CB Chiefs of C&A Speak Out

It seems there have been a number of issues brought up surrounding the recent case of keran and shy of Germany Pro5 receiving bans for cheating on a public server. The following news item will hopefully explain further details of this case to those of you who have only heard a certain point of view regarding it.

Firstly we shall take the player bans themselves. Each player was given a 6 month ban in accordance with the ClanBase cheating and abuse policy. During this time they will be unable to participate in any ClanBase competitions as punishment for cheating. We at ClanBase think the punishment should fit the crime. There is absolutely no evidence of keran or shy having cheated during any ClanBase matches therefore there is no reason to change the result of any match in which they've played. ClanBase will only take action when we have solid proof that an offence has been committed, not just someone's opinion that because a player has been caught cheating in the past that automatically means they must be cheating every subsequent time they load a game.

Giving out 6 month bans for cheating outside of ClanBase is not what we would consider lenient. Whatever the context or excuses given in this case (or others) everyone is, and should be, treated the same way. The bottom line is, keran was not caught cheating in a CB match, similarly 1000s of other players are also not caught cheating in CB matches. Their results are never changed, so why should we do it now for keran?

The other bans brought up in comparison were all dealt with in accordance to the ClanBase cheating and abuse policy at that time. In the past we have removed all of the player's results as it was deemed they cheated in all matches they had played. That rule has now changed.

You all know that our policy has gone under a few changes since then. To bring up old bans as an example is just futile, unless they were handled with the same policy. We try to keep our policy updated and it is always evolving to take into consideration unique situations and events.

Secondly we had a point brought up that ClanBase took too long to ban the player in question. Punkbuster logged keran's catch on the 7th of March and the ban was proposed to the Cheating and Abuse Chiefs on the 16th of May. Due to some of our personnel taking time off (yes, volunteers can take holidays too!) it took longer to process the ban than we would have liked, but given the amount of work our C&A team have to get through it certainly wasn't an obscene amount of time. During this period we cannot disallow the player from playing in our competitions purely because people are innocent until proven guilty, and players are only guilty when their bans have been properly processed and verified by our C&A team.

Thirdly we have the interesting situation brought up by the fact keran's ban was processed whilst he was playing in a ClanBase match, it's fair to say that common sense should prevail here. We should not punish the player for playing when there was no way he could have known a ban for him had been processed, by the same token his clan should also not be punished for playing in the same match as him. It is ridiculous to suggest that we should take an unnecessary hard line and punish the player and clan in this case since there was no opportunity for them to take action by dropping the player for the match. We will, however, be looking at the wording of the policy to take into account the small possibility of a situation like this occurring again. As with real life law there is always the likelihood that we will update our rules based on cases that arise.

Finally we'd like to thank all the people who continue to put their hard work and effort into the ClanBase ET community. It is easy to sit on a pedestal and criticise others who are trying to do their best, it's quite another to actually get off your bum and be one of those selfless people who are willing to give up their own spare time for the benefit of others. There may have been some inconsistencies in the past, we're only human after all, but we will now work hard to eradicate these so that everyone gets the same fair treatment. We only hope that others will mirror this attitude and perhaps realise actions do in fact speak a lot louder than words.

Source: ClanBase
nice time for posting the news, go to sleep Nellie!:D
Nice time for commenting nerd !
just back from the club :D
But surely a player shouldn't be allowed play if he is on trial, and might be slapped with a ban.
What a joke. Pro5 knew keran and shy cheated but they continued to play with them. Why shouldn't the matches be overturned or at least why shouldn't the founder of Pro5 be suspended for harboring hackers like it's done in TWL?
Just ban the new discovered cheater faster. ;-)
there are dozens of other bans to proceed, mostly from moh:aa :D
I can help to speed them up, nP.
Nah.. use ur time on preparing for cpc3, so u dont miss the plane when ur going back:>

I do hope ur coming =)
nice missing the plane, mr. fuckup.
Fine, it might be a bit ridiculous to expect the clan to realize the player is banned and shouldn't play during the match. That doesn't change the fact that they should be punished to such a reasonable extent as forfeiting that match. Isn't the whole point that you're punishing the player/clan for cheating? Then why make such subtle exceptions when the time comes?
because they are famous
So true aCoZz,just ban them fast,nice one Nellie <3
the more famous, the longer it takes to ban :]
I'm amused they even published the bans before EC ends :)
I still wait for my ban, since 2 years to be exact :]
i understand clanbase didnt manage to ban them 1 hour earlier then they did....
and no mention of perfo >_>
We at ClanBase think the punishment should fit the crime.

A admirable objective, but one that's not really workable. A more draconian zero tolerance policy would be much more effective IMO.

Keran may not have cheated in a match, but he's got himself in the situation thru his own choices. The hack he was caught using didn't install itself on his PC. He didn't click a link in a web page / IRC and it downloaded itself and activated itself when he joined a server.

He made a choice. And if the consequences of that choice were clearly stated (in future) : "make that choice = never play officials again" then we wouldn't be in this situation. He'd never have made the choice, they'd never have been any debate about whether he did or didn't use the hack in a match, and xfire would have several 1000 less posts on the issue!

Zero tolerance might sound, and is, harsh, but it's the only workable solution until we have the technology / resources to implement a fairer policy.
It's funny that the punishment is different for cheating on a pub and cheating in a non-CB league/ladder (not to mention cheating in a CB game), and even more funny that some players think that cheating on pubs shouldn't be punished at all.

If it's considered acceptable for the competitive part of the community piss on the part of the community that plays on pubs, then we're also accepting that the pubbers that goes competitive will bring the smell with them. :P
i fucking agree

kendle for prez
Nicely written, comparable to my thoughts.
If I was permanently banned I would immediately start a fakenick, new guid, new voice, new irc auths, new accounts.

However since I have a 6 month ban I'm just gonna wait it out. I know that I did something stupid and I'm gonna pay the price for that.

iirc, after a first ban if you get caught again it's a permanent ban? Don't you think it would be a little unfair if players of keran, shy and perfo ability were permanently banned after thier first stupid mistake?
Not if they knew in advance that making that CHOICE was going to get them permanently banned.

At the moment there's a grey area. You can download a hack, install it on your PC, use it on a pub, maybe, if you're careful, etc. and you might get a non-permanent ban if you're stupid enough to get caught.

If the policy were clear : install hack = you're gone

they'd be no grey area. You would simply never, ever let a hack near your hard-drive (something that's extemely EASY to do).

Once we're at that point there's no dispute about did they or didn't they use it in a certain context. The fact the hack was there would be enough to condemn that person.

At the moment there's a very big grey area because every offense is seemingly judged on it's merits, making it open to interpretation (and therefore whine) and no judgement will ever receive 100% support (probably not even 50% support) because the "seriousness" of the crime and the severity of the sentence will ALWAYS be open to criticism.
The reason why it can't be 100% permanent ban is because there is very rarely 100% proof. For example the recent case of perfo. It could be an excuse, but it could be that his brothers did fuck it up for him. He doesn't have control over that.

Most know he his good enough as a player, and doesn't need external help. His IP matches though, and he is banned.

Would it be fair if he was permanently banned for something he can't control, and that isn't fully proved? No.

A lot of people are forgetting that gaming is a pass time, a way to have fun. Some people are really draining the fun out of it. There are second chances all over the place, in life and in sports, so why not have the same with gaming?

"Mercy is the mark of a great man" - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly.
I kinda agree and disagree.

On the one hand I'd say bans needn't be permanent, they only need to the SAME for every offender. It's the fact people are, or have been, treated differently that seems to be the main bone of contention. So as long as everyone received the same length ban it needn't be permanent.

However that's only in the interests of consistency. We must not deal out bans based on the nature of the offense otherwise we're a) saying some forms of cheat are "OK" in the sense they're "less bad" than others and b) people will always argue their case is for the lesser offense so as to receive the lesser punishment, and the whine that accompanies that argument will be just as bad as what we have now.

Also, how many people do you suppose share an IP? I've seen a couple of people say they do, but how many does it really apply to? Out of every 100 ET players how many share an IP? 5%? Less? Perfo's ban may seem severe but if we allow shared IPs to influence bans everyone accused is going to have a shared IP! If we ignore the existence of shared IPs a few innocent people may suffer, but the vast majority would enjoy a cleaner game as a result.
How can it take you more than 10 minutes to ban a player?
rofl, they haven't cheated in clanbase match so no forfeit match. Why are our matches forfeited in opencup, our player hasnt cheated either in a clanbase match

Your try to promote any random column explaining some facts without any proof and spreading lies everywhere done by a well known anti-CB guy makes me laugh.
I thought you were more intelligent.
It was done on purpose? Oopsie.
Are you seriously saying sol and Ginga_Ninja were spraying lies everywhere? By the way, that Firefox spelling checker seems to work miracles for you.
I am saying Sol, the author of the column, is doing, at least not telling all the truth and getting bad conclusions of a well known facts.

Ps. I am using fedora 6, with FF 1.5, no spellchecker included. Wonder why when ppl is lacking of arguments use the english grammar to argue.
u can get logs but dont say they r faked or smth .
Would you like some logs with your paella?
wow, getting a private chat with a chief who is not tracking ET everyday and probably doesn't know all the facts (remember razz case is 1 year old), I guess you can get him answer whatever you try to.

The difference is I know the facts and I am sure if I eplain explain him why we acted like we have done in all that cases you mentioning, his answers would be rather different than the ones you got.
Are you implying that ClanBase runs like clockwork?
No, of course not. As someone said we are all humans and can make mistakes.
people still havent understood :x

there are 2 people in all of clanbase [the whole department] making the bans official and accepting the bans, these being Moa and Iceblokje. These 2 ban people from all games, not just ET, so they have a pending list, clearly keran and shy werent on top of the pending list..
Things changed since you left, there are more now, not only them.
then what takes so long? :P
I guess you are worried by perfo's case
if a ban were to made finalised for perfo, i want it to be done after ec, else we'll have to play with one of the old lineup backups :x
Not considering the fact that practically nobody believes he cheated, wouldn't you deem it fair if his ban was processed as soon as possible? Once sol gets busted you'd want him banned as well!
perfo banned within 2 days, nice ....
I was just about to write they'll never ban him in time, but clearly I was wrong. o_O Sorry.
it took so long to ban him necause some people were on holiday? then why didn't you promote someone (i.e. bulld0g) until their return? that piece was just a load of mcguffin with no real answers and dodging the main issues
what a joke, you had evidence to back this ban up, why was it confirmed just when they were playing, its fucking bullshit...

and as many others have said, clans with players banned recently have had some results overturned yes?

someone show me if their clan got a default lost cause of one of your players getting banned
and what about perfo ? :)
"You have reached the automated answering system of ClanBase C&A. Currently we are unable to process any bans due to holidays, but leave a message and possibly screenshots or IP matches after the beep and we'll try and process the information before the EuroCup ends. BEEP!"
The time excuse is a bad one tbh. Because this delay is standard on clanbase and could be easily solved by adding some more to the crew of C&A.
Jesus wept!
that guy was great!
Quote The bottom line is, keran was not caught cheating in a CB match, similarly 1000s of other players are also not caught cheating in CB matches. Their results are never(note from flame: rofl) changed, so why should we do it now for keran?

total bullshit

back when razz was cought using revatuner, during a fun-war(3v3), all matches of hx were forfeied.
I remember some admintard saying it was "An example ban". Funny that back then et admins could influence the bans and now they can't =( So powerless, especially in perfos case.
rules changed, as is written in the article
let me explain the facts 1 time more...

ClanBase policy changed on middle Nov 2006. Razz case ,which I was completely responsible for him ban, were regit by the old C&A rules.

QuoteCheating during a ClanBase match:
...permanent ban for the player, removal of the clan from the cup or ladder the match was for. Since the player will be assumed to have cheated in all matches he has played, all results of matches he participated in will be changed to forfeit losses for his clans.

On a public server or during a match in another league/cup outside ClanBase: punishments are the same as for cheating during a CB match,...

Now go and trust sol.
and why have you changed this rule?
edit: i would be happy if would i get a answer.
Because it's an unfair rule, me thinks.
yes now it is.... for razz
Well, I guess he shouldn't have used rivatuner then =]]
Haha, what? One of your cup chiefs admitted to me that the razz forfeits, visual forfeits & the mizz incident were all mistakes. What part of that don't you get?
The rule in question remains unchanged. Do you think they can cover their asses by issuing a blanket statement like "the rules changed" and hope to get away with it?
old rule:

QuoteCheating during a ClanBase match:
...permanent ban for the player, removal of the clan from the cup or ladder the match was for. Since the player will be assumed to have cheated in all matches he has played, all results of matches he participated in will be changed to forfeit losses for his clans.

On a public server or during a match in another league/cup outside ClanBase: punishments are the same as for cheating during a CB match,...

new rule:
QuoteIn-game cheating during a ClanBase match:
Traces of cheats (e.g. variable settings) without actually cheating: 3 month ban for the player, forfeit loss for the clan.
Cheating (aimbot, wallhack, spiked models, ...): 12 month ban for the player. If the cheating occured in a Cup match, the clan will be removed from the cup. If the cheating occured in a Ladder match, the clan will be issued a forfeit loss
In-game cheating outside ClanBase:
On a Public / Clan server: 6 month ban
In any tournament, ladder or similar not organized by ClanBase: 12 month ban

not unchanged imo
So why were team-viSual's games forfeited?
admin mistake I suppose :D
scroll 2 pages down and read my answer to kot/jakazz...
at this point i could bring up the razz case but i wont.
in my opinion it was a mistake to make a public statement -.-
There you have it already, the "we're volunteers so it's ok"-bullshit. I wonder if the people of the red-cross are allowed to fuck-up without consequences.
o come on, with this decision you are encouraging teams to play with busted cheaters which have a ban incoming. everyone knew they would get banned. the team knew he would get banned, they even admitted, but took this stupid risk to let him play anyway. this is a very bad decision.
Well, you know how to win EC next time! Just take in an insane amount of cheaters and even though they might ban someone once in a while, you won't have your games forfeited as long as they're only caught on publics.
decision is fine but the timining was wank. Why not put 'important' cases as a priority and get the ban through in a day? (ie, perfo now)
imo get over the razz case, didnt they say sorry for inconsistancies
This says nothing that hasn't already been adressed by mine\sol's column and various comments.
Quote by doneXYour try to promote any random column explaining some facts without any proof and spreading lies everywhere done by a well known anti-CB guy makes me laugh.
I thought you were more intelligent.
Nice spraying lies everywhere!
QuoteDue to some of our personnel taking time off (yes, volunteers can take holidays too!) it took longer to process the ban than we would have liked, but given the amount of work our C&A team have to get through it certainly wasn't an obscene amount of time.

Nice understatement.
It also seems awfully hard to prioritize the EC-related bans.
Cb promised me to ban me within 1-2 weeks max, well atleast thats what mister DoneX told me, but they didnt so I was actually allowed to play the EC match. Its the same with keran and shy, they were allowed to play eventhough they knew they were going to get banned. So why couldnt I play the EC match? gz CB
"We try to keep our policy updated and it is always evolving to take into consideration unique situations and events."

With other words, they can do whatever the fook they want at any time! And if the policy is outdated it's because of the holidays.
Quotehere is absolutely no evidence of keran or shy having cheated during any ClanBase matches therefore there is no reason to change the result of any match in which they've played.

Was there any evidence of razz using rivatuner during a cb match?
if you ban keran then also ban hatred like u did it with addnan and irfan
keran's and hatred's ip didn't match + not matching guids + keran admitted it. Addnan and irfan had together more busts than nearly the whole community together. IP's matched, guids matched, etc etc etc
CB = retard ffs

forfeit pro5 - dignitas he played the decider when banned!!!!!!!

and explain this to razz and the former team helix, same rules but team helix get kicked out of EC :S

gg CBretards
Quote ClanBase policy changed on middle Nov 2006. Razz case ,which I was completely responsible for him ban, were regit by the old C&A rules.
sucked2be helix <_<
Let me see if i understand... so in next season i can download a hack and make my team go to final ; 1/4 final, then i get busted... i get a ban... but nP.. no forfeit... and my team is allready in final... it makes sense?
If Clanbase have a zero tolerance policy, like it has stated time and time again, surely anyone even trying out a hack on a public server should be banned immediatly. The fact that it took so long for keran,shy to be banned even with the knowledge of the esl bans is a bit farsical. All the teams that have played pro5 since knowing about keran/shys actions have recieved unfair treatment.

I agree with Kendle, if zero tolerance isn't implemented, then your open to alot of hassle. They probably havent cheated in officials, but no-one knows that for sure. I hate the excuse of "omg they went to lan they dont cheat", doesn't mean anything. I am sure people can add and remove cheats from there configs. It may be harsh , and I feel for the team that it gets done to, but all the matches must be forfeited. The fact that teams wasted there time playing pro5 isnt very fair. We should have seen Cadre, Impact dignitas and TLR fighting for Eurocup Gold.

As other's have also stated, past examples like Helix were made to forfeit there games. This is worse than rivatuner, but you say the rules have changed, why? :<
The statement of Clanbase doesn't make it better, quite the opposite. Apparently it took several month to act on an easy case. They just sat there and did nothing letting shy and especially keran play in EC playoffs. Whether they cheated or not in CB matches can't be proven. I can imagine that the other teams, especially dignitas are mad. Would've been really easy to ban him at least a month sooner.
I also wanna repeat my statement about pro5. They saw the evidence and shy and keran probably talked to the team about what they did. So imo they should get punished too for letting them play although they were sure they were getting banned.
To summarize: they claim they enforce a "zero-tolerance" policy, but it just takes too much time to forfeit all the matches the busted cheaters have played.
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Bla bla.
QuoteThe bottom line is, keran was not caught cheating in a CB match, similarly 1000s of other players are also not caught cheating in CB matches. Their results are never changed, so why should we do it now for keran?

Wow, CB have no clue about what they do. In many similar cases I have seen so far, the whole teams got banned and their matches were forfeited. You don't have to look back to find an example, check team viSual's case which occured this season in 3on3 OpenCup. Their members were caught cheating on a public and banned after their matches, but still the team got red carded.

One of the chief CB admins, after having seen few cases like that, said that the decisions that were made were wrong (razz's case included) and he'll try to fix them wherever possible.

To CB: If you can't stick to your own rules and act accordingly, could you please at least stop lying? Thanks in advance.
Are you defending visual, a 3o3 clan fielding two cheaters in many matches ?

The ones we had demos from his official matches with 100% clear proof they were using at least wallhack ?

Tell me where we didn't follow our own rules.

Cheat type Cheating in a public server

Stop kidding me :XD , and how can u say that player has wallhack if u only see demo ? nice proof .
I am trying you explain you why he has a 12 months ban.

" In-game cheating during a ClanBase match:
Cheating (aimbot, wallhack, spiked models, ...): 12 month ban for the player. If the cheating occured in a Cup match, the clan will be removed from the cup. "

Have you ever heard about r_shownormals, a player tracking someone behind a wall ? yes a demo can be a good proof to ban someone.

Ps. I don't understand why players are now trying to defend cheaters. Go and help cheatbuster guys, they are doing a great work for the game and helping the community and not you with your nonsense flame.
Was that the reason for which you banned them for cheating on a public server and trace of a cheat? I thought that you'd ban them for cheating in an official match if you had enough proofs, but I guess I was wrong.
both, we had proofs of him catched in a public using aimbot and his demo showed he used at least wallhack on official.

Don't ask me why his ban was registered like that. The ban time is right and the clan remove as well. I can't be arsed to waste more time with them.
Ban him now, every cheater should be banned asap
Quotesimilarly 1000s of other players are also not caught cheating in CB matches. Their results are never changed

still they find a way to lie
I feel sorry for Spain doneX :[
me2 he's trying 2 do his job and people are flaming his *ss off
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