcamp in Utrecht. The thursday prior to CPC2 is Enschede.
don't think many people will signup for that :x
since most of the teams are arriving that day (noon or evening), or even friday morning, guess for the dutchies it would come handy :>
two teams already signed up, and one more shown interest
kinda expensive
I supppose the 100€ includes free beers?
If so, I'm on it!
il be there with my team for 1 week
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