Popcorn please! QW, ET & CoD Heavyweights in Action

Tonight sees THREE massive online matches in three different games! The Call of Duty QCUP reaches its loser bracket final for July, The ETQCUP reaches its Loser Bracket Final and the biggest two Swedish teams battle it out in the Clanbase QW Beta Cup. Tonight is your lucky night!

Quakewars Sweden one2 4-0 Sweden Kompaniet

Its been a long time since Sweden has held a dominant position in team games. Gone are the days of iNfensus, SK.swe and Iceclimbers, however Quakewars may just be the rebirth of all things Swedish! These two teams currently occupy two spots in a vague ET:Quakewars top five, and some may place these two teams right behind Dignitas at the top. For one2 they've called on a man who knows all about Swedish dominance, former iNfensus star aneki has recently joined their ranks (he wont play tonight).
Kompaniet will look to stop one2's powerful form, having won 5 games in a row one2 are looking good, their annihilation of 4Rng was clear for all to see. However clean wins over Logitech and PiC make Kompaniet tough opponents for anyone!

Call of Duty Czech Republic eSuba 16-13 Finland Logitech.fi - 20:00 CET

The CoD QCUP for July has seen eSuba on something of a downward spiral since their 4th place at CPC2. The team who rose to shock everyone havent quite found the going so easily in recent tournaments. Defeats to oxid and Speedlink have shown that the team is far from on top form, remembering that this is the side that beat Speedlink and took TeK-9 to three maps at CPC2.
For Logitech they've recently undergone changes to their lineup. Losing the influential stim might have been the 'stimulus' for collapse. However not so, as Eplot1c has come in and taken the up the reigns of guiding this roster to victory once again. They're looking good again the Finns and they enter the Loser Bracket final as favourites.

Coverage TGBF

Enemy Teritroy Finland Cadre 2-4 Europe The Last Resort - 21:00 CET

Read Denmark oBs' etQcup preview here!

Coverage: GamesTV.org
United Kingdom GIGA Listen w/ Mashed & FlyingDJ
Poland Headshot Radio w/ s0k1
Germany Sonatix Radio
no squall no win
I don't like Popcorn.
wtf? cockporn FTW!
i'm eating popcorn right now :s
One2 without any problems at all.
i wanna join your team as "np4me"
im gonna join as IhateYou
i hope i can see komp vs one2
(need to work too long so i cannot play vs warning either tonight, sry w1n9)
we arent playing it today :) so be here at sunday plx. and dont give flowers for that woman who was in car crash.
I like me.
Popcorn plz
how come there are links to other shoutcasters ?
because this is xfire, not quadv :)
there are already heavyweights in qw? cool =)
is the beta still playable or whats up?
Semi public beta, quite a few players have beta keys now. However if you missed it, you won't be playing until the second beta version or release.
Any team with aneki is a heavyweight! If you have a key the beta is still playable, it got patched recently
A patch came out for the beta. It improved the game a lot. Still not perfect but now you actually hit the people you aim at. Which wasn't the case before! Still needs improvement but it's looking good. I like it a lot!
Didnøt check xf until today so quite a delayed post that will probably never get read.
Anyways, my current pc is the ass and I didn't get anymore than 20-30 fps which is unplayable.
I will be getting a new laptop soon tho that might be able to run it better.
What sort of specs can run it smooth?
I have a laptop too.

Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 ghz
Geforce 8600m GS
2 gigs of ram

I get a stable 60 fps (well not on full publics because it can get extremely spammy).
I'm probably getting a core 2, 2 ghz, 2gb ram. and 8600 gt. so that should run it fine I guess.
Since when was One2 behind Dignitas?
dignitas @ backpath tbh
It dosent say that they are for sure, just that "some" may place them there.
"Read oBs' etQcup preview here!"

^ will be working in a second
enemy teritroy :D? but 2bad no coverage for on2 vs komp :/

one2 - kompaniet 4-0 (will be very tight game, but one2 takes it!)

logitech - esuba 16-13 (lolor!)

TLR - cadre 4-2
no coverage for QW? even though there was a quadv link there the first time I checked it... dunno... guess not then
dignitas vs edge is being broadcasted as well via videostream. its in german, though.

Great game between One2 and Kompaniet, the score line doesn't indicate how close SW2 was!
gg Kompainet.
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