The Defending Champions - Team Estonia


Clanbase Enemy Territory Nations Cup IX is just around the corner and it is time for the defending champions - Estonia to announce its roster.

Enemy Territory Nations Cup VIII was a great success for the nation and the following summer saw 11! Estonian players travel to USA to compete at Quakecon 2005 Enemy Territory tournament. It was undoubtedly the season of Estonia in Enemy Territory. To ensure that the Estonian tricolor will once more flaunt at the end of the clash of nations a team was put together that does not only consist of individuals with spectacular skills, but of players who have a long history of playing together for the pride of the nation.

Without further ado here is your Team Estonia:

Estonia Vaiko 'Night' Vainola - []
Estonia Sir Hendrik-William 'reload' Kinks III [*]
Estonia Tarvo 'Holz' Viira []
Estonia Risto 'gza' Pillesson [*]
Estonia Marto 'Interface' Põim [idkfa]
Estonia Erko 'r3vers' Selde [*]
Estonia Eduard 'Intact' Kõre [sth]
Estonia Martin 'asd.' Vilismäe [helix]
Estonia Hannes 'galahad' Kranich [*]

Team Captain:
Estonia Elar 'erral' Järvet

Team Estonia Nations Cup History:

Nations Cup V - 9th-16th
Nations Cup VI - 3rd
Nations Cup VII - 3rd-4th
Nations Cup VIII - 1st
Nations Cup IX - ? :)

The team has set a goal to achieve what only Finland has achieved so far in the history of Enemy Territory Nations Cups - win two consecutive titles. Whether the hopes of the Estonians will come true is a story yet to be told, one thing that is certain is that the upcoming Nations Cup will bring a lot of intense and great games to the viewers as the best of the best nations in Enemy Territory go head to head to claim the Unofficial European Championship title as their own.

On Behalf of Team Estonia I would like to wish all the participants the best of luck and all the viewers a lot of memorable moments in the tournament.

Team Estonia can be contacted in IRC at #team-eesti @
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