Here it is - the lineup you have all been waiting for!

Let us be honest. You've seen all those lineups being announced. But did you really care? Weren't you waiting for one team? The land of sausages, discipline and Oktoberfest? I bet you were. Nevertheless, I have good news:
Here's our lineup. Following the recent tradition of making a small picture, let me give you something to look at first:

image: 24

Are you still on your chair? If you're not: I can understand that. This lineup is really something to knock you off your feet. Here's some detailed information about the players:

Germany qraigu [Manager] (o6)
Germany biqq [C] (vae)
Germany evil (vae)
Germany drago (vae)
Germany urtier (
Germany senji (
Germany riddla (helix)
Germany butch (o6)
Germany second (helix)
Germany gambit (141)
Germany FlixX (cless)

qraigu will manage that team, his immense experience with the RTCW national team will surely prove useful in the upcoming struggle to score some points in the NationsCup. qraigu told me that he thinks it will be quite interesting, with countries participating we didn't even know of in the ET world before. biqq added that he is convinced to have found a decent mixture of players that will please the somewhat heterogenous German community. He claims that we might have a good chance of being among the top 3 there.

Whatever the results may be, let's hope for fair games, awesome ETTV and a bond that connects ET players regardless of the nation they're playing for. See you at NationsCup IX!
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