idle on the Eurocup Gold trail...

image: logoSlowly but surely the team who boast 2 Quakecon medal positions are creeping their way towards another medal!

When Estonia idle were reformed with half of the rA roster, in rather controversial circumstances they were not given two hopes of winning Eurocup. When Estonia idle were thrown into the losers bracket by uQ they were not given two hopes of winning Eurocup.

However, victories over United Kingdom 141 and Europe IDKFA has seen the team grow in terms of a credible threat to the current reign of finnish supremacy. But wait, is this not the same scenario we saw last season? The team who crawled through their group, in third place, then dumped into the losers bracket by parodia. To repeat a trait of last season there is a new face in their roster, one we've saw added well into last season...enter Sweden Ferus of Saevus fame!

Thats right, the lovable swede is back, and are idle now back in business? I caught up with Estonia Night to get the lowdown on ferus and whether Idle can win Eurocup!

QuoteI wanna say yes but I can't :p we thought before 141 game that it's the last game, and even after 15 min we thought the same. It would be awesome if history repeats, but I think uQ deserves the win more and i'm almost sure they gonna get it. However we've been pretty active last 1 or 2 weeks but we had a little break during december and january for a couple of weeks.

And about ferus...

Quoteferus is one of the games greatest players and its a luxury to have him on our roster but hes nowhere near guaranteed a place in our team...

So, as the rumours have speculated, ferus has rejoined the idle team, however whether we see him playing this Eurocup is not certain, and idle may well be pulling our leg! What does Clanbase say about any late additions?

Quote I'll go on record as saying that it would be entirely within the rules for idle to add him to their allowed list for EC if they so desire

Estonia Idle face Europe Gods.Inc this Sunday as history repeats itself again with a god's roster in the losers bracket final for the second season in a row, in addition, iTG will be bringing you the action!

Dont you just love deja vus?

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