QWL Live Tonight - Venatio vs bioXar

image: QWLBanner

Tonight sees the final first round match of the Quake Wars League tournament. This an event that's embraced the vanilla gameplay, sticking to what SD subscribe.

Though picked to be broadcast across the interwebs by both tgbf and Game-TV many are predicting a white wash for bioXar, including the Venatio members " we are a new team, just started last Saturday" explains Venatio Kotirambo, "so I think they're gona win". But that doesn't dampen his enthusiasm for the game "everybody is fighting for their place, we have members from the old venatio.bf2 clan and brekdown bf.2 clan so there's lots of competition".

With bioXar entering as tentative favourites the sensible moneys on them, having pulled off an impressive win over DEFAULT by two rounds to one in their opening ClanBase ET:QW qualifier last night.

I caught up with bioXar caliban for a more conventional Q&A

Can you beat Venatio?

I hope so. Yesterday we had a match like a final, it was really exciting - lasted 2 hours, a really great game. We're ready.

Do you think you're favourites to win the tournament?

I think everyone can beat anyone. The game is in its infancy so every clan with teamplay and brain-using players has the chance. I think even dignitas are beatable....it's just a matter of graphic cards and tactics.

Is this rule set better than the ClanBase?

I think the cb rule set is good for testing, and it's quite exciting to see how teams play without vehicles. I think both settings are good but I would prefer the infantry only thing just a bit. The [ClanBase] mix brings a lot of fun and makes the match even more exciting.

Two clans, only one can progress - will it be bioXar or Venatio? Tune in to find out...

image: QWL_V-B
Time: 21:00 CET
Map: Sewer
Video Stream: tgbf.tv (English) & Game-TV (German)

Germany bioXar

Germany caliban
Germany unix
Germany malloc
Germany paul
Germany Copy Kill
Germany n1ceguy

Finland Venatio


This is a straight knockout single elimination tournament.

Europe 4Rng 4:0 Finland Ntech
Sweden one2 4:0 Europe CGA
United Kingdom dignitas 4:0 te4m
Europe cZar 1:0 Europe tyrn
Europe NINJA 4:0 Europe PiC
Spain exilium 1:0 hg
Europe cause* 3:1 United Kingdom eQ
"we have members from the old venatio.bf2 clan and brekdown bf.2 clan so there's lots of competition"

humm well thats what et:qw is all about, bf2
gl dicker callühh
ehh we havent played out first game in the i3d cup yet....that game against te4m was in the quakewarsleague cup and i3d is not singleelimination. Think you got qwl and i3d mixed up:)

anyway GL bioxar and venatio bf2 noobs:D
ah ffs :V Quakewars League has i3d banners splashed everywhere
Both teams aren`t that good/impressive so should be close....
QW filter on ->
shit game! can i filter this crap out ?
yes, use filters
Sorry Nellie,

i3D is our main sponsor, they make our cup possible by providing private servers. Same fore Hypernia, our North American Partner.
thought it was Finland bioXar :(
So bioXar has two ETQW teams?
yep fin and ger

btw is tormentor on?
The QWL rules do not restrict any vehicle but if both clans agree to it they can leave out what ever they want.
tonite: bioXar vs gr8 warsow opencup LB final!
mashed will b shoutcasting!
go fuck a fishtank
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