CPC Updates *

Today has been a day with a couple of changes to CPC2, we've updated the schedule after some requests, we've changed one of the ET teams aswell as making a change to the ET map pool and last but not least we're proud to announce another sponsor!

Schedule - You can view the changes to the schedule Here, alternatively you can download the updated schedule Here. We'd like to draw the attenion of suXus, EDiT, vae, FF.org, Dignitas.ET and mQ inparticular to the new schedule.

ET Map Pool - After not being able to get Frost Final to the liking of the teams attending we have taken a poll of the teams attending and by a resounding 15/1 vote, the map has been removed by popular request. It will not be replaced, the ET map pool will become 5 maps.

ET Teams - Unfortunately the NETRunners dropped from CPC2 despite moving heaven and earth to attend. They have been replaced by OCTENse who were the first team to apply for the spot available.

New Sponsor! - The fantastic people at Creative have joined the Crossfire community to provide us with some hardware prizes aswell as an onsite 'baloon'. The Prizes will be used in both spectator competitions and player of the tournament competitions.

CPC Directions Guide - This Image features the overlay of the area of the event with directions for those staying in a bungalow. This journal features directions for those driving to the event. Both are courtesy of Nuke

WZZRD Gamestation's specification - WZZRD Gaming Cafés has released their specifications for the 44 brand new game computers which will be used for the official tournament.
MB: Asus MBI P5B intel S775
Proc: Intel core duo E6300 1,86 ghz
RAM: 2x Crucial 512 mb DDR2 PC2-5300
GFX: Point VGA 7950GT 512 PCI-E
HDD: Maxtor 250 GB 7200 rpm SATAII
Mon: Samsung SM 960 BF 19 inch TFT (4 ms GreytoGrey)

As always ALL information is located on the Lan Holding Page HERE please keep yourself up to date with it.
Quote by TosspoT....attending and by a resounding 15/1 vote...

00:41:39 (@Tlr|aCoZz) only polar will vote to keep it
one.soldier did afaik
tja vooroordelen van hersenloze mensen > *

played 2 matches on it, and not 1 time was set, on b3 and b4 ;D

at least it got removed now =)
nice =)
hf there ;D
rofl @ frost_final :P
omfg a balloon?
see pics of pga lan, its a big nice one
really nice
we can play zp at lan? great <3 tosspot
better go sleep soon ! :p
All great stuff <3
Nice, though too bad NETR had to drop out and were replaced with a relatively lowskilled team.
Octense really ain't Low+.. ;)
K coolHHEH: :F
I dont understand the rtcw schedule. The games start on Saturday 9.30 am but there is no more blocks on saturday apart from the final. The other rounds blocks are on sunday?
Check 10:30, 11:30 & 12:30 Saturday

They're 'coded', RTCW 2 = KiH vs winner of rTg vs verendi etc
Ah sorry. I got distracted by the blocks on the right. Couldnt see the leaves for the trees ;).
This is why v3n0m used to handle the technical stuff in RzR! :PP
silly old sharky

dont forget my request toss :D
nice fucking up the seeds completely now and so nice we get to play none of the top clans on lan! thx!

now you just gotta change the EC maps, and im happy :))))))
why does the new team take seed 3 and thus 3 lan matches? seems unfair to the teams who stay seeded 4.
idd.. nice giving morrigu, vigorz and kih a lower seed than octense.
what's so funny?
nvm, but ur right :)
Any information on how much table-space we're going to have for our mousepads?
<insert TFT whine here!>
Omg those PCs are shitty
But you will be right at home at the TFT's....
But the TFTs are so small :(
i have the samsung sm940bf and its 2ms not 4
cant u read? its 960 .
So close mate.
hmm easy enough to miss but thanks for your shitty reply
I was hoping to see some frost action :((((

nice! on top of the other crap we play on shit pcs!

Can't imagine a gaming cafe ordering these machines brand new when there are DX10 games on the way. If I'd go to a gaming cafe I'd expect nothing but top of the line hardware imo.
It must be hard being you.
I'm sure Scrubs looks OK on a TFT as well.
wizzard pc > my pc

so dont care
uuuuuh nice, frost_comp removed
incredible decision to moove impact to our group..


i just want to say 2 words... f*** off...


yeye.. no problem.impact gaming will be izi bash @ lan:<<
let's pwn the campus :P
nice monitor lolz
whats wrong with it?
Shouldn't bother hackers =(
Nothing changed for us schedule wise..
Monitors ftw... :(
Group B is a bit of a joke IMO, with ALIS ranked lower than OCTENse, and basically every team (excluding dignitas and maybe k1ck) being worse than most of the poule 4 teams in other groups.
we should be lower ranked imo, however there are 3 other groups with teams seeded lower than octense, that's what's wrong. morrigu, vigorz and kih should be seeded higher than octense.

oh well.
70 if we're even more unlucky :P
someone steal a computer for me >_<
hmm i think the same screen as mine, just an older version or something, n1ce!

see you @ LAN :P
n1 specs
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