CoD 2 EC - Matchweek I

After the drop from Netherlands suXus the Clanbase Team was running another Qualifier, which France TAKECARE won. But they got disqualified, like the other french Team HOLLYWOOT. So Czech Republic nEcro got the free spot and now it is time to start the first Matchweek of the Groupstage.

Group A

United Kingdom Dignitas (xx:xx) Sweden Vicious and Evil
Czech Republic eSuba (xx:xx) United Kingdom uMu
Germany evoplay (xx:xx) France emuLate

Group B

Finland (13:11) United Kingdom hardMethodgaming
Germany SPEED-LINK (xx:xx) Netherlands Team EDiT.benQ
Germany adocom (xx:xx) Finland Insignia Cadre

Group C

Finland Stheno eSports (xx:xx) United Kingdom Reason Gaming
Sweden team oxid (xx:xx) Czech Republic nEcro
Europe TEK9 (xx:xx) Belgium defusekids

Group D

Germany Bouncer4You (xx:xx) Czech Republic nEophyte
Netherlands Serious Gaming (08:13) Italy Team Impact
Netherlands H2K.Qpad (xx:xx) Denmark Copenhagen Esport

More about the Groupstage can be found here.
Taken from
nice write up
nicely done swine
its team-edit :)
Well played by Team Impact
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