Team Croatia - Land of nature and Beautiful Women !

image: bannerrepka8ue

In the beggining of 2005 ET was in the highest moment of Croatia scene and NC team was in it's best lineup. Today however, things have changed and Croatia will still keep it's God given beauty.
However, now it has an empty scene with few people playing and loving the game as from the first day. Anyway, here is the lineup !

Croatia Acidburn / aCoZz - Captain
Croatia FroZzeN - Manager - player

Croatia Gumiflex
Croatia Gizmo
Croatia Zlinko
Croatia Ender
Croatia P4h
Croatia Rimi
Croatia Komar
Croatia Rebel

Croatia had some nice results last season with beating Austria, but then lost from Champs Estonia and Hungary

As everyone we hope for some nice results this season and wish the best luck & fun for you all !

Contats :
[email protected]
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