ET:QW 4 Newbies

image: banner

The popular map maker and general ET philanthropist United States of America Ifurita - famous for his creation RTCW4Newbies has been busy at work bringing his site up to date with all you need to know on ET:QW. From individual CVARS to scritping if you are into ETQW it's definately worth checking it out.

A first stop for any newbie should be the config section, taking you back to basics - remember this is the doom engine not quake, so your +forward & +attack are useless here. That can be found in the scripting section.

The next port of call should be to familiarise yourself with Sewer, the only map in the beta. Luckily for us Ifurita has already jotted down a 5 point plan to victory.

Amongst other things you'll also find a detailed run down of the xp upgrades, which should look familiar to the hardened 40 man xp save veteran.

And finally the Newbies 12 Commandments, you should all learn how to be a good newbie.

Ps. There will be approximately 30,000 keys released for non-subscribers, so if you don't have a FilePlanet subscription, you can still sign up for a free account and chance your luck. It's expected that the free keys will be released this Saturday.
fix banner
Go for it, don't have photoshop.
Like that.
outstanding :B
the keys are released to random fileplanet members? coz i cant find no where to reg for a key

When a batch is available the button saying "Join fileplanet today" is replaced with one for the beta.
hope its early sat morning or i wont see a key at all :(
I thought u were in a foreign country, finding yourself, rather than playing ET? :P
i dont leave for another 4 months yet matey :( getting my vaccinations, training and buying shit loads of flip flops and vests atm :)
The release time for the other keys was around 5pm, so it might be around the same time.
They are saying 10:00:00 PST and 09:00:00 PST...

is it am or pm?
Well thats pacific time which is 9 hours behind CET, so PM for Europe.
Nice reading ...

Now that ET is slowly dying we might as well get used to the other stuff

<3 Jack
great work! :)
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ET: Quake Wars
"how to be a good newbie" n1 guide ;)
still no key, will i get one next days?
doom3e = doomm3 cdkey :)
good work, ifurita; I learned a lot from your site in the dawn of et.
/me waves to everyone

Still lots to write and post up. This is a pretty deep game.
great work once again iffy
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