Quakewars Open Beta launches in Style

If anyone thought that ET:Quakewars might slip off the radar or not fill its beta spots, they were well and truly shot down tonight as the ET:Quakewars Open beta began with 3000 user bang. That is to say, 3000 beta keys were registered within the first five minutes of the open beta going live!

3 hours later and more than 15,000 more people had crushed fileplanet in their attempt to get their hands on a precious ET:Quakewars Key. Fileplanet, one of the web's leading download sites was pummeled by anxious gamers and eventually brought down to its knees, buckeling under the pressure before resurfacing.

Anxious players filled the game to its capacity. The initial 3048 server slots available to the public filled quickly, and the European servers were left full instantly with slots spare only across the pond in America and Australia.

Here on Crossfire, the day of the release of the beta slots has seen a little under 200 new Journals of varying opinion on the game, and those united in their complaint about the hit detection will rejoice in the news that SplashDamage have publically stated there will be a patch for the open beta in the week.

In addition, the ET:Quakewars Forum section is open you can put threads in it rather than journals should you chose, Here
ive heard mix opinions about the game so far, my download will be done in 20 mins so will be nice to see how it plays
i cant make an opinion cos i havent got more than 10 fps :D;D:d:DDd:D
your system is better than mine, so you should get at least 25 - 30
well, i get 20fps while im moving along, but when there is a vehicle/person/shooting involved it goes down to 10fps
hogg > all

you can even drive with it inside teh sewer
I had 8 keys! But now they have all been given away! I feel so helpful.
yer it would be even better if every server wasn't full ;p
100+ servers and still not enough :[
So it is actually hit detection thats messed up and not some ridiculous weapon spread that they introduced? Good to hear.
Indeed prediction+hitbox is bugged in this build, patch coming early next week.
YE i cant wait for this l;f
its really noticable when use vehicle mg guns at long distance. You gets hits from hitting ahead of the player rather than aiming at the model.
Pls more W:ET news :,(
You hope right! :) Just sad that everything is now about ET:QW pffff going to sleep have a nice night ;)
omg this game sucks so hard :s
maybe cos it was like 5am in australia when the keys got releases ~_^
Yeah, and still we had a few servers full D:
I like the game except for the vehicles, they really destroy it for me, and so far they seem to play a pretty big role.
I find myself in a lot of situations facing some giant megatank or dreadnought thingie or whatever where of course I have nothing to do but try and hide.
They suck indeed, though I like the icarus, gives some variation stuff.
Last night I was on a pub where people didn't really use the vehicles, the game was pretty cool then :)
idd, thx for the key btw, i'll transfer the money tomorrow :P
u didnt pay did u? :D
it was a joke duh :P
"I need (rocket launcher) backup!"
am i the only one who doesnt care about that game!?
No my dad doesn't give a damn!
shame the map is small xD. other wise looks a top touch game
any chance you all hate the game and share a key with little old me? xD ;( damn
Server Error

ACK! There's been some sort of error with the contest or poll that you tried to submit.

An admin has been notified and someone will be looking into this shortly.

lol I get this after putting my hardware nice.. thx a lot fileplanet... no key for me cause of bug? omg..
After seeing quakewars there gonna have to do something special with RTCW 2.
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