High tempo tonight, Aux vs. VaE

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Loosers Bracket Round 2[/u]

United Kingdom Auxilia 2:4 Germany Vicious and Evil
Maps: Goldrush & Frostbite
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org -

Well if you haven't seen all the journals in crossfire about the issues surrounding the Germany VaE team today here is a recap. With VaE already short after losing key player Finland Squallii their FOP the previously busted United Kingdom Razz has also announced that he will not attend CPC2 with the VaE squad. Leaving VaE reeling they before tonights ET Masters game they will call upon Finland Decem who is already on their roster having already played for VaE once so far and another unknown Poland merc to play with them.

United Kingdom Auxilia for that matter are also short for tonights crunch game having the likes of Eddie unavailable due to holiday and so in an extremely contraversial move they have brought in none other than former VaE player United Kingdom Razz to join them in their ET Masters campaign.

Per the rules this is not allowed unless special dispensation is given by the admin. Having spoken to both sides about this i have agreed to let the game go ahead. Both teams will be given the same allowance to bring in a player already playing / played in ET masters thus making it equal for both. The other option would have been to allow neither side to have a player and thus most likely ruling both teams out of the tournament. ET Masters remember does not allow wild cards. Neither team wanted this and VaE were happy to allow Razz to play for Aux therefore it was agreed for the game to go ahead. Unexpected and some would say unfair maybe, but a decision had to be made either way be it right or wrong in peoples minds.

One thing is for sure that whatever happens tonight will be an explosive game with neither team wishing to crash out of the tournament, both teams using mercs and thus being understrength and emotions and tempers already extremely high from the days events. Head over to gtv and join in the many ETTV servers broadcasting tonights encounter.

ET Masters Website
gl Portugal sexyhot
gl both teams, i'll ref the game but if it starts being a flame war expect people to get muted
lol @ razz
sad but tr00. gl to 4i tho
i know the name of Poland merc
cant they use Europe to give a chance recognize vae squad ?
Jebus, smite these clan-hopping whores down, smite!
graballa wannabe talk, i hears
Mmmmm, mistaken you are.
noob evo!
chmpp has removed you from his buddylist !

I'll get over it...
oh, buddylist-respect..
if it takes 1 decision i make that he doesn't like to decide to flame me or whateva then bottom line he aint a buddy i need
dont take me too seriously.
was more of a comment directed at chmpp than u, just so happened it works to reply to u :P
You had better watch your filthy mouth when you are talking to a mate. Furthermore your head does not seem to me very attractive. In a nutshell you should just shrink, along with your presence.
nice one :D
razz is a backstabber!
u2 steel-o

stml-i ajad
razz is an ass :>
Thanks to Germany drago for playing the first 2 maps, cheers bud.
retard becomes razztard
wasnt drago once the one that busted razz ? :>
Quotelosing key player Finland Squallii their FOP the previously busted United Kingdom Razz

Is it really needed to keep mentioning stuff like this ?
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