ESL Summer Series announced

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With the latest amount of cups and storys written in ET's very own history it's time to get a new session up and to rumble the scene with a straight amount of events in our very own Enemy Territory's 1on1, 2on2, 3on3 and ofcourse 6on6 competition area. When you expected a hot summer with hot nights we will bring you even more of this with hot maps and the definitely best config settings on earth.
Again, we offer a free amount of slots for our 6on6 and 3on3 Competition. We will devide a free amount of teams in each division to give each the chance to do their best based on results achived in the ESL and latest results in other competitions.

The king is dead - Atleast the former line up of the current VAE and former team who is still on the very top of our last series ranking with winning against, a new season can bring a new team up to the top. According to the choice of playable maps in the past, we have decided to take in the one and only dusty and spammy map in ET back into our pool. For everyone who thought karsiah is playable, we will prove you how playable the old Oasis is. With removing Frostbite and adding Bremen in the latest version, we hope to bring you up some hot games with much of fun playing the cup on your own.

:: Sign Up Open: 22.06.2007
Start: 24.06.2007
Structure: 3 Stages
Teams: Not Limited
Divisions: Not Limited

Stage 1 Groupstage
6 Teams in each group
4 or 8 groups each division
1st advance to playoffs
2nd and 3rd in Qualifier

Stage 2 Qualifier
16 Teams
Single Elimination Bracket
1 Match and the winner is qualified for the final playoffs

Stage 3 Playoffs
8 / 16 Teams
Double Elimination Bracket
Upper Bracket: Tuesday
Lower Bracket: Thursday

:: · SW Goldrush TE
· Bremen (b2)
· Braundorf (b4)
· Supply
· Radar
· Oasis

:: SignUp

With multikulti winning against teh smileyz in the last season letting elite and sTREETFIGHTERS right in the back, a new season can bring a new chance for those who didn't get on the top yet. With a new chance of winning, we have also included bremen as a 3on3 map to keep the map pools as similar as possible.

:: Start: 24.06.2007
Structure: 3 Stages
Teams: Not Limited
Divisions: Not Limited

Stage 1 Groupstage
6 Teams in each group
4 / 8 / 16 groups each division
1st advance to playoffs
2nd and 3rd in Qualifier

Stage 2 Qualifier
16 / 32 Teams
Single Elimination Bracket
1 Match and the winner is qualified for the final playoffs

Stage 3 Playoffs
8 / 16 / 32 Teams
Double Elimination Bracket
Upper Bracket: Tuesday
Lower Bracket: Thursday

:: · SW Goldrush TE
· Bremen (b2)
· Braundorf (b4)
· Supply
· Frostbite
· ET Ice

:: SignUp

Not so major competitions
2on2 is the future!
Right away nearly one year in the past we have started our international 2on2 ladder and bringing some teams up to have fun playing et together with their best friend. To keep this in mind for everyone, we'd like to present the one and only 2on2 cup.
Best regards
Aim is the one and only thing that matters - NOT. In a tactic shooter like ET even 1on1 players have fun finding tactics and playing a shooter to do their best on the most wanted deathmatch and objective maps.

:: Details for 2on2 and 1on1
:: SignUp 2on2
:: SignUp 1on1

With a new season, a new config gets released - not really. We will stick playing with the European config set until we find new settings to shock the whole scene together with the et-cup crew and other organisations who are willing to cooperate.
One major thing most of the people have to watch is the screenshot-rule. Within the ESL and in official matches, screenshots for GUIDs and Rounds have to be uploaded on the website. Not doing so can follow in penalty points.
Also, with forcing autorecord, every player must have ineye demos if they are requested. Admins can request demos randomly as well as the opponent, who does not need any reason for requesting.
During the first stage of each cup, there will be one match each week. The maps will be forced and the teams have to agree on a date right before the start of the matchweeek. The admins will force a date if noone agrees. If a team is unable to show up due to problems, they are allowed to use their wildcard before the starting time of the match.

Where is the god damn IPS?
According to questions coming up each week, we are not allowed to give any details about a second edition of the ESL IPS for ET yet. Please stay tuned and stick praying for us getting atleast one major online tournament with prize money back up soon.

[img|left][/img] Coverage
With GIGA2 and we will bring you the hottest action of the most important matches live every week's Tuesday. In addition to this coverage you can feel free to request your very own ETTV on the website.
In addition, we will bring you the recent updates right here on Crossfire to keep everyone uptodate about the summer's one and only ET series.

:: ESL Newspost
:: SignUp 6on6
:: SignUp 3on3
:: SignUp 2on2
:: SignUp 1on1

Additional note for banned players
The reason to ban by MBI / MBL entrys (with different other matches in the check) is easy preventing a banned player to keep on playing. To be save, we stick banning them for everyone with a suspicious entry. Still everyone can appeal his ban by submitting a support ticket: Support form
After the 4 weeks, the ban can not be apealed anymore - the cheater rehabilitaion will be the only possible way to go afterwards, this will take 3-4 months.
Old oasis :O
hf all teams
nice, really well done
edit, nice to add oasis =)
nice! but bremen out and put frostbite back in!
Frostbite is the worst map ever! Too short and too lucky! Even adlernest is better.
Adlernest is the worst map ever in any competitive game.
I like adler 3on3
frostbite > *. it's only short if you can't defend :)
nice chosen :)

i wasnt able to play oasis on a high level before so its gna be nice to see how it feels like..

+ bremen seems wierd in 3on3, although i wont say anything else as ive never tried it.

oasis :DDDD

why the new bremen? :(

where is battery ?!
new bremen is better? o.O?
haven't tried it, but on the newspost about that b2 it said that it's made harder to play MG in it so I don't think it's even worth trying!

well.. anyway chmpp is banned from ESL so I can stick to playing B1 still :D
for putting some random cvar into his cfg to test if he gets a red triangle @ yawn ages a go, yes :D
he cheated, nough said

mg whould be removed anyway with eslconfig.

and its rly better! believe me :)
yeah that's the 2nd reason why cadre won't probably be attending this season ;D
we play without mg since teh beginning and rox npnp ;D
but we're mg-only :(
So Cadre would be playing in my CB Hosted Cup with Bremen_B1 ?
rly lol @ all whiner clans
imo it's so easy to kill the enemies' MG42 :/
not when they constantly change position, and if you have a nice mg it's easy for them to get 7-8k damage given
actually there are only noobs playing the mg nowadays!
lovely site
yes!! waiting for this!!

OH hey, wait I'm banned at ESL!!

Banned for an suspicious pbss GG
i love the idea of brining back oasis!
rofl can't join the 3on3 because we are barred in ESL, kinda sux :D
oO :o o:

/q chosen @ irc
why banned ? :D
we have been inactive in some ladders there or something :P
u should be able to join now :>
ok thx :)

now I just have to add a 3rd player to join :P

Need battery in as well! Go to hell with that braundorf!
agree on the braundorf thingy...
agree on the battery thingy...
nice maps. Oasis/sd <3
railgun is teh one and only

one day you ll all say why are we just starting to play this map!

Railgun without wolffog is pretty darn nice...

Plus I have always loved railgun, also competitively :)
i lold @ the 3,50$ cashprizefor 1o1 tournament
it's no chashprice
hello chosen! <3
nice seeing oldskool oasis back in a mappool!!
"Details and Scheule"
Details and Schedule plz :P
bremen out, frost in :<
nice oasis :))!

FINALLYYYYYYY!!!!!!! shit rtcw
great maplist except oasis o my god! So boring fullholds :P but still n1ce n1ce n1ce!
i doubt you will see that many fullholds with the allies spawntime of 10secs
wetten doch? Ö
ja unsre defense wird pr0...weil ich dann rifle spiel un nich kai der noob
great job chosen
well done! nice maplist. :)
3on3 bremen_b2? :D
gj chosen
gj :o)
ps: my dg > your dg
nice1, oh wait i'm banned at esl :(
gj kafux!
really awesome map list :)
need someone to play in the 2on2 cup - contact me!
i really love to see oasis in the mappool.. great map imo.
you do a great job chosen n1
nice to read, good news! lookin forward to it...
waiting for cb cup ;))
Very nice cup with a very nice maplist, so happy to see oasis back :) gl & hf all teams
yeaaa return to oasis <3
oasis out pls :/

and ice out as well :/

oasis -> karsiah/frost/whatever :/
avi as 6th/backup!
ok maplist besides bremen in the 3on3 pool ;/
Can't wait =o]
50% dropouts
time to leave cb for once and for all
Put sos_secret_weapon and railgun on the map list! It's so damn great to watch I guess.
oasis =)
gl to all teams!
oasis lol'd
nice that oasis is back :)
oasis :))

Great, 2on2!

very nice, that the esl is back in serious et business!!
at last someone got brainz to remove that shit frostbite. tho suply, oasis and braun are shit too
(but not that much) xD
love the maplist \o/

Great maplist. Oasis is great. Nothing is wrong about fullholds, they make the game longer & more adrenalized for the opposing team and the watchers. Old et was fun, we can bring it back.
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