i3d Quake Wars Cup Begins!

image: i3d

i3d.net in association with QuakeWars.net are pleased to announce that the i3d Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta Cup is ready to begin!

130 clans signed up for the first European Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Cup; with over 1000euro's worth of prizes up for grabs.
i3d has decided to split the cup into two sections: Division 1, 40 pro-teams, and Division 2, 40 semi-pro teams.
Both division follow the same schedule: 8 poules of 5 clans play 4 wars per clan. After the poules, the cup will move to a knock out schedule: the top 2 clans of each poule will qualify for the knockout stage.

The cup will take place using the Public (Open) Beta during the months of July & August. The first matches will start at the 9th of July 2007. One poule match per clan per week will be scheduled.

i3D.net offers each and every clan bookable private unranked warservers for training and matches. These servers are free of charge and available for 24 hours in each session. Read about the free ordering here: http://www.i3d.nl/cup/news-article.php?news=207

More information regarding the cups, the poules and match schedule is available on the official cup website:
Division 1
Division 2

QuadV and TGBF will provide audio and visual coverage of the cup, and Crossfire will bring you regular coverage.

Match week 1 runs from Monday 9th July - Sunday 15th July

The poules are as follows:

Division 1[/b]]
Group 1
Sweden Team One2
Finland 4th.Rangers
Germany gods.inc
Sweden Desire
United Kingdom The .x7 Project

Group 2
Europe lolicon
Germany bioXar
Germany egamespoint.Thermaltake
Poland Team Delta
United Kingdom Team imm0rtal. eSports

Group 3
United Kingdom Dignitas
Germany Quakenstein
Netherlands Beyond-Gaming
Poland spierdalaj!
Italy n1ce.it

Group 4
Sweden Kompaniet
Sweden Xtreme Gaming Xperience
Belgium AEQUiTAS
Germany Kampfschwimmer
Italy A.S. R!oT Gamers

Group 5
Germany Cause
Finland BioXar
Poland Fear Factory.X-Fi
Poland DEFAULT.Team
France CoRe

Group 6
Spain Exilium
United Kingdom Power of Greyskull
Italy Retroactive
Spain plan9
Germany masterblasters e.V.

Group 7
Sweden Ninja
Sweden Project Ego
Poland Logitech UVM
Germany Stofftier
Germany Pain is Coming

Group 8
Europe cZar Gaming
Spain VGA Gaming
United Kingdom 69ers
United Kingdom infused Gaming.ET:QW
United Kingdom Team.Intermission

Division 2[/b]]

Group 1
France VaKarM.H2G
Spain Squad 3V
Italy Silent italian Shadows
France Head Killer Shoot
Netherlands Deathless

Group 2
France Venatio
Germany shuuk
Germany Fallen Soulz
Sweden xVera
Germany United Dutch Forces

Group 3
Germany progressive eSports
United Kingdom Alpha9
Germany prediction Gaming
Netherlands |BEWARE|
Slovenia Vendetta

Group 4
Germany eatSlugs
Croatia *NOB* Mrcine
Poland Highrised
Italy Who Are You??
Finland Creatures of The Night

Group 5
France Clan Des Damnés
United Kingdom GamersNation.co.uk
Poland Empire of Soldiers
France et-fr
Sweden illuminators

Group 6
Spain FreesTyle
United Kingdom Fleetwood
Ireland Killers in Arms
France Clan-Groland
Netherlands Dutch Hawks

Group 7
Finland ntech
Finland Breakdown
Slovenia Team Vendetta
Finland #murso
France Afrika Korps

Group 8
Germany Team enCore
Poland Wilda D-Link
Germany QuoVadis
Germany ReaLComputerFreaks
i3d has decided to split the cup into two sections: Division 1, 40 pro-teams, and Division 2, 40 semi-pro teams.
Both division follow the same schedule: 8 poules of 5 clans play 4 wars per clan.

haha retards like there is a skill difference at this time
There is actually a bit of skill difference...
Yes there is, so many clans are so easy to rape/fullhold but they`re in div1 aswell -_-

Btw we might have an chance of getting quite far in this one since groupstage will be no problem with random lineups and after that the missing 50% of our lineup is back from vacantion <3

Btw group numbers 1 and 2 IMO

Team One2







cZar Gaming
sounds about right, haven't seen bioxar play yet though, not sure what to expect
lolicon>bioxar from what i've seen ;>
Yeah I tought it was Bioxar.fi my bad

shouldnt be a skill difference if were dealingwith money
How will visual coverage for this game be provided, for those of us interested in watching? Will there be a QWTV or a demo system, or somthing new?
Video streams
and so it begins... the death of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory :D
Go lolicon :DD
glhf to all those of u involved ;>

and woohaaa for ending up together with dignitas ^^ ..anyways. i list one2 as the favourites in this cup. they are evül.
This is over the top to be honest.
Why d'you say that? :&
Quote130 clans signed up for the first European Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Cup; with over 1000euro's worth of prizes up for grabs.
i3d has decided to split the cup into two sections: Division 1, 40 pro-teams, and Division 2, 40 semi-pro teams.
maybe, their money =d
fuck off back to your rock
ex dee dee dee dee dee
United Kingdom hentai !!!!!!!!!!
Where is DenmarkALIS ?
Div 2 Poule E


go [GN] :)
il join a random team when I get home from holiday!:) I want to play as well!
bibuy et :-/
Division2, and 3rd group dont have flag |BEWARE| :)
yeah i'm in division 1 rofl, haven't even played a war in ETQW, now gl
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