i3d ET:Quake Wars Open Beta Cup Announcement

i3d.net in association with QuakeWars.net are pleased to announce the first ever cup for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The cup will take place using the Public Beta during the months of July & August.

All European (top) clans, teams & communities are invited to participate in this cup, which will decide who goes home with 2 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Game servers from i3d, and 8 corepads!

The Cup will have a maximum of 40 Clans, which will be divided into 8 poules of 5 clans, each team playing all the other teams in its poule. The top 2 teams from each poule will qualify for the knockout stage, which will take place in Single Elimination. We feel that this will give all competing clans the chance to play a number of matches in a relatively tight time-schedule. The first matches will take place during the first week in July.

All matches will take place on Sewer using the very same ABBA format seen in Enemy Territory. It will be played in Stopwatch mode, with a time limit of 20 minutes. The matches will take place in 6on6 mode (6 players per team). It is allowed to substitute players, however they must leave the server before the replacement connects. Certain vehicle restrictions will be enforced. Any team found using the prohibited vehicles will automatically forfeit the half.

It is not allowed to exploit any bugs (of which a list will be circulated prior to the competition beginning). If you think you have found a bug, please contact the i3d Admin Team as well as posting it on the FilePlanet Beta Forum. Teams found to be breaking this rule will be subject to round forfeits or possible disqualification, at the admin's discretion. All teams who play a match in the competition will be required to submit feedback which will be passed on to Splash Damage to aid the ongoing development of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

In order to be eligible to compete, teams must have at least 6 players with a legal Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Open beta key. These keys are distributed on FilePlanet and a select number of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars websites. They must all be registered and added to the team at i3d.net in order to be eligible to compete.

Spectators are not permitted, other than i3d Cup Admins, and recognized shoutcasters/commentators. Both TGBF.tv and QuadV.com will be providing audio and video coverage of this cup.

Coverage Partners:

i3D.net is one of the largest European gamehosters, hosting the Battlefield series, Counter Strike PREMIUM servers and America's Army Honor. i3D.net's PREMIUM servers offer high quality Counter Strike gameservers. They will also be hosting servers in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars as a trusted partner.

i3d also have an unique Quake Wars gameserver offering. The servers are hosted in The Netherlands (Amsterdam and Rotterdam) and Germany (Frankfurt).

What is the ABBA mode?
For those that are not experienced with this format, the team listed first on the i3d.net cup web page will play as GDF in the first round, with the team listed 2nd playing as Strogg. The attacking team (team A) will set a time to complete the objectives. The teams then swap sides, and team B must try to beat that time. If they beat the time of Team A, they win the half. Ig team a do not set a time, and team b do not complete the final objective, the half is a tie. Team B then attacks again, and sets a time, which Team A must then try and beat. If they do so, they win the half. If after this the score is tied at 1-1, the team with the fastest time to complete the objective can choose whether they will start on offense or defense for the deciding round.

Vehicle Restrictions
The following vehicles are prohibited:
It is only allowed to use 1 (ONE) Cyclops

The cup IRC channel is #i3d on Quakenet
Hurray for 6v6 ! Let the games begin !
2nd gl hf
theres already top clans?
Some MGCs have been testing since closed beta.
nice 6on6 > the rest
it's Strogg


qw merc avi :D
QuakeWars > ET anytime
the rules about vehicle restrictions makes good sense glad they listen:D but the 12min round time is bad good teams will never let the gdf complete all 3 objectives.
12min ? r u kidding me ?
What's wrong with 12 minutes?
its not enough for the gdf to complete all 3 objectives a good team playing organized will hold the gdf off for 12min. Most of the games i have played on sewer ended with 8-1min left on the clock.
12 min timelimit o_O, go fullhold!
12 minutes is not enough...
k you won
The timelimit may change after the group stage. What we don't want to do is turn teams away from the game because they get raped for 20minutes.
hf with fullholds
need 5on5!!
sounds nice unlike the game itself
How about stick to your 100 years old ET rather than russian-whine on QW? :o
sieg heil

i do hope it will prove me wrong and will be great comp game
Nice one! I need team for the cup! Skilled pls...
such a shit game
6vs6 great but change 12 to 20 min from the start or we will have fullholds.
Timelimit changed to 20mins due to popular demand.

Can't you make it so that the timelimit depends on the achieved objecties? The thing in the base, gdf has 5 minutes to complete it. If not: Game is lost. Breaking sewers: 5 minutes after that, if not completed game is lost. Hacking thing: 5 minutes if not completed game is over.

This way no team is held back at spawn 20 minutes but even teams will be able to finish objectives in time. The times are already in place except now you get XP for it (kill XP). Make it a loose or win situation instead.

How many teams are registered now and what date will it really start? July has 31 days.
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