WSVG explains live streaming

The World Series of Video Games has moved to explain the lack of live coverage for the Dallas event, highlighting their efforts and love for the game whilst openly stating that they are looking for a solution.

QuoteWe love Call of Duty 2. I repeat. We LOVE Call of Duty 2. The tournament this weekend showcased the great teamplay that we expected from one of the best communities out there. Tons of great matches took place and the players were all first class! Unfortunately, no one outside of the event was able to witness any of it.

There were many complaints about the lack of CoD2 coverage, and we at the WSVG agree with you 100%. Because of the immense support shown by the CoD2 community, we sought out to properly cover the event and give back to those who make our events possible.

Our first attempt was to work with EGLN, who offered to fly two broadcasters down to Dallas on the condition that we provide bandwidth (2 megabits) and space to setup. Done! Fast forward to less than a week before the event and we now hear that EGLN’s main casters have left the company and would like for us to provide them with flights and hotel rooms. Done! Unfortunately, the late notice meant that the two casters could not take work off and we were left without a solution.

Enter eSportsTV. We were approached by the company and they offered to stream ALL of CoD2 as well as the Quake 4 matches that weren’t covered on our live stream. In exchange, we would provide them with hotel rooms, laptops, bandwidth (2 megabts), and space. Done! After signing a contract, we saw no stream from the eSportsTV staff who were on site with video cameras. Instead, they posted two VoD’s. Color us disappointed.

Thus is the saga of our attempts at Call of Duty 2 coverage. We humbly apologize to everyone in the community that wanted to see their favorite players duke it out on LAN. It is not normally our policy to air our dirty laundry, but we can honestly say that we made every effort possible to broadcast this event.

If anyone has ideas for live video coverage of Call of Duty 2 at future events, please post in our Call of Duty 2 forums!

That really sucks to be honest :-\

At least with companies like QuadV + GiGa(!) you can guarantee integrity and this type of thing not to happen!
You not on irc ?
Strangely enough everyone wants to do it if there is money and free travel tickets involved :P
this is some n1 info, we need more dirty laundry and gossip, far more interesting the fancy posts about games, though those are good to.
Unexpected from someone who cant even fold his own clothes..

Quotemy mom helped me pack my clothes for the 5-day trip. I'm horrible at folding clothes tbh <3
quadV of course! :D
Professionalism? What's that! This is why a lot of things fail in gaming. Pure amateurism. Doubt we have to wait long for other examples.
TGBFs show of VAE vs thrice had the nazi smybol aswell :c
esport pros strike again
I rarely stick my Nose in threads, i just need to clarify a side note that starts get on my nerves :-)

In countless Forums/Threads i see this "E-penis" comparison of the today present video broadcasters.

I'd prefeer to let most understand that TGBF are very happy of QuadV / TSN / EGLN / ITG and so forth excistence however i praise a small thought to please stop compare us.

I can only speak for ourselves ofcourse and we have never aimed to be a Hardcore coverage entity. There are tons of them out allready and i see QuadV job as a great source for such.

I just want to clarify due to the countless respons we get about do this / do that and improve this. Our whole conceptual idea works on a type of "SHOWCAST".
We never aimed to do a hardcore play by play, but rather a light version that appeal mainly all not purely the gamers themselves.

That said carry on and GL to all and enjoy.
"Party with BEER"
/Rikard a'ka The-swede Franzén
Gaming needs a caring governing body.
in the real world (i guess), both companys would have been sued for beeing contracted to do a job and failing on doing so.

on the internets, they get a forum post flamming them : (
go fuck yourself
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