Xleague hits CoD

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British television channel Xleague have announced their latest league, this time for Call of Duty 2 offering teams the chance not only to play for cash prizes, not only to have a LAN final but to be broadcast on TV too! With a prize of £1000 (1480 Euro) for first place, and on top of a filmed LAN final XLeague is the latest big organisation to take to Call of Duty.
The tournament works that teams will playoff in a ladder format with the top 8 teams at the end of the season progressing through to the playoffs.

Those 8 Teams will compete in the playoffs with the grand finals being played in the XLeague Studios in London. Whilst the ladders will be open from now until 16th of September, teams simply need to get themselves into the top 8 positions when the league closes as those will be the teams who progress into the playoffs.

Xleague works on a pay to play subscription and in order to play in the tournament each player does require an active subscribed account, which costs £4.49 per person, however XLEAGUE are currently running a promotion that anyone who signups to the Call of Duty league gets a FREE gold account on top of their subscription. The league is open to all European teams.

To signup to the league and find out more you can visit Xleague.TV there are also some support videos and examples of the shows that they put out.

Any queries or problems, you can contact [email protected]
wow cool! :o
wow thats amazing, people should put me on TV!
Awesome stuff.

It's about time a normal media outlet covered gaming, especially in the UK. xleague are going in the right direction!
wow n1! hope ET will be next! And if not here I will sign devil to do it in czech rep! :))
pls, their site sux :(
Too bad only 2 million people in the UK have Sky and from that hardly anyone will be watching it :{
lucky that you can watch their content on their Web TV client then isnt it :)
To watch Fight Night Round 3 at 320x240 (or whatever!), no thanks! Do they cover third party tournaments/organizations or just there own stuff?
"To be eligible to play in any XLEAGUE.TV league, each player will need to have an active GOLD or PLATINUM membership."

That's pretty :-\
do you just comment without reading sometimes? :)

I said Web TV client, if you click Web TV on their page you can watch full screen

If you read the newspost it clearly states about the membership that you need and the cost. If you compare the cost to LAN entry fees then its amazingly cheap.
"I said Web TV client, if you click Web TV on their page you can watch full screen" - Without it looking like shit

I just went straight to their page ;)

I want to know if they are paying the transport for the finalists to get there (the studio) and do they do coverage of "normal" events, or just there own competitions?
Last Friday they did an exhibition match of World In Conflict, English ppl in Xleague studio, Germans in GIGA studios. Was something of a sign that they work with alot of other esport companies.

As for transport, I dont know the answer to that
Answer the question please! I'm likely to see any content from WSVG, CPL, WCG etc? I'm not interested in one off matches or them working with other broadcasting firms (I mean even the BBC and ITV work together when it comes to the world cup in football).
I cannot answer that question as I dont know the answer as I'm not an employee of theirs!
I thought you were all knowing :( </3
is it a uk only event again?
No, I just edited the post to include that its open to all europeans
great, will slap my swedes to signup :)
Awesome manager <3
Can't find any rules about UK only competitors.
I work for XLEAGUE.TV so I will answer some of your questions!

We are in talks for ET:Quake Wars, we're all excited about this game, as well as World in Conflict, we hope both to be shown.

Yeah website is being worked on, it's still in its early stages, this is why everyone is receiving free memberships, as they are helping us with testing it.

We have already covered, Multiplay i30, Esports World Cup UK Qualifier and we plan to travel to the WCG UK Qualifiers and you will see us involved with future big events in a big way ;) We will also be covering finals for other leagues and tournaments, unfortunately everyone who has approached us has been COUNTERSTRIKE, and we are not allowed to show CS.

We average 50,000 viewers for our show THE MATCH, with the biggest viewing being Rainbow Six: Vegas, with 225,000 watching.
I would love this for Call of Duty 2, as I am a big fan of the game. I think we can better this.

Entry to this event will be FREE, you just have to email me with all your player details @ [email protected]

Travel for the finalists will be covered within the UK, European teams will have to find their own way, but with TV Exposure etc, I don't see this a problem for teams to get sponsorship.

and stop being so negative :P

This is open to all Europe, We are 50/50 if the final will be held at LAN.
Quoteplay to pay

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