Gods in a pickle!

The match is back on and will be played, right NOW, roster information is hard to find, but the game is going ahead this very second. Phobeus will play for Gods and Germany Slaz is back in 141 and will play!


Today witnessed Europe Gods.inc forced into a tricky situation, and unfortunately for them, they've been struck down by gridlock in the Clanbase hierarchy.

Scheduled to play United Kingdom 141 who themselves have justed added a new player, 2 times bronze medalist Switzerland Anubis, gods were faced with the scenario of replacing Finland Kimble or not play the game, rather than take 141's route of recruiting a brand new player. Why? Where is there a difference?

Clanbase rules state that once the groupstage is completed an ET roster must consist of 7 players, HOWEVER until earlier this week, that number was 6. Therefore if Gods wanted to play this game, they would have to replace Finland kmble, meaning that when he returned from holiday he could not play for Gods as you can only make 1 roster addition after the end of the group stages.

Gods wanted to find this player some time ago, however Spain DoneX was forced to adhere to the rules he was given, despite his own complaints to his superiors that this rule was not workable for ET, and that he wanted to change it to 7. This week he was given permission to make that change, and that is why United Kingdom 141's roster reads with 7 (active) players, and Gods just 6.

Could Gods reschedule following this rule change? Unfortunately not, Clanbase are not allowing the option of a reschuedule due to a stringent cup schedule, despite 141's offer, and thus 2 Finns, 2 Hungarians and 1 Spaniard are looking to the gods for divine inspiriation as they now face a default loss, and a place in the losers bracket!

However it has come to light that despite news to the contrary, Switzerland Anubis will not be allowed to play in Eurocup, as he is cup tied. Playing would violate "The new member has not played with another clan in the same cup after the deadline." and Anubis was active for wArning after this deadline, and thus will not be allowed to play again in this seasons Eurocup.

141 on the other hand, appear to also be in their own pickle, clanleader United Kingdom Mztik claims that he was told by the cup supervisor that Anubis would be allowed to play if they removed a member from their roster, to maintain it at 7, that member was Germany slaz. However just hours before the game, 141 have been told that Anubis cannot play and they are crying foul.

2 contrasting points of view on the Anubis matter remain. Anubis was knocked out of Eurocup XII whislt playing for wArning, once you're out, you're out? Well, technically yes. However just like in Football, when if your goalkeeper sustains a long injury and you do not have a suitable backup, you are allowed to make a transfer outside of the transfer window, Anubis being the keeper of the rifle for 141, and they have since removed riflenaders Slaz and h2oxygen from their active roster, under Clanbase instruction.

Information from Spain DoneX, Finland MulSu United Kingdom Mztik
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