VAE back at CoD 2

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After our former Squad, Sweden GayUnit, decided to stop playing under the VAE flag we were in need of a new Team for the upcoming events, like Dataparty or The eXperience. Weeks have passed and today we are proud to present you our new Call of Duty 2 Team, which consist of Sweden xHabit, the last remaining guy from Gayunit at VAE and the players from the former Sweden scubadiver Team.

Sweden Carl "xHabit" Carlsson
Sweden Niklas "nidler" Rosenblad
Sweden Carl "elac" Svärd
Sweden Johan "cosa" Utterberg
Sweden Rasmus "zar" Friberg

Something about the history of our new VAE members:
Quote by zarElac and me have played together since we started CoD1 basically. We played the game on some lans with friends and wanted to try it out online. Some months before CoD2 got released we joined up with another swedish team called Festum Conspiracy, containing mrt, cosa and Mjauwkis.
We played together in Inkomius for quite a while, until we joined up with the multigaming clan Hexagon. Due to activity problems we left that clan and started looking for some more players and found NIdLER and loke.
We formed Scubadivers, and played for a couple of months. We got quite far in the first CODQCUP and managed to get a qualifier spot to Crossfire II,
which we won.
Unfortunately, inactivity struck us again and we had to resign our spot. After sorting some things out, we looked for the last player to fill our lineup. I had played with xHabit and the rest of former vae.cod2 at level Seven LAN in Finland, and I thought he was a good player. When the rest of vae.cod2 wanted to go back to GayUnit, we saw our chance, and snatched xHabit. After some talking we also decided to abandom our sexy scubadiver's tag and join up with VAE, which we hope we will have a great time with.

#fac.vae @ Quakenet
Well.. not as gay as GayUnit at least :P
gL xHabit and zhe otherZ. :O)
lycka till
nidler \o/
lycka till !
Nice guys
gel håef zar
gl sprungesein with CoD
gl cmppimunkey with updating pb
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