Dignitas take down Reason in thriller!

image: i30cod2-600
Dignitas have won i30 after Reason gaming took the iniative to claw themselves back into the grand final in Newbury.

It was a sunny day in Newbury and after both teams took to the stage there were two questions on the lips of the audience, first how ready are Dignitas after their recent roster change and second are Reason really challengers?

The answers came quickly as Toujane's first half saw Dignitas in a little bit of trouble as Reasons versatile defence coped well with everything that the reigning champions could throw at them. However Reaons' offence was shambolic, they were unimaginative and failed to control the roofs which for some reason was their only objective. Dignitas won the map without dropping a round on their defence.

Burgundy has been very favourable to Dignitas in grand finals and that had a large part to do with Trainee, his performances with the sniper have won the map for dignitas on many an occasion. However this time Reason clawwed their back with their own sniper. Blackmane had a fantastic match with some fantastic shooting and covering work, theres no doubting that the map was close, however Reason were on top. That being said it was 7:5 in favour of dignitas at half time, Reaons' second half performance pulled them through onto a decider map.

It was to be Dawnville, once digntias' home map that Reason were going to have to claim the most unlikely of victories from. They started well and the map really had some nice indvidual efforts and by this point BlackMane and Torsh were well adjusted to their first final. At one point the pair on Dawnville had well over 2 thirds of their teams frags and were carrying Reason to victory. It was 6-6 at half time, but reason had pulled into the lead at the start of the second half. However as the pressure took its toll the experienced Dignitas eased past their opponents and Mick put the final nail in the Reason coffin.

Dignitas win, but in truth this result says more about Reason than it does Dignitas, Reason head to Enschede as 3rd seed in their group behind H2k and Speedlink. I think they'll be looking nervously over their shoulder now.

Toujane - Dignitas 13:5 Reason
Burgundy - Dignitas 10:13 Reason
Dawnville - Dignitas 13:9 Reason
edit: actual map scores might be nice :o) cheers

Nice to point out that the combined prize money for the entire competition was 350 quid for the first 3 places, so the banner is very misleading and considering this lan was the biggest in UK history at 1500 people and they charge what 75 quid to get in ? Utter joke.
It's nice to see idle's mgc is owning on COD2 :D:D.
hi tosspotati30 :D
Indeed, great job on not remembering his own password at a LAN! :D
someone changed it!
nice congrats
clone, bannnnnn
more dignitas news needed !
Great final.
wp again dignitas
nice writeup
Dignitas sounds like greek.
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