ID Software talk

Eurogamer has spoken with ID Softwares CEO Todd Hollenshead and he has confirmed the news posted recently that the next Wolfenstein will not be released in 2007.

Quote by HollensheadRaven is still developing it. I hope we'll be able to have some more news about the game within a reasonably short period of time. We made the announcement that the 360 was the primary development platform - that hasn't changed, but it is in development for the PC as well.

Wolfenstein is a game that's close to my heart. It was the first game that I played even before I came to work at id in 1996 as CEO, and I played it until I had motion-sickness from trying to find all the secrets behind the walls.

The new Wolfenstein is going to be a game that is different and unique in its own right, but still B.J. Blazkowicz in the Wolfenstein universe, with all the cool stuff and the unique stuff there. And hopefully we'll have some more details about how that is all going to work before too long

But Mr. Hollenshead has been a busy man, and has been speaking to about ID's next project which is going to be completely new that is being developed internally, on a brand new John Carmack engine!

QuoteIt is a new id brand with an all-new John Carmack engine and I think that when we show it to people, once again they'll see, just like they saw when we first showed Doom 3, that John Carmack still has a lot of magic left.

Our first task at id is as a single studio developer. That's really where everything spawns from. Because John Carmack is a programming genius, who in my opinion is unequalled in video games today, he makes a great technology that we can use across a wide range of applications and different games within our suite of franchises.

The new stuff that we're working on does have a brand new engine that John has been working on, actually is still working on today. We can’t really talk any details about it; we'll see about when the timing is right for an announcement. We like to be able to talk about stuff that we can show at the same time and it's not really ready to show yet

Busy times at ID Software! And busy times of course down at Splashdamage HQ! Eurogamer quote SplashDamage owner Locki being very vague about the release date for Quakewars stating simply "later this year".

Sources: Eurogamer & GamesIndustry
Big shame that their focus is 360, but if its good on the PC too I wont mind a bit!
I was scared they would only develop it on the xbox.. :) I'm rather relieved now!
is it about QW ? or RTCW2 ?
RTCW2 obviously
Consoles just makes any PC game developed with console in mind to suck. Great example is Oblivion. It's a great game, but if it would be made for PC only, it would be so muuuuuuuch better.

Too bad consoles are easy money for developers. Less effort in game, more money in wallet.
yeah console ports are almost allways noobed down on the PC :/

Would rather love to see a diffrent dev do the PC version to make it more a PC game.
Well i hope it will be good on PC.... for example GTA 3, vice city and san andreas are all ported meaning the engine is true suckage.... also i would HATE to wait if the game is out on x360 and will be 'ported' later on to the PC. Although i dont hope its a port.
the 360 is much nearer to the computer technology than any other console, so until now you cant say anything about 360->computer portations.
It is further away than Xbox 1 was - dont talk shit. The development tools are good though. And I wouldn't worry about the game at this point.
IBM Triple Core 3,2ghz
ATI x800
512MB Ram

Intel Pentium 3 733mhz
Nforce 420D oboard Gpu
64MB ram

Well ok, the xbox 1 architecture is nearly the same (just better components) so why is the 360 further away?
You got even the specs wrong, which you could have pasted from wikipedia. You should really know your things before you open your mouth. I won't even discuss the issue as you showed already that you don't have a shortest clue of what you are talking about.
Is it normal that you are getting that angry when you "discuss" with someone?

And if you are soooooooooooooooooo intelligent and know everything always right, you could just post the proper specs because until now i just see a random fin trying to show how intelligent and _friendly_ he is.

and btw, the specs are not from wikipedia, they are from google.

And you didnt answered my question mr. perfect.
I mean, you could have found the right specs from Wikipedia, but decided to come up with our own ones instead, that shows how much you know about the subject at hand here. So there is nothing to talk about. PPC architecture differs a lot from X86. Xenos is new design, not based on anything. PS3 has GF7800 based GPU. Closed enviroment has it upsides too.
games made for consoles arent aim based usually ...
Only CoD3 is console based, and it has not been ported to the PC yet...
nee bedoel cod, cod2 etc waren ook console maar toch waren ze aimwise
die waren eerst PC en toen console ipv eerst console dan pc
Raven absolutely massacred quake multiplayer, so to me all hope of a good wolfenstein sequel is all but gone. That coupled with it being developed primarily for xbox...the future of wolf is bleak :/
To clear your problem, you have to know that nerve software (mp dev team of RtCW) is working on the RtCW² mp part (and they are doing a console version of ET:QW), Raven software will do his paper route and that all, that why we can hope the final release for christmas 2k8.

I realy want to know if I have to wait the mp part of RtCW² or to leave gaming !

nerve software forever ! ^^
hope is restored, thanks ;D
no problem dude ! 8D
Nerve Software, Gray Matter and Splashdamage, best game developers ever :)
You forgot "Electronic Arts" with it's magnificient Battlefield games! ;D
Gray matter is dead now but I am not agree with you and splashdamage.
I think they have done a bad joke of RtCW with Wolf: ET, but it's just my fucking opinion.
Let's hope a separate team of Raven develops the PC version cause console ports suck
one simple question: do you say "hollens-head" or "hollen-shead"?
hollen-shead imo
yeah, lets all pray that its not gonna be a console port
Please no fucking vehicles, please no landmines, please good maps, please good weapons.
The monster part fucked up the SP of rtcw.
dont they realise their entire fanbase is made of pc gamers ? :/
sure they do.. just as much as they realise their wallets are growing bigger cuz of console gamers.
bitch we don't care about the sp. What about the mp goddamn
basically all we want is RTCW with new maps and better graphics
Basically. But, then, prepare to be disappointed. :/
make a game based on RTCW not on stupid silly BF2
did you actually read it?
yes i did, and you understand my post wrong with stupid silly BF2 i thought Quakewars
I think making it for xbox 360 isnt really a big thing...

It just depends if we have the same ability to optimise the game to our PC needs like previous titles, I can just see them concentrating more on SP rather than MP and MP will be just as basic as the original with a fast game play :D i hope
I honestly can't wait for rtcw2

I just hope they wont disappoint in gameplay and their multiplayer is as amazing as the original
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