Locki Confirms Second Beta

In an irc question and answer session, SplashDamage Lead Game Designer Paul "Locki" Wedgwood dropped a bomb shell tonight. He just confirmed that a second beta client will be available that will not only include certain bug fixes which can't be solved with a simple patch to the current beta, but will also include a new map!

QuoteAfter the Programmers have completed their testing of new things like the anti-lag code in updates (along with Bots), we'll be releasing a brand new build called Beta 2. This 'Beta 2' will feature a new map.

At the moment we think that Valley will be the best choice, as it features additional vehicles (such as the Anansi Hovercopter, and the MCP objective). To give you a sense of how much performance has improved, I've been playing Valley today against bots on a 7-series NVIDIA in 1600 x 900 with all graphics settings maxed out. It looked amazing and I got really good frame-rates.

We don't have a timeline to announce yet for beta 2

Valley will replace the current map Sewers.
very nice

cant wait for the higher fps :)
"replace"? meaning in the second we can only play the one map again? why not keep both for variety? :X
Wils|work answers: It means we've gotten enough feedback on Sewer and don't want to make you all sick of it before release :)
piller[NL]: "hey sD need more tanks + cyclops plz @ sewer"

just kidding :)
you can download the 2nd beta and use the same key? or will it be again, fighting for a Beta 2 key
prolly continue with registered accounts rather than license keys
exoz-off asked: will you need to have a new key for beta2?
adman answers: your existing beta is all you'll need

so :D
i need link to download ET:QW :(
arni.name link, but I'm too lazy to find it atm.
There is also a Linux version coming, but it will be a point release after the initial release
Sounds good. ;)
Yeah, more vehicles finally!
<3 vehicles

add MORE MORE and even MORE! <3
without the mech...
sounds good :)
cool the sewers stink!
scchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *BOOOMB*
so valley will replace sewer.
anyone knows if the beta cups switch aswell? :D
noone knows when beta 2 will arrive so kinda hard to predict ;<

pity they don't do a map rotation instead but then again, it's just a beta and i suppose i shouldn't be complaining.
i'm really looking forward to this map. it was shown in the first intro on enemyterritory.com and i want to see the water interactive :>
will there be more beta key releases?
no, the current beta testers will be asked to download the new beta2 build
too big !
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