16500 Euros at CDC3!

image: 58294-cdc3banner
This evening I'm proud to announce the opening of signups for 16500 euros worth of Crossfire tournaments, it is of course none other than the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3. Below you can find out more detailed information on the tournaments, including formats, prizes, signups, maps and more!

All of the information for the tournament is stored Here which you can access by clicking the CDC logo on the left.

Part 1 – The Community Event - Friday September 21st (12:00 CET) – Sunday September 23rd (19:00 CET)

The goal of Part 1 of the series is to encompass all of the aspects that have made the community and the previous challenges special. Not only will we feature prized tournaments, but we will also be hosting a Barbeque and a prized Poker Night and a quiz night ontop of more fun and games in between! Entry to all tournaments is 50 euros per player.


Enemy Territory 6vs6 – 16 Teams (4000 Euro Prize Purse) – (potential for an expansion, dependant on Quakewars)
To signup to the Enemy Territory tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself.

Enemy Territory: Quakewars 6vs6 – 16 Teams (3000 Euro Prize Purse) – (Potential for a smaller tournament, should signups prove small.)
To signup to the Enemy Territory: Quakewars tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] , including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself in both Quakewars and other games.

**Note** Do not make travel arrangements for any players until Crossfire emails you to confirm your acceptance to the Quakewars tournament. Crossfire reserves the right to postpone the entire Quakewars tournament should the released version prove to not be LAN ready, this is highly unlikely, however must be considered. This decision will be made as soon as possible.

Warsow 1vs1 – 8 Player QCUP (1000 Euro Prize Purse)
To signup to the Warsow QCUP you must create a user profile on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your user profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the player.
Players will first signup, and then four players will be invited with four spots available via a qualifier. Invites and qualifiers will be determined by previous achievements of the player in both Warsow and other games.

Quake 3 CPM 1vs1 – 8 Player (1000 Euro Prize Purse) – Double Elimination Bracket, Best of 3 maps
To signup to the Quake 3 CPM tournament you must create a user profile on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your user profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the player.
Players will first signup, and once the signup list is ascertained, the decision on invites and whether to run qualifiers will be made. Invites and qualifiers will be determined by previous achievements of the player in both Quake 3 CPM and other games.

Part 2 – Crossfire Devotii Challenge – Friday November 16th (12:00 CET) – Sunday Nov 18th (19:00 CET)

Part 2 features the larger and more pro-orientated tournament, the Call of Duty 2 tournament. Here 6k will be divided amongst the top four teams and RTCW will be the side tournament.

Tournaments: (SIGNUPS ARE OPEN Until October 12th)

Call of Duty 2 – (32 Teams, 5vs5, 6000 Euros Prize Money) (40 Euros entry, per player)
To signup to the Call of Duty 2 tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein QCUP – (8 Teams, 6vs6, 1500 Euros First Prize) (30 Euros entry, per player)
To signup to the Return to Castle Wolfenstein tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself in both RTCW & ET.

why gets cod more prize money than et ...
Something to do with the fact there are twice as many teams?
But cod is only 5on5! :D
more teams and also sponsors would opt more for cod2 than et thats why cod2 is in the 'pro' section and has its 'own' lan with rtcw imo

i could be wrong :P
they have to pay 40e per player x 32 x 5

which = 6400e :P

so sponsorship would have nothing to do with it :O
you really think everything else is for free dont you :P
never said it wasn't.....

just saying its more for the fact higher fee per player + more teams equates to them having a larger prize purse

Don't think ET would get 32 teams.
they sum entry fees plus money from sponsors, then cut 6k E for prize. the rest is going for tournament installment and what isnt spent, is saved for next Crossfire Randomsponsorname Challenge x+1
doh cod2>et
I want to see Fatal1ty in the Quake 3 competition! Make it happen.
He played zzzzzzzzzzvq3

Hopefully a certain Dutchie with a huge forehead will be there.
Need LuGia too
Care about vo0, I want to meet the one and only. The only person who has done more for gaming than TosspoT!!
I was being serious! =D
Fatal1ty played CPM once or twice and got raged. Never touched again afaik.
He should do better these days as his style went from aimbased to movementbased along with higher sens and more brainplay.
Maybe u should say that its 50 euros per player to make it clear :P
hope we get an etqw invite <3
no, you lost against lolicon, forget this LAN!!111
That was with 50% of lineup missing, k tnx bb
:'( gl anyway was just a Austria jok3 ;)
need high qw team (need moneyz for trip!)!!1
you can be our 7th ;o
so ill be standing behind you and cheering for every frag? :>
sounds great! we could also beat up drago before the tournament starts ;)
should be relaxing, doing nothing :P
topic looks strange
RTCW prize purse v nice
Awesome, nice work TosspoT & co.!
I will give 10 euros extra to ET!
give it to the poor people
Nice amount of prizemoney.
is the entry fee to the BBQ also 50€ ? :O
ok, somehow you have to finance your trip
nice to see RtCW competition expanding over the last one, nice.
nice job
great job tosspot, really looking forward to november :)
Let's win that money !
ET most money! how it shud be, Good Job!
Call of Duty 2 – (32 Teams, 5vs5, 6000 Euros Prize Money) (40 Euros entry, per player)
cudnt resist correctin me cud ya.

ET 2nd most money! shud be 1st but nvm, Good Job!
Fuck sake, I want to go now
:D offer still stands :D
FO with whatever u have in mind :p
dusty is mine, we're like loverboys one could say ^^
what were u plannin on doing with the profit gained from the entryfees and sponsors?
The next CDC?
hiring assasins to kill of whiners like you :P
whine? where?
+ read more ?
rtcw merc avi!
need rtcw team cdc3!!
Sounds good, nice work.
n1ce work! Hope czech flag finally appears here ;)
dont be so fast... ;)
greta job...cu@ hopefully :)
i would like to play q3cpm 1on1 but cant pracc for it :[
Good job TosspoT
omg.... we'll actually have to play serieus now.. great prize purse :D
is there any sense for rtcw cup ? expect that 10 ppl still playing it ?
I think he included it for personal reasons.
2ez4 BoBel @wsw :D
BoBel gets them all :)
if he finds a way to travel to Enschede :/
he will, i think
i hope so, cause he is definitly the best WarSow-Player around atm and he would deserve to win this!
he will go
but i dont think hes the best atm, i think victim could beat him in ec.
yeah Poland victim/vicek is fucking nice atm
Noorgrin or nVc will win all the tournaments.
i send u another 50€ tommorow ok ? ;D
looking forward CPM ^^=b
nice hope enough teams signup for the etqw tourney.
Keep doing good job TosspoT <3
does the bbq and quiz stuff also cost 50€ if you just wanna spec?
Stop whining! :p
LF sponsor so I can make it to holland ;<
50€ rofl
if you find this funny, you'll find anything funny! It must be fun being you.
yea here's the first one that doesnt have a clue
Sorry if not rofl'ing means I dont have a clue. Somehow I doubt you were rofl'ing positively but didint have the balls to actually put together a constructive argument.

I also doubt you'll comprehend the logic behind "if you dont like it, dont come?"
my rofl was totaly positive and I was happy that they raised the entry money by 15€
I take it you're glad the prizes are up and that there are more things to do there too!
ET 16*6*50 = 4800 +
WSW 8*50= 400 +
QW 16*6*50= 4800 +
Q3 8*50= 400

cdc3 = 10600€
prize = 9000€

COD2 32*5*40= 6200 +
RTCW 8*6*30= 1440

cdc3 = 7840€
prize= 7500€

Your math and reading skills are wrong for the second part. However are your sums trying to make a point?
You didnt come to either CPC1 or 2, and probably wont come to 3 4 or 5. One can only ask, why does it bother you?
cause you shouldn t buy new car with ET-community money, or travel across the world!!
Quakecon 2006 you sent your friends to dallaswho won money and didn t give back ( or at least spent for somethin usefull to ) ET community, that raised that funds for your fine selcted 5 friends team!
This is possibly the funniest comment i've ever read on Crossfire. Congratulations you are a retard. Perhaps next time you do anything for the et community, i'll be as supportive of you as you are of me.
They did give everything back, and the rest of the money was invested in CPC1 (or 2). So please fuck off.
50€ is ok. A bit much but I dont think anyone who went to cpc2 would mind.
and of course as usual all tournament spots will be taken...
Really nice prizes!
how much is the entree money for warsow + is it bo3 de?
more money for et for QW only 5 euros for coffee and lunch
izy bash
team must pay 6*50E or manager, reporter etc must pay 50E too? thx I am moneyless student! ;)
no. only the players pay that
As Matias said, only players pay that - would be cool to see you come smoke :)
thx for info and yes its my dream, but we will see how "my" teams will do in qualifiers and if god bless them who will be ready to really attend this great LAN. If not this time, CDC 4 I will be there! ;) Big respect for this and hope W:ET will be @ that LAN forever ;)
playin poker for money is illegal i guess no ?
It's Holland, nothing is illegal :P
i taught it was only legal in a casino
it is a difference if u play with money or if u play with playmoney chips and the winner gets cash price ?
obviously all gamers are really good friends sothey are just playing among themselves and not open to the public ;)
nice job tosspot, keep those LAN's coming :)
is TosspoT gonna carry it in cash in his wallet?
*hides behind a tree in the Enschede TU forest*
wtf 50€? :|
its normal
You lot moaning about 50 euro's should think about i-series, £85 :D
I couldn't agree more :D
I just play this game to have fun not win stuff >_<
It's the taking part that counts fellas! haha :P
Looking really nice tosspot. 50 euro per player sounds alright for a 3 day event!
i think only 4 clan will play all the 3 days
Entry is gonna be like 20000€ so who gets the other 3500€?
Saved for CDC 4 maybe?
CXC 4 imo :)

or CWC who knows
tossy gets that for working hard over many days.
Quoterosters potential skill

Maradona is better than Pele! rly!
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