C&A Policy Update

The C&A Department have made some changes to the Cheating and Abuse Policy as part of ongoing review of our guidelines. The following additions will come into effect from midnight (CET) Saturday 16th June 2007.


for individual players:

* Anyone caught cheating in an official ClanBase match, will have the result changed into a forfeit loss. Only games where the cheating occured will be changed.
* Anyone caught cheating in a public server or an outside league, will result in a ban only. Results of any ClanBase games in which they have participated, will not be changed.

Please note that ClanBase will only ever change the result of a match when it can be proved that an offence took place during that match. All players are considered innocent until proven guilty and a player's guilt can only be ascertained once their case has been dealt with by the C&A Team.


* Anyone who is currently banned, cannot request or Supervise a Hosted cup.
* Bans are issued at various times, because of this it is impossible for us to see if there are any ongoing or scheduled matches for offending players.
* It is the player's responsibility to check to see if they have been issued a ban.
* Players have until 30 minutes before their scheduled match to check if a ban has been issued. If a ban has not been issued by then, they are free to play that match regardless if a ban is then issued.

Following a situation in which a player's ban was added whilst he was playing an official match the above has been added for clarification.

Source: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news.php?nid=258624
Posted by Moadebe
nice to see some updates *finally*
"* It is the player's responsibility to check to see if they have been issued a ban."

lol clanbase ~_~
schnee ! go watch some football !! XD
You are not Australian!
n1ce keep on. =)
and now you are coming with those updates

nice, cheaters still can play offis.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
you are funny man ! me pr0 inglish
as far as they dont cheat in them.
Wow, that's ridiculous :c
This is so retarded, this seems like a change ONLY beneficial for zP and the gang.

Who made these changes? a german 100% sure.
man i seriously wanted to post that aswell.
lick a boob
Bad, but...
What if someone cheats in an official, gets caught but not banned, plays another official without cheats, and then gets banned. I hope both matches would be forfeits...
I guess you haven't been following the story of keran.

The results stay! No forfeit.
Not the same situation, he cheated in a public, I'm talking about if they cheated in an official but didn't get caught right away and played another official after that.
How the hell are you supposed to be able to tell when a person cheated? Keran have only claimed himself that it was only on public.
Yeah I agree, but I wasn't talking about reality... I'm talking about what ClanBase's decisions are based on. :)
the result of all matches where he cheated will be changed
now prove that someone cheated in your match oO :<
that's why these new rules suck
And if it's a winners / losers bracket situation? What if the one match you can prove they cheated was the one which advanced them to the next round. Would all matches after that point be forfeited?
#cbsucks :] You're welcome
woot woot? :X
Just made for less stress & work.
I don't care about the ban but cmon banning someone for a speedhack in ET which is a speedhack for MU alchemy is just retarted, CU in turkey n3rds.

well if they're going to be retarted like that I think i'm going to cheat
Going to marmaris?
en hoe weet je dat ;d
just asking cause im going to marmaris from 11-26 juli :P
Are you talking about the MU server from UK? It still exists? :D
you should ask my brother
Ask him for meh!
jij haat rocky
I disagree with the rule change, imo it should have stayed as before:
-if a player cheats in a public or scrim no results will be overturned
-if he cheats in an official he will be assumed to have cheated in all official matches and the results of all the matches he played will be changed to forfeit losses

With current rules, instead, it is well worth the risk to have a cheater in your lineup and use him to pass the group stage of a cup, for example. Even if he is caught cheating at the last match, your clan will still qualify if you won the other matches and it can't be proven he cheated in them :[
-if he cheats in an official he will be assumed to have cheated in all official matches and the results of all the matches he played will be changed to forfeit losses

yeah i agree. its hard enough to catch a cheater once. this means more cheaters, just cheat all you want, if you get caught you only get 1 forfeit. then get a new account, its your opponents job to make sure your team isnt playing with a banned cheater :-I
Idd, but if you get caught then you will get a permban, but like one that change account so easily would have the slightest care.
Also agree 100%, this rule will only encourage cheaters to try their luck. Cheat in 5 games, get caught doing it in 1 = 1 forfeit, which means 4 dishonest matches (for example).

As I've said before, I applaud CB's intentions, and things like "innocent until proven guilty" sound good when you say it quick, but we live in an imperfect world, online gaming being less perfect than most things. We simply don't have the technology / resources to admin the game perfectly, whereas "zero tolerance" is easy to understand and far simpler to administer.
"With current rules, instead, it is well worth the risk to have a cheater in your lineup and use him to pass the group stage of a cup, for example."

Not really: "If the cheating occured in a Cup match, the clan will be removed from the cup."

The rules seems somewhat contradictory, with another section saying
"in accordance with the cup rules a clan may be removed from the cup when it has forfeited a certain amount of matches."
Yeah you are right, I missed that part. If a player is found cheating in a cup match the clan will be removed from the cup. The part about the forfeit losses seems really redundant then, why specify that the clan receives a forfeit loss if they are actually completely removed from the cup?
Quote All players are considered innocent until proven guilty

nice one banning allu then
dude hes just was cheatin (i know that cuz i was playin with him) and tbh it was kinda obvious
i watched many games with my brothers 3on3 squad in which allu was playing too by the time he got "busted" and he never cheated

and the thing i wanted to point out, the only "proof" that C&A had for banning allu was a demo where he shot some 3hs kills and all the belgium guys where whining, and that's in my opinion not a real proof, where is the pb bust, pbss or smth like that, this would be a proof but not som whining belgiums
what a bullshit, So if there a newbies on the ladder and u play them and they are not looking if u are banned u can play GG suport the cheaters
you obviously didn't read those rules all to well...

you can play the game as long as the ban had not been put in place more then 30 minutes before the game starts.

and it's up to the playerr himself to check if he has indeed been banned or not before that time. not up to the admins/opponents.
They check 30 mins for the match players not banned they check 10 mins before match player is banned he can play
yes... if the ban is less then 30 minutes before the game he can play the game.
look thats bullshit dont u think?
may be bullshit but that's how it is from now on...
thats a BS rule, a cheater is a cheater. once someone has been busted he shouldnt be allowed to play pending the ban. it should be up to the clans if theyll take the risk to let a cheater who is pending a ban play or not, risking a forfeit.
what about the h&m policy?

image: hm
so schlecht..
N1 bullshitdecision!

Hacking == hacking no matter where in ET...

Almost as stupid as toxic. That's very, very stupid.
The whole policy is still full of contradictions and unclarity.

Example 1:
"If the cheating occured in a Cup match, the clan will be removed from the cup."
"A forfeit loss in a cup corresponds to a normal loss, but in accordance with the cup rules a clan may be removed from the cup when it has forfeited a certain amount of matches."

Example 2:
"Any player found playing while currently serving a ban, will be banned permanently."
Found playing what? Publics? Other tourneys?

I also think they should clarify that you are not only responsible for your GUID, but also for your IP address. If someone else uses "your" IP address (but with another GUID) then you'll get banned, but if you just sign up another account on CB then you can use that GUID/IP for cheating without risk. :P
Yeah these rules are horribly written; the whole part regarding forfeit losses in cup matches should be omitted since it is stated that the clan is removed from the cup.
They should specify: cheating in ladder game -> forfeit loss, cheating in cup game -> removal from the cup
Hahahha, this is like a parody, only that it isn't meant to be :)
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