Dignitas shuffle the pack again..

After another disappointing performance and losing their crown at the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2, United Kingdom Dignitas made the bold move to once again remove the only recently added 5th Sweden mint and return to a all UK lineup by once again stealing talent from major rival United Kingdom Reason-Gaming.

United Kingdom Dignitas : Dignitas homepage
QuoteBlackmane, the former Reason star joins us to once again bring our line-up to UK only. We hope the addition of Blackmane will infuse the team with pure skill and a smart head that he has shown us all during various LAN events we've met him at. Blackmane's experience of playing at the top level made him an easy choice to take on board, and once again we can unite as a UK side.

United Kingdom Dignitas/Mick : Dignitas homepage
QuoteAfter CPC II we felt that the chemistry in the team didnt feel right. So we have unfortunately decided to remove mint from the lineup but we thank him for his effort over the past month or so. Our new 5th who is none other then Blackmane , this brings our lineup back to an all UK lineup which we hope will bring us back to the glory days, when dales was around. Blackmane is a high calibre player joining us from Reason Gaming.

This now leaves the Dignitas side looking like:

United Kingdom Jonathan raz Baker
United Kingdom Michael Mick Bradshaw
United Kingdom Michael trainee Harper
United Kingdom Ben beNN Bell
United Kingdom Chris blackmane Kinnair

image: photo6074

United Kingdom blackmane

You can catch Dignitas playing tonight, setting out on their defense for the Eurocup in a clash with the all Swedish side Germany VAE on mp_toujane War Info. With this news, Sweden mints departure makes it the 2nd high profile kick in as many months from Dignitas, and despite the fact that they are "90% sure" they will attend the recently announced United States of America WSVG Dallas is everything okay over at Dignitas ? Mints statement to Gotfrag further clouds the situation but Ill leave it up to you to decide.

Sweden Mint :
Quote"I had a good time in Dignitas, was looking forward to WSVG unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be able to go, too bad it had to end. Don't know where I'll go from here but it doesn't look like there is a lot to do, probably quit gaming. Shouts to zEm, crow, frijec & dark. You, me, we!"
expected blackmane to join :)
really ? o_O
Quote your sources, else it's just stealing other peoples work...
LoL? Pretty obvious that the sources would be from there site and i quoted mints comment for Gotfrag but still, edited to make you happy.
You made me very happy. The words I choose where a bit harsh (stealing) but I feel mentioning sources is important and forgotten more often then not. Although I aknowledge that in the context of a non-professional gaming site it maybe less relevant. I'll rephrase my critisism to a more constructive form next time.
Poor Mint :(

Perhaps non-UK players will think twice before accepting an offer from Dignitas next time. They've dug quite a hole for themselves.
agree tbh, apparently it was a bust up on vent where mint said he didn't like one of the players (ben) and mick just told him to fuck off.
"apparently" just something a cod2 friend said so.
someone said that as a joke somewhere
I hope the new 4K.CoD2 will be a crossfire exclusive? :P
It seems that it is the same thing for all great Uk multigamingclan, as soon as they don't have good result, they kick the non-uk players \o/ (like 4king.cs)
good luck mint and dignitas
If top teams keep making lineup changes every 2 months CoD2 will never get accepted as competive game at the top level. If non of the top teams stick together for more than 6 months with the same lineup the game will never get close to a game like CS were flames already arise when lineup changes occur once a year..

All these lineup changes block the teams from reaching their ultimate performance, and are bad for the teams but also for spectators.

btw blackmane = emo?!
btw2 add
Logitech.fi ;)
You are so right, that must be the reason CoD2 isn't played at WSVG.
Lol.. CoD2 is just a sub-game @ WSVG, nothing important, its just the cod2 scene overhyping it all. It's the same situation as Quakecon with ET, its held in the continent were the game matters least.
I'd like to try and explain to you why WSVG is one of the best things that happened to the game, but you seem to be quite thick. Even your edits won't help that, on the contrary...
I know enough about CoD2 so I dont need your explanations about your opinion.

I didn't edit anything, I just added something more.
Too bad then that your reasoning is flawed and your assumptions are, well, laughable.
Okay then, tell me what has happened to CoD2 what couldnt have happened to it if it wasn't announced to be a subgame at WSVG?
That wasn't either your or my point, but OK. You're only looking at the short term benefits and yes, there are none. Only the future can tell, but rest assured it's actually much more constructive to cheer it on than to flame it from day one.
My point was that lineup changes are bad for competive gaming, your point is that CoD2 made it to WSVG. CoD2 being played at the WSVG might be a good thing, it might be a great thing, but it will only be that if the teams competing are ready for it.

Getting CoD2 at the WSVG might have been an achievement, getting it futher would be a great achievement and I dont see that working out if the top teams change their roster once every 3 months.

But this is all my opinion ofcourse ;>
CS players from top teams sign (pricy) contracts. Ofcourse they're not eager to run off to another team and break them.
wat ben je aggresief froppie! :D geil hoor xdd
hope they stick together now...
gl Mint :)
Phew, I thought this was about Idle.ee :()
Normally I do not comment on posts like this but to the author I suggest you research a bit more in the future before you guess or make up things.

I also suggest you research a bit more into why two Reason players were unsettled from the team, that had nothing to do with our friends at Reason or us. Also blackmane was kicked before he joined us I believe. There is a much bigger story in the answer to that no one has touched on yet.

Also we have 17 nationalities in Team Dignitas so please do not insult us with your playground insinuations :)

You also start your piece with "disappointing performance" disappointing to who? As far as I am aware we have not changed a lineup due to performance a team at this level is far more complex.
first cod2 post ever, and the fact that most decisions are made behind closed doors/not very transparent as to why the decisions were made = hard to make decent news without assumptions.

QuoteYou also start your piece with "disappointing performance" disappointing to who?

Well if your not disappointed then I will just be astonished, I'm sorry but how can you be happy with not keeping your title, not placing in the top 3, or even top 5 ? :-\
Next time ask for a statement :)
GL in the future Mint
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