ClanBase ET:QW Cup Rule Change

image: cb_etqw_betacup_banner

ClanBase today did a u-turn on their somewhat controversial format for the pending ClanBase ET:QW Beta Cup. In a post on ClanBase tournament supervisor United Kingdom DuRuS states that they will be dropping the non-vehicle format of the competition as at this time they do not wish to make core changes to the gameplay.

This decision leaves some suggesting SplashDamage imposed their influence.

Quote by DuRuSAfter careful consideration and a lot of thought we have decided to not come up with a set of "house" rules. We would much rather keep the game as close to the original version as possible. The exact details of what will be changed will become available shortly, but for now I just wanted to let you know that we are not planning on removing much from the game.

If we find out from this that it doesn't work, and changes need to be made for the real thing, then we will do so when the game comes out. But until then we are going to keep it plain and simple.

Please feel free to keep the feedback coming. And I want to apologise for making these changes, we just feel that the best way of working out what works best is to base it on the original settings.

A full updated ruleset will be posted shortly. Clans are reminded signups close this Sunday, 8th July 24:00 CET.
game is not released yet, but already getting killed
lol, he's only the admin for this cup, once a proper superviser is selected (most likely adacore/lab imo), we'll see a real ruleset come into play :)
True, lets hope the major leagues of Europe will do it the better way and make ET:QW infantry based with transport vehicles only.
The game isn't even final yet you know how it should be? That's ridiculous. Wait for the full game, see how the gameplay evolves and then make decisions to alter it. Doing it now would just be stupid. Minor things that immediately don't work out sure but not anything major.
The first thing CB did wong was luring a lot of us into signing up for the cup by restricting the vehicle usage, the second thing they are doing wrong is making competition the way its ment to be played as pubgame, which wil not work in the 6on6 format. What do you think CB will do if this turns out to be crap, resctrict the vehicles or change the game into sucky 8on8 gameplay?
i think CB was reminded by SD that they can't limit anything atm. The game doesn't support it afaik.

We'll have to wait for someone on the et:qw community to come out with a pro mod, and then we'll be able to make changes to gameplay (incl. spawn times, vehicle spawn times, timelimits, charge bars, etc).

i asked 20 times to the dev's if the game supported these things in the last dev talk, but i didn't got any answer so i presume it doesn't support anything like the brilliant plugin config system of etpro where leagues can really change these things.

atm you'd have to trust clans not to use big armor vehicles afaik : )

someone correct me if i'm wrong please

and i agree with shakes, you still haven't played the other 11 maps, and you still haven't played enough wars to make such decisions.
"i think CB was reminded by SD that they can't limit anything atm. The game doesn't support it afaik."

Nah, just have an admin on the server & forfeit any team breaking the rules. Easy enough.
Right decision.
really nice =))=))))))
Lolled, they're getting payed to leave the vehicules in!
Who's paying them? :<
etqw makers through clanbase sponsors (conspiracy theory :P)
Right decision.
OH YEAH! time to spam some ET noobs;P
woho we get to keep the spam WINWIN

.. even Paul Wedgwood said that he thought clanplayers were to remove the vehicles in cws... (PW=lead designer on etqw and owner of Splash Damage)

etqw is balanced for public play, just because something works public dosnt mean that it work in cordinated matches where teams uses items in a completly diffrent way
so why had he made a poll on clanbase about what players want, if he did what he wanted anyways? :/
Most teams playing the game say the vehicles are really useless most of the times. Competition heavily relies on fops to take down the tanks and other annoying vehicles. One player is usually 'pf' while rest is jsut basic infantry (med - eng)

I hate the public side of the game, but the competetive part doesnt use all the annoying features like hammers, flying drones, turrets, tanks, snipers etc, etc. There's just no time for all the fancy stuff.

I can imagine some of the more exotic features will be abused in the future, for now everything should stay the same.
there are a lot of really "fun" spam/rape strats allready..
If you can't control or effectively use the vehicles (like Tormentor), that doesn't mean that they should be removed and it definately doesn't mean that they're ruining the game...

Stick to your ET and live happy if you don't like ET:QW!
Correct decision, removing vehicles without even trying to play with them could be unreasoning.
hey its only clan base who cares :\
good decision
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