ESL German Premiership Final on GIGA 2

image: match

A Winter Premiership is definitely misplaced in a time where the temperature is about to rise above 30 degrees again. It's about time we get to the final, and tonight we're going to do so with the support of GIGA 2.

23:00 CET

Europe roYality have progressed to the final game without a loss in the playoffs. Although they have dropped one match in the group stage, their record so far is flawless and they only need to win one best of three. Cheat buster mens0 is quite eager to win and has bet all his money on oxid - at least that's what he says.

Netherlands altrnt
Germany gzd
Germany mens0
Germany loku
Germany sal
Germany skoy

Germany teamoxid did not lose a match in the group stage, but they dropped to the lower bracket of the playoff tree and do therefore need to win twice to take the victory in the overall final. ESL admin chosen wants to show us that he's not only skilled at adminning but can also put bullets into opponents.

Germany chosen
Germany Cobra
Germany dCk
Germany FimS
Germany flame
Germany Funi

After most of the EuroCup matches have recently provided us with a lot of new maps to be seen, this time it's getting far more traditional, we have two veterans when it comes to maps:

supply / radar

There is a lot at stake here - whoever wins today is going to qualify for a possible second season of the International Premiership at the ESL and has the chance to win a lot of money.

GIGA 2 is going to bring you the spectacle live on the video stream. If you do not own an account (which is 2 Euro per month), here's your chance to win - write a creative comment until 22:30 CET and get one of 10 free accounts.

ESL match link
GamesTV war page
A Winter Premiership.... :D
The last match between royal and oxid was really close on radar :> (1second)

I hope we can see something like this again :)

go Oxid!
looking foward to this match.
Will surely be a surprise since the last one was very close.
it's been a tournament of drop outs :(
GL altrnt!
thx fdj and giga!
gl Fims and chosem
gg gutes game.. und ich will nen record davon :(
waren ja auch nur knapp 10 comments :D
danke :)
plx, velerion only loses without me. :<
You have played against us. ;)
True, but I didn't play vs oxid. :<
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