Dataparty up2date

image: data

The next major LAN event for Call of Duty in Europe will be this years Dataparty in Gothenburg, Sweden. The organisation behind has brought the official landingpage up for details about the upcoming event including travel stuff and some updates regarding the ticket prizes and tournament information. About 20 teams can join the venture to get theirselfs up and running to face each other to earn some cash.

Quote by DatapartyNow there are some updates regarding Dataparty! The ticket prize has been lowered to 32€ for COD2-participants and this tournament site for the LAN has been released. Here you will be able to catch more updates regarding Dataparty and you can now also find a travelguide where you can read how to get to the event, some hotels and so on.

2671,65 € + Hardware (TBA)
1602,99 € + Hardware (TBA)
534,33 € + Hardware (TBA)

This years Dataparty as a Non-BYOC event will take up flags from 16 to 19 June.

Dataparty Landingpage
i wonder what will happend if these boys above see its cod2 :p
my guess is they'll whine
hahahaha - though Dataparty have a big prize purse for other games as well
dont think so

"We are organising tournaments in Counter Strike, Battlefield 2 and Call of Duty"

And also now Command and Conquer 3 (Tiberium Wars)
im quite sure that Sweden vae will attend at that event.
u quit? finally! :D
yeah but this is an updated version as we have more info to release and so on.
QuoteCurrently it is believed there will be around 20 spots for Call of Duty 2 teams, but so far the entry fee is set as high as 72euros per person.

Yes, your version is way too old.
dont think im lazy, bad foonr :p
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