Cancellation spots for etQcup

image: etQcup_crossfire

Due to many cancellations and few declined applications, we still got places left in our cup. Those clans whose applications have been declined have been informed by email, so if you haven't gotten the email, you're application hasn't been declined. We would need the replacements as fast as possible, so sign up fast please!

Seeding will be completed and published as soon as we get the teams and the cup is going to start very soon after that.

In addition, the cup is going to use the new config of ClanBase and the maplist is going to be the following:

- Battery
- Bremen
- Frostbite
- Radar
- Supply
- Sw_Goldrush_TE

How to sign up:

You have to create account to Cadred Teams. Add all your players to that account and also add the players etpro guids (ONLY LAST 8 DIGITS) to the CLAN description. After this email the link of your team with following info:

* Link to the Cadred Team page
* The players participating from your clan to this tournament and their etpro guids.
* Please keep the email as compact as possible.

Answer to following questions and email it to etqcup(at)

More information about the cup can be found from: here

Good stuff Twidi!
good infos

gl for the cup
so unexpected about Battery :XD
No braundorf ? But you have Battery instead I'm missing something here ?
we wanted to decrease the lotto factor; theres also supply instead of karsiah if u compare the maplist to CB's
You think braun is more lotto than frost? wtf :x
hmm i think theyre kinda equal, in frost 1-4min times between two skilled teams usually means the defending team messed up themselves by not taking the last defplaces early enough
I don't think braundorf is a lotto map at all, and Battery is just dire if the 2 teams aren't matched nearly perfectly in skill.
we're talking about img here
Signed up :)
put braundorf instead frostbite come on!
good maplist!
who declined??????////
not only Fins.
atleast i like the maps!
why do you work with etpro guids? dont be as cb, use pbguid since they are harder to spoof...

since clanleaders can add it manually, you can still change to pbguids, its your call
does it matter rly?
yes, you need brains to spoof pbguid and you cant spoof the hole guid only the last 8,
yes but what does it matter? on higher level games u cant just take any randoms to play anyway.
there are 64 team playing in this cup, i cant imagine more then 20 teams at high lvl, so we shouldn't try to bust the little ones?
bust for using merc?
most teams play with there line-up i assume, so your saying you like player against a cheater? o wait hes just a merc nvm
decem on 18/05/07, 12:00:10 PM | Reply

bust for using merc?

the guid system is to prevent ppl from mercing, if a cheater is playing what does the guid matter?
cheaters have guids, you can add the guids from cheaters and just play , im not really following you here
yeah I've noticed. ok. cheaters are playing, they have their guids. what does it matter if they input pb or etpro guid? no difference.

for legit players its all the same, doesnt matter if its pb or etpro guid.
lets say someone adds his etpro guid in the team acc. you yawn him and see he has the same etpro guid, he can easily spoof it, but if you force people to add pbguids you are like 99%? (im just guessing) its him and not a cheater that just changed his guid.
this could only be problem among the lowskilled teams in the cup and its their own fault to recruit cheaters without checking their background first. anyway it wouldnt matter as the cup is aimed to be for the highskilled teams.
but still, why not try to keep it fair in the lower teams?
its not that big difference and like i said, I dont think cup admins should be responsible of players in teh teams, thats up to teamleaders and other members of the team.
The point is, why not use a system that works better. There's really no extra effort needed.
it doesnt really differ much. its more common to see pbguid with no entries than normal guid with no entries.
Battery with mines is utter bs. Frostbite is definetely more lotto than braundorf and braundorf isn't lotto tbh. Bremen is also shit map with MG in, without it it's not much better either. Karsiah is kinda nice map, it just didn't have enough time to prove that it's good map. Battery was taken because cadre has big advatange towards other teams on it,but since they are hosting it it's kinda understandable, atleast I think so =).
true, true and true.. ur right
we are sorry, next time we will ask you to make rules and admin the whole cup.. nPs
thats what i though.. then shut up your nerdy ass and fuck yourself
Can't do that.
battery chosen to give the host-team more chance of winning tbfh

braundorf / adlernest > battery
actually maplist was based on oc maplist, and the worst were removed with adding supply.. everyone can say maplist is wrong or right.. its just big mix of opinions.
if battery was chosen to get us better chances of winning, then tell me why in hell was SD picked which is the way worst map ever of qc/ath/cam/img/cadre, does not sound very logical.. cut the whine pricks

i think we should only play gr and radar, with kniferound as decider. or even play like aussies, one map and best of five
Nice maps :)

gl with the cup.
all fins are happy i guess :D

braun + karsiah instead of frost + battery.

Battery is just really shit to play. No matter if teams are equal or not, its just horrible to play. And braun is not lotto at all, u just need a resolute defence with perfect comms, a much better map than frostbite.

battery + bremen + radar for cadre now :)
braun is a fucking camping lotto map
et was made for camping
not really, but if u like camping there are several games u can try out, cod, cs, cod2, css..
that was sarcasm:D and its true if you play braundorf
braundorf sucks anyway.
i like the first stage
that is why polar is 'good' in it
thats why they want to keep it in the mappool :D
lol plz

i always liked it, from when it came out when i was playing with mepa

and to say we are campers is pretty dumb as we are more of a team to play aggressively then camp around
fuck you, braundorf is shit. battery is good. bremen and karsiah suck aswell. supply is ok.
wow how lazy are you, takes 30 sec for all
actually, it wont.
if you dont like the maplist then dont fucking play this cup ffs

stop whining
du weißt dass jeder mensch käuflich ist
nein ich bin nicht käuflich! sorry@u

mhh wo ich grad so überlege... bei 1 mio =X=Cash auf meinem Konto werde auch ich wohl schwach!
Isn't it amazing how everyone always whines about the maplist and still they signup for the tournament and play the maps.......
Always remember to whine about "shitmaps" if you lose as well. :p Although for braundorf that's a perfectly valid reason. That map just makes me puke.
Ill keep your advice in mind ^^

And as for braundorf hmm... well it is just allot of lotto but that can make it nice to watch atleast :D
The map pool is OK, except for Frostbite. I really wish it wouldn't feature so much in mappools these days. It's an awful map in ET. Even though Braundorf is also pretty bad, it's marginally better than Frostbite, so it should be in instead. You chose the wrong map to cut!
whatever as long as battery is in.
Sol has spoken.
well, to be honest I would have wanted to remove them both, but then the maplist would've been too short so had to choose either one of the bad maps. though if I would've been selfish enough, I would've picked sw_railgun instead of frostbite, which I really liked myself, but the majority didn't like it so decided not to take it then :p
good maplist !
i cant see braundorf...
cause it's not on the list , idiot.
lol, get brains pls
good maplist
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