Eurocup Tuesday

image: ecxvbuf3

Post Match Article:

It wasn't ment to be for Finland Incomplete. They fought hard, showed some incredible defensive masterminding on Braundorf and tried to stop Europe Polar with all means they had. But it wasn't enough. In an impressive match the partially new lineup of Polar eSports showed that they improved their teamplay. With the new likes of Wales sqzz and Scotland razz Polar defeated Incomplete with 4-0.

This score gives us the following ranking of Group C in the Eurocup XV:

1. Europe Polar eSports - 1 - 0 - 4/0
2. Europe TLR.eSports - 1 - 0 - 4/2
3. Finland Incomplete - 0 - 2 - 2/8

With no more matches to play, Incomplete is out of the Eurocup. Good luck with further tournaments Incomplete!

Polar eSports and TLR.eSports will have to decide who will take the crown of Group C in a direct duel. Good luck to both.

I caught up with Malta Polar Toxic and United Kingdom Polar Adacore to have a little chat about the match.

Malta Polar Toxic

-First of all... Sigh of relief?

Well, we knew we had the power to win, being the first official for us with the new lineup we didnt know what to expect but i can say that we showed a pretty nice performance and its comfortable to know that we are already through to the playoffs.

-Did you feel any pressure before this match? Because losing it would mean you'd have to win over TLR, which is always hard.

Well obviously, we started off nervous on braundorf as we knew that a loss would be devestating so we didnt want to do any mistakes. So ye I guess you can say we felt the pressure.

-Now sqzz performed a very strange role this match, he played the personal health manager of all engineers. Was this assigned to him or did he volunteerd to play like this?

He has natural instincts about his own players, when they're going to die, when they are in need of backup. Its just the way he plays, besides being the best medic in ET, his aim isn't too shabby either.

-Adacore said before the match, and I quote: "The pressure is another matter though - polar have a track record of performing inconsistently in officials, it remains to be seen if this will phase the new lineup" Do you agree with him?

Well it was pretty clear that we used to play inconsistently with the old lineup but I hope we fixed this now, but its yet to be seen.

-After capturing the flag at Braundorf you rushed into the bunkers with great pace only to be stopped by INC in the bunker controls room. What went wrong?

They had a nice defence basically, they played braundorf really nicely.

-Thank you for your time, congratulations again! Good luck against TLR.

United Kingdom Polar Adacore

-Was this the type of play by Polar you hoped for?

Yeah, although sqzz was playing worse than normal :D But you can't have everyone having good days at once. Oh - and Braundorf wasn't exactly perfect.

-Sqzz played a really significant role with the healing though...

Yeah - he was as good as normal with medwork, but normally his aim is better ;)

-It seemed as though Polar got stuck at Braundorf in the end. What do you think finally broke INC's defence?

But they got it in the end, which is what matters I guess. They worked out that INC were heavy in the boxes room and Xylos took them out there.

-What's the thing you're most worried about looking at the performance of Polar?

Nothing really, so long as they keep doing what they're doing everything should be great.

-What's your prediction? How far will Polar come in the Eurocup?

I think we have the potential to go all the way, but of course anything can happen and there will be a lot of very good teams in the playoffs stage.

-Allright, thanks for your time.

image: ecxvipsw4

Tonight's other match was between Italy retroactive and United Kingdom Auxilia. The last one took the victory. Auxilia won with 4-0 over retroactive.
This gives the following ranking of Group B:

1. Sweden zeroPoint! - 1 - 0 - 4/0
2. United Kingdom Auxilia - 1 - 1 - 4/4
3. Poland Fear Factory - 1 - 1 - 4/4
4. Italy Retroactive - 0 - 1 - 0/4

image: ecxvranr5


Tuesday the 1st of May gives us three Eurocup matches. The group stages of the Clanbase Eurocup didn't give us any big surprises yet. But maybe that's about to change today.

image: game2579 image: game2588 image: game2615

First up tonight is the clash in Group C between the current numer 2 and 3; Europe polar vs. Finland Incomplete. With Netherlands Morrigu dropping out of the Eurocup, Europe Polar eSports lost the only points they had. Would Polar lose this match, they'll have to beat CPC2 Champions Europe TLR.eSports to survive in the Eurocup.

On the other hand we have Finland Incomplete. Losing this match means that their Eurocup trip is over. There's alot of pressure on the finnish boys, do they have the goods to beat Polar? Without a doubt the action of Morrigu made this group very exciting. It could go either way.


1. Europe TLR.eSports - 1 - 0 - 4/2
2. Europe Polar eSports - 0 - 0 - 0/0
3. Finland Incomplete - 0 - 1 - 2/4

1. Europe TLR.eSports - 1 - 0 - 4/2
2. Finland Incomplete - 1 - 1 - 6/4
3. Europe Polar eSports - 0 - 1 - 0/4

1. Europe Polar eSports - 1 - 0 - 4/0
2. Europe TLR.eSports - 1 - 0 - 4/2
3. Finland Incomplete - 0 - 2 - 2/8

I caught up with United Kingdom Adacore to ask him some questions regarding the match of tonight.

- Now Morrigu left the EC, the match versus Incomplete has become much more imporant. Do you think this pressure will affect the performance of Polar?

Meaning no disrespect at all to the morrigu team, who I am sad to see have called it a day, I think this game was always going to be the most important for polar (and incomplete) in the group stages, as the victor almost sure to progress. The loss of mQ may make this more certain, but not massively so. The pressure is another matter though - polar have a track record of performing inconsistently in officials, it remains to be seen if this will phase the new lineup, but I hope they'll all play their best game and come out with a solid win.

- Would Polar lose this match, you'll have to beat TLR, do you think the team is capable of doing so?

Yes, I think the team is capable of beating anyone. TLR is, without a doubt, one of the best teams playing the game at the moment, but I think polar can step up to the plate and take the game, as we did against aMenti at the same stage of last season. As I said previously, though, it would be a very tough game and it would obviously be better to go into it without the pressure.

- Thank you for your time.

But this isn't all the Eurocup is offering you tonight. There will be another exciting match played. United Kingdom Auxilia takes on Italy Retroactive in Group B. Retroactive haven't played any matches yet and they're position 3rd at the moment. Auxilia however lost their first match against Poland Fear Factory and with the match versus Sweden zeroPoint! around the corner this one is important. Winning over Retroactive will give Auxilia their last chance of survival. Losing it will be the end for Auxilia.

Auxilia's manager United Kingdom Munchies took the time to answer some questions about Auxilia's situation in the EC and the match tonight.

- First of all, do you think you still have chances in a poule with zeroPoint! and Fear Factory after losing your first match?

Well losing was a dissapointment, but the team has had a few ups and downs recently. Hopefully everything has settled down now with the new players in the lineup, and I think we can do well, yes.

- Is Auxilia capable of beating Retroactive today and zeroPoint in the next match? Because that is needed to survive the group stages...

Well for tonights game my gbooky money is firmly on Aux to win. Without wanting to underestimate retro, i would put them as the weakest team in the group. AuxiliA has the potential to beat teams like ZeroPoint, its just a question of will they reach their potential in time for their game.

- Thank you for your time.

Last but certainly not least is the match between United Kingdom one.soldier and Sweden Ultimate Conspiracy. Both teams are allready out of the tournament so there's no pressure on either sides. For this game it's all about the honour. Therefore this could either become a very good game between two sides fighting over the honour of being 3rd behind two excellent teams; Europe Dignitas and Finland Insignia Cadre, or it could become a boring match with one side dominating because the other one isn't doing it's best. We'll see...

Don't forget to tune in on ETTV. Visit for the ETTV server IP's.

Have Fun!
nice preview, good work
Gjerry, Kris 8D

u ppl sure know how to pick ur clanz....
fixxa datorn råtta!
hähä ska skicka iväg den imörrn ;)
eVo on 01/05/07, 18:15:54 PM | Reply

nice preview, good work
Borat on 01/05/07, 18:16:54 PM | Reply

Gjerry, Kris 8D

u ppl sure know how to pick ur clanz....
izi 4 incomplete
nice banner
sexy banner! <3
Nice effort!
can't, have to watch sesamstraat:)
all those matches are gonna be wildcarded.
Wow! EuroCup coverage by CB admins! Someone spot the irony in Adacore being interviewed. ;-)

Well done Netherlands xRio!
Nice picture in the Banner tbh!
(a) sorry i didnt ask you first but i had to make it in 2 mins...
thats np for me :) just ask if u need more.
haha thx :) ill let you know when i need something :D
but i still would be nice to know when u use some :)
germany's next topmodel :D
we should start that award tbh, i wanna win smth :p
nice adacore taking sides on EC as an admin
and nice polar for using wildcard and still playing pracs

I hope u could have won it in a fair way :)

but ggs
what wasn't fair about it?
imo it's a bit strange if they use wildcard and are although looking for pracs... also they recruited adacore to do all the dirty job for them and make other things happen...

also we liked the funny excuses why they can't play :D

but I won't post irc logs

Edit. and it was kinda lame to kick fobje and kris after we owned them in prac
So you think someone's grandpa is dying and he might see him the last time is a funny excuse? ;x
it's funny how he can still play a prac
He wasn't playing then, get your facts straight
and why couldn't u play on sunday?

first u said it's ok and on sunday u said toxic always got bad ping on sundays, doesn't make sense, does it?
As I told you before, I've known for months that polar hate playing officials on sundays due to toxic's connection, I've known that since it started giving me scheduling troubles at the beginning of EC XIV, so I have no idea why anyone even suggested we could play on sunday.
You shouldn't ask me about that, if he is pinging 148 to a warserver it seems pretty clear to me that it's impossible to play with
afaik, u even suggested sunday after we wanted it to be played already last thursday, and we agreed on that... later u wanted to move the date even further
OK, a few misconceptions there. I was recruited mostly to serve as a backup to compensate for the fact that sqzz isn't available 5 nights a week every week, as well as adding tactical depth to the team. Once I was in the team it was logical for me to do the war arranging stuff as I understand the system, but that's it. I was also recruited before we knew there were going to be any problems with playing on thursday, so there's no way that could have been a reason.

On thursday we played without sqzz (I played for him), and I'm not allowed to play EC as polar have already added 3 this season (aeq, razz & sqzz). I guess I could've abused my powers and added myself to the roster, but obviously I wouldn't.
I hope they see it like that as well, still I can imagine they had other offers as well, but they randomly decided to pick EC admin makes it a bit strange imo
I don't know many other players who agree to be on comms 5 nights a week every week without any guarantee that they'll ever get to play a game. I'd guess that was why they picked me (I'm a certified no-lifer!)
I think many guys would be willing to join an EC team even as back up, but u were the lucky one, so congratz for that :)
tad sad but your choice!
almost as sad as urself?
you dont even need an excuse to use a wildcard.
ye but the game should be played immediately when possible
OK, so CB supervisors aren't allowed to be affilliated with EC teams? I guess Kajab (Agony Realm), Mrozu (FF), NoOne (Poison), alpn (engine), lab (FF) and DoneX (wArning) were/are all hopelessly biased as well then.

I take meticulous care to make sure that everything I do is fair and free of bias and, if I may be even remotely biased in a situation, I do not handle the case. That's why I got DoneX to join the match channel for today's game, because it would not have been correct for me to make decisions on the game as I had a vested interest.
well, the way I see it they recruited u only to solve their dirty work in this situation, I'm sorry

I don't say u did anything wrong, I'm just saying they did all the lame things one can think about
agree on that, being a backup for a team doesnt endanger ur responsibilities as an admin. Atleast not when ur a good admin and if u value your credibility. I for one dont think u are the kind of person that would take advantage of the power u have as an admin like some others would. *cough*lab*cough*
when they wildcarded adacore was only avi and sqzz wasnt, and they played AuxiliA so big workout! Although i agree its weird why they don't play cause of toxics ping on Sundays loel.
even the EC before we avoid playing officials on sundays as my connection isnt the most stable around. I'll explain...

There are 3 wires without protection or anything just dumped in the sea which connects to sicily, this connection to sicily is called Seabone. The wires arent of the best quality so hence why i get packet loss in normal days. Now when there are 350,000 people using the internet, downloading, streaming etc etc, this connection gets overloaded and hence results in more packetloss and more packetloss is unplayable. Last EC we had to wildcard a game cos of this happening to me, i'd rather i not take that risk. So i won't play any important officials on sundays as it is very risky. This answers Spirea as well.

Now re: Adacore.

I was in oChaos with him and i always valued his role in that clan as he kept control of everything, game wise, tactical wise etc etc. Knowing that he can play any class easily, knowing that he's here everyday and adds extra depth to the team tactically we could see any mistakes faster and from a different angle. Also the average age in the team is like 16/17, having 3 15 year olds, 1 16 year old, 1 17year old, 1 18 year old, and him being 23 or smth he can easily take care of any 'childish' matter if this ever happens. So trust me this has nothing to do with him being a cb admin. Actually this makes it worse for us as Adacore is very scared to make biased calls so in any close decisions he would have to make it would go to the opponent.

Hope this answers any of your doubts
Possibly meant for spirea, as I don't really care all that much >:<

Although I cant see why Sunday should be any worse than any other day of the week for packet loss, maybe you can tell me that ;o)
sunday in malta is family day u can say. Everyone, EVERYONE goes out for a big sunday lunch then come back and they'll only have something small to eat, meaning that after spending the afternoon with the family, they'll spend their nights doing something else, which is generally using the internet, hence more users, hence more lag.
2 15-year-old guys, 3 16-year-old guys and 1 17-year-old guy :P
"There are 3 wires without protection or anything just dumped in the sea which connects to sicily"

LOOOL you must connect to sicily to have connection :s?
In italy we have the worst connections ever seen... i can understand what it means :(

with Smartcity launching in malta in 2008/2009 there will be another connection but to dubai so it wont be the best for me playin :P
aika yks vitun hailee millo sen matsin pelaa... turpii ois tullu kuitenki. Sunday, monday, what is the difference?
njoo hyvä vaa ku kukaan ei meistä pelannu vappuna et:tä ja sit kauheis krapulois vedettii toi matsi tiistain! polarit taas pelas iha hiki hatus 24/7
ei se nyt ihan sama oo jos kaverit vaihtaa lineä niin ne ehti tällee präkkiä sillä linel enempi

eikä ne ois meitä vieny ilman sitä radarin sniikkiä, fullattiin paljon paremmatki tiimit radaris
more overrating sqzz's performance please.
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