The vindictive truth...

After 6 months (or so) of inactivity we have decided to reform for the mere fun of playing, no seriousness, most of us will still be playing for other clans, call it idiocy, call it stupidity but we miss each others company and wish to play together again at a super high level!

With the legend that is DMD AzA and the 141 star Mztik, with Aaron "2 weeks" Mason aka. never aka. Zaf aka. fjor. aka 'tomorrowsnickname'. Throw in an emotionally challenged child known as confo, a desperate housewife called mize and last of all the very concerning young boy, bezki, who appears to be putting on 2 stone everyday...

With a few backups in the form of the erotic pornstar Option, the left boob known as Bah and the squeek machine we call Meez!

We are going to take #ET-Cup and not to mention the globe, by storm! With stunning performances, comic mistakes and general good times! (confo's call...)

For all those who failed to understand my ramblings, I have decided to put our lineup into a more managable list;

United Kingdom Never
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom Confo
United Kingdom Bezki
Netherlands Azatje
Netherlands Mize


United Kingdom Meez
Netherlands Bah
Netherlands Option

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