LAN - The eXperience 2007

image: tex

The Danish team Roskilde-eSport is arranging another “The-eXperience”, The-eXperience 2007.
This time the event is NON-BYOC and should avoid most other tournaments which the last tournament failed todo.

When - 3rd-5th August 2007
Where - Gimles new facilities in Roskilde, Denmark
Byoc - NO
40 computers in an X configured gaming arena!

The Arena
The LAN itself is relocated to Gimle, an old water work.

Overview over the competition arena

The LAN organiser describes the arena as following:
QuoteThe Arena will be constructed as an "X" with 40 PC's for the competition.
Above the Arena there's a big balcony in which there can be around 150 spectators.

- 40 Competition computers
- 150 spectator physical spots to the Arena

Players Lounge
QuoteTo accommodat possible waiting times we have will feature entertainment in the Players Lounge with consoles etc.

Overview over the Players Lounge

The organizers have also arranged some non-gaming activities such as Poolcenter Interpool and the Nightclub Mary’s

More info about the event will be rolling up the next weeks!
scrolling over it i dont think u mentioned it's for CoD2 anywhere, which i think it actually is :P

and although u put newstype to cod it might be a good idea to mention it anyway
"The-eXperience 2007 for Call of Duty 2. "

1st sentance
im pretty sure he edited it ! :P
"LAN - The eXperience 2007" - where?
its been edited
games? nice announcing lan without saying a word about the games
Next to the title you can see the game tbh.
The admins have changed it into eSports, but when this news was originally posted the game was cod :).
Is it in denmark ?
Roskilde is in Denmark yes.
40 computers and 150 spectators looking at a desktop. What others games than CoD will be played?
I hope et xD
(O: Yeah, we're the bestest!
Give us an ET tournament =/
Since Roskilde eSport have taken in an ET team, it would be pretty obvious for them to make an ET tournament too.
what team :O?
or are you being sarcastic x[ ?
oh, they did get a team, but who are they :P ?
random tards like myself ;)
First you say it's not BYOC, and then you say it's BYOC? Nice confusing us! :<

QuoteThis time the event is NON-BYOC and should avoid most other tournaments which the last tournament failed todo.

QuoteByoc - NO 40 computers in an X configured gaming arena!
"Byoc - NO 40 computers in an X configured gaming arena! "
lol in that case he forgot "," :)
het is NIET byoc er zijn WEL 40 blabla
Dat hadden ze dan wel iets duidelijker aan mogen geven. :<
Fantastisch gebruik van de komma :P
yes, very very nice, but what games will be played? :o
if you use #chan[./irc] it will be a direct link = much easier to join =)
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