Team Chile - F3


Chile is unique for its very long (2,650 miles) and comparatively narrow (maximum 250 miles) shape and for its great variety of natural features. It extends from latitudes 18 to 56 grades south and contains one of the driest regions in the world and one of the wttest areas in South America. It is bound on the north by Peru, on the northeast by Bolivia, on its long eastern border (3,200miles) by Argentina and on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and blah blah blah.

Here is the LineUp

Team Chile

Chile Akira (segnen sie)
Chile FrozT (ignition team)
Chile hypn0x (unnamed team)
Chile laope (dak team) (manager)
Chile zerg (segnen sie)
Chile coke (dak team) (captain)
Chile nozz (unnamed team)
Chile oops (dak team)
Chile musashi (segnen sie)
United Kingdom TosspoT (Mascot)
Chile tba

Contact @qnet

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