Don't cry for me,

image: idkfa

You've probably heard the whispers, or witnessed the event first hand. The reason?
Europe is no more.

The team itself has heralded some impressive results in the Eurocup before tonight, winning games against the likes of wA, rA, s-E and other top class gaming outfits at the time. However, all good things (unfortunately) have to come to an end, and tonight is the night that Europe IDKFA disconnected from the server for the last time.

Netherlands m1lk asked me to pass on a few words: just a general 'thank you' and an apology that "we couldn't give everyone a nice last idkfa performance". Indeed, quitting after a game is hardly the way to go, but we should surely remember IDKFA for their many merits and positives, for which they have given us plenty.

image: smallcup 3 Days left-cup by
image: smallcup_silver ET-cup 3 was:
Netherlands Sem
Sweden LoTiX
Netherlands Fratze
Estonia Interface
Sweden Ozzy
Netherlands Milk
Italy XyLoS
Sweden crajsor

To uncover some more details, I cornered Sweden LoTiX in a dark alleyway until he agreed to tell me more...

United Kingdom foonr: So, had you decided enough was enough before the idle game?

Sweden GODCHILD: I think we've been pretty sure for quite some time now that when we're done with Eurocup we wont continue anymore. As I see it there isn't anything after Eurocup worth praccing hard on a high level for. Its also more fun to play with people from your own country, something we didnt have in IDKFA, I think that's what you need to really keep a clan together for a long time.

Netherlands foonr: "something we didnt have in IDKFA" ... more recently, or from the beginning? I ask becuase you seem to have lasted a lot longer than the usual "2 week clan"

Sweden GODCHILD: Sure we lasted pretty long. Most other clans that just put together a team with people from 4-5 countries never make it very far. It went good for us from the beginning so we continued - aiming for a spot in the Eurocup. As for what I said I mean that even for pretty successfull teams like IDKFA - rising again after one season that finish with a Eurocup is a really hard thing. Clans like idle and parodia got a steady team with 4-5 guys from one single country playing and if you know each other on that level I think its easier to take small breaks, come back agan, play another EC and then aim for the next one after that. The more countries involved in a clan the harder it is to keep it together for a longer period of say one Eurocup and one Summercup.

Andorra foonr: Obviously you personally have had lots of personal highs with other clans such as infensus and the like, but any real stand-out moments from IDKFA?

Sweden GODCHILD: Well playing for iN was really fun, also to start praccing vs "the good guys" which happened around iN/Agony Realm was pretty exciting. I'm not sure I have any special moments in IDKFA. We were pretty sure of the direct invite to Eurocup and we was also favourites in all our group games so I didn't feel we accomplished anything special there. If we would've won that annoying goldrush vs uQ in the playoffs I'm sure that would've been one of the great moments I could think back upon later, the same if we would've won this game vs idle. I guess I'll just have to think back upon IDKFA being happy for a 4th place in Eurocup XXVII or whatever it is we've been playing.

Italy foonr: \o/
What do you think the future holds? Will each of the old line-up being moving on to new clans, or maybe even other games?

Sweden GODCHILD: I don't know much about the future for the guys in the clan. Myself I got my Swedish clan (#waves-form) that I've been in since last summer and I guess thats where I will play most of my games in the future. I also know that Italy XyLoS will try out cod2. But before anything happens I think most of the guys will focus on Nations Cup.
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