Negative become Cardre!

image: cadre
Today, Insignia-Cadre are proud to announce the latest expansion in their all-round roster. The fresh expansion features a game that's none other than Enemy Territory! The team itself is a Finnish team named as Negative-Image, who now becomes Insignia Cadre's ET squad. Negative-Image is ranked 1st in Finnish Rankings, and belongs to TOP 6 group in the world.

Here is the line-up of cadre.ET:

Finland Leo " Lettu" Haasanen
Finland Tino " chmpp" Valle
Finland Jussi " twidi" Tiipiö
Finland Tuomo " MulSu" Rissanen
Finland Roberto " auron" Aarnio
Finland Mikko " kmble" Meskanen

Statement from Leo "Lettu" Haasanen:

"For a long time we were looking for suitable multigaming to support us and now finally we have found just that. We are happy to be a part of this well respected huge Finnish organisation and having the support of them helping us to do well ingame. Also we are looking forward to be competing in EuroCup and CPC3 and building a name for cadre in Enemy Territory."

Statement from Cadre Management:

"As we have said out earlier, one of Insignia Cadre's missions is to help Finnish top teams to find an ideal playing circumstances and an organisation where everyone supports each other despite the game or role. Now it is time for us to spread our arms to the Enemy Territory world and welcome the best Finnish ET -team among us! At the same time we will start to work on to build also the news crew for ET and this way give our input to increase and develop ET-scene."

Arachon[/b] caught up with Mulsu fora short interview]

Hello Mulsu and congratulations on joining Insignia Cadre, how did you guys get in touch with this MGC?
Lettu handled all communications with Cadre and contacted them with email afaik.

It is surely a big deal to join a big MGC like this. It says on the webpage that you guys going to compete at CPC3, does this mean you guys have support from Cadre?
We just joined to mgc and we are still getting to know each others. So lets not jump ahead of things :)

Thank you for this small interview and good luck in the future. Any shout outs?
No shoutouts this time !

Valle <3
korjatkaa typot!
gl there =)
useronline bug? only for me?

Tino " chmppUser online" Valle
Jussi " twidiUser online" Tiipiö
good to see another big gaming in the ET!
gl ! good choice cadre :p
Congrats, great step for ET and for the team!
irc looololoolo :E
Admins feel free toadmin any mistakes + add banners etc ^^
go twidi kmble
cheaters gl
GL to Champp!!!!!!!
`gl Insignia Cadre ;)

just 4 more mgc's to go and I won vs rbnt!
haha wtf :-D

anyway well done img-, gl there =)
Nice to see that, gl to the team :>
yeha, really nice ;)

well done
gl !

ET getting famous =o

gl @ IC
yay, good luck to the team.
QuoteFinlandRoberto " auronUser online" Aarnio

nice nickname
very n1!
that rox, well played guys!
could've been a Finland only team as they say, so gL neg img
Let's hope they won't give Cadre a negative image.
gl img !
fix the title btw, it says cardre
gl hf @ cpc5 ray!
great interview!

belongs to TOP 6 group in the world.
nice news bidy
gl chmpp & nightflight
lettu <3 special gl

gl other *
Very impressive joining up to such a massive organisation... well done.
I guess ET has become slightly more appealing for the big MGCs. I know Parodia tried to make a deal with Cadre after winning EC, prior to Quakecon 2006. Interest wasn't mutual, so the whole thing dried up.

Hopefully the poor Ivalo geeks can attend a LAN or two from now on, with the backing of Cadre. GL img. :)
GL img, you guys found quite awesome MGC and i'm very sure that you can finally attend to lans as much as you guys would want to :)
Hehe, thx ae_ we will take good care of these boys. You know what I mean :P
sadly I do if it involves Espoon Satulinna, flaming sambukas and very drunk ppl ;)
(how about getting drunk again sometime btw? :)
img is now going to the top wabbit & maxi gona help u guys ;)
great work guys, gl
gl to markovnij salat :)
nice, gl
gl awa twidi :DDD
Next is 4 Kings getting one and so on?
wow, this is definitely gonna change my life.
gl guys :>
good luck karvamunas!
gl twidi :)
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