idle vs gods

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Eurocup XII is drawing to a close and with 3 teams left we prepare to say goodbye to one of the two teams who were at this stage last season!

Rewind back one season and be very selective in your memory of squad names and this is a repeat of last seasons fixture where then Estonia u96d were on an unthinkable path that would finish in a Hotel in dallas! Everything was bigger in texas, and idle's reputation and fear factor has certainly shrunk since then and now they face a more finnish looking god than they did last season!

image: fihu Gods.Inc once german now finnish and hungarian are on paper in pole position for this tie, the former negative image team who have successfully turned hype into reality are knocking on historys door, the question is when will the door be opened? Gods can boast a map victory over Finland uQ earlier this week in the winners bracket final, and must be hoping that they can convert that into 2 maps over a team who at one point could be accused of living off their own success! But is that the case now? Who wants to bet against Eurocup and Quakecon winners? This is going to be a close one!

Finland Gods.Inc vs Estonia idle
Date Sunday 22nd Jan 20.00 CET
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 2 + FlyingDJ @ zenith

Written Coverage:
foonr's pornographic preview of the EC LB Final!
idle on Eurocup gold trail


There is a romantic affair going on with idle and enemy teritory, as much as they've tried to forget it there is an undeniable aura about the name idle and our beloved ET. Tina Turner famously sang, Whats Love got to do with it? Well, when love is a roster that consists 1 Quakecon winner, 1 Quakecon bronze medalist, 2 Eurocup winners, 2 Eurocup bronze medalists and a crazy dutchman its got a whole lot to do with the problems that Gods are going to face. Gods are a team brimming with potential and time is running out for them to become anything more than nearly men of ET. Never before has a Finn-Hungario relationship looked so good, but does it offer the resolve capable of taking down players who will be unphased by the occasion?
I think not, as epic a contest as this will be, experience is golden and our beloved Tina Turner sang simply the best with just one estonian team in mind!
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