Team Norway - The land of aurora borealis - (google it)

image: norway3fd

The land of Mette-Marit and Sven O. The land where "a whore" can become princess, and her father the nr1 newsobject. The land where the old and famouse berserkers lived, eating their Amanita before going into battle. Just like the old berserkers, the norwegians are now ready to eat whatever they found poisoning, to be sure to kick ass.. and maybe then, we will find our own Ari Behn.

Norway Norway will this season play Australia Australia in the qualifications for nations cup. Even though the aussies will have high ping, and allso not the perfect time of day for gaming (07.30 in the morning), we do not under estimate them. And since our beloved Subaru Rally driver, Petter Solberg, smashed a kangoroo with a perfect headshot during his last visit in Australia Australia, we are sure they want theire revenge now.

Norways roster during NC will be:
Norway Gjerry
Norway Sion
Norway Borcster
Norway Doc
Norway Anakin
Norway Promo
Norway Kaiz
Norway Nikk
Norway Schattenjager
Norway Stix

Norway Snuble (c)

Norway Abrrad

Thanx for all the love and support you guys give our little community. Visit us at #Et-norge

And to all nations participating: Good luck, may the best team win!
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