ClanBase makes it easier: Ladders improved !

image: clanbase_whiteWe are proud to announce that ClanBase will hugely improve and expand their oldest leagues: the ladders. The past weeks ClanBase has already made significant process and are now ready to implement the first phase. This phase includes a complete redo of the challenge forms, easier and faster adding of clanmembers, graphical changes, more accurate point allocation and much much more.


With the current league system having been around for about 9 years a change is needed. With thousands of matches taking place using our ladder system, we have made it as user friendly as possible. No longer will you have the 3 pages of details to fill, but rather now it will be done all on one page, making your time easier. The following changes have taken place:

* The 3 pages are now all on one page
* You can choose which of your clans you want to challenge from, meaning you no longer have to switch your profile to the right clan. The clans on display will only be the one's that are in that ladder.
* You are now able to enter the password as well as the IP in the suggested server box. This password will only be available to the clans taking part to see.
* No longer will there be a box with extra details, but rather you will be able to send a challenge note. This will not appear in the details of the match itself, but the clan you are challenging will see it when they click on the challenge.

And if you thought challenging had become simpler, accepting challenges has also become a lot easier. Gone are the days of having to scroll down to find the right option for you. Now all the ones available to you will be there a drop down box, making accepting a challenge that little bit easier.


The ladders now have the ability to have even more coverage of the actual ladder itself, with the current Nr.1 having its own menu block, with additional information about how they have done. Suddenly becoming Nr.1 will get you even more publicity!


Still not sure how to enter your GUID? It couldn't be easier now, with an FAQ for every game, showing you exactly how you need to go about finding YOUR GUID in your game. We have also made it a lot clearer when joining ladders exactly what GUID you need.

[center]Ladders: viewing/leaving[/center]

User 2 says: Hey, want to play a CB game?
User 1 says: Sure, what rank are you?
User 2 says: Hold on I'll just go find out. *Logs onto ClanBase. Clicks onto ladders. Realises he is on the wrong profile. Changes profile, finds his rank, comes back*
*User 1 has Signed Off*
User 2 says: &%/^(*)

Just think, if he didn't have to change profile this would not have had to happen. We now you don't. When you click on the my ladders page, there is a drop down menu with all your profiles, allowing you to quickly view what ladder you are in without having to change your profile. Finding your rank and being able to challenge others has never been easier.

Clanleaders out there: ever got annoyed about having to scroll through the list of possible ladders available when you are just trying to get to the one you're in to remove yourself? As we don't like wasting anyone's time, we have made this process a lot easier, with a list of all the ladders you are in listed in a box at the top of your page.

[center]Adding users to your clan[/center]

Currently you need to know exactly what the PID is. To some of you, you will be going PID what?. This is what we have come to sort out. Adding players to your clan is now even easier. The following ways are possible ways you could add a member to your clan:

* Via PID or email
* Users can request to join your clan, which you can then either accept or decline (This is an option that clans can turn off)
* Clanleaders can set a join password, which users will have to enter if they want to join the clan.

What more could you ask for?

This concludes all our current changes. More changes will be coming along shortly, with new ladder types and different options being introduced to the ladder system. Also finding a game is going to become even easier. More details on this will follow shortly.

Until then, it is time to start challenging! As of now the challenge system is live, so getting challenging!!!
nice >8D
go rhand!
About 2 years too late
Do you even play competitive ET? If not, just stfu with your whine. Completely irrelevant.
what does playing competitive ET have to do with having an opinion? :S
Whine purely for the sake of whine, as we are used of Nellie when it's about ClanBase, is no opinion anymore.
haha we've the top running scared :)

I've no predisposition, just say it as it is.
Define "we"
Define "top"
Define "running scared"
Nah, do your own homework.

You've become quite the joke lately, Nellie.
are you really that stupid?
Think that's a touch arrogant myself! :P
he's right though
Completely irrelevant is what your writing here. CB system have been staying the same for few years already, and only now CB coders have found out what "user-friendly" stands for, though it's still far away from implemention. And stop this bs comments pls, or u want to save your tard status?
You rule Rhand. Keep up the good work!
he's right tbh
How competitive ET and CB ladders have nothing to do with each other these days?
Replying to the wrong guy?
I'm not asking you... Anyway, if that's truelly a reply to me then he should rewrite it and make it understandable cos I understand shit of it.
replace "how" with "what do"
I'm just wondering why do you ask Nellie if he plays ET compepetive becouse that has nothing to do with CB ladders. Check euro 6v6 and tell me how many of these teams in the first page was in CPC2 or SHGOpen? or even in last Eurocup?

Laddergames are for teams who plays for fun.

And why do you take it so personally when someone just says the fact? About two years ago there were better teams playing ladders and it was more competitive. It's a really big mistake to update your system after the game is dead.
Every competition has seen it's quality lowered every season. EC, OC Premier League, CPC, etc. Last edition of CPC we only had a couple of medskillers thinking to be good enough to attend the LAN, now they are flooding us.

And if as you say the Ladder is only used for fun, why whine about the fact that it should be done 2 years ago? Be happy that it is improved now.
And a really big mistake? Lol, there are still hundreds of people playing the Ladders. So we shouldn't improve things for them anymore simply cos they are with a lot less than they used to be? Stupid, stupid boy.

And about Nellie, I would be surprised if he played a CB match this or last year, hence the whine he produces is purely for the sake of whining. He only wants to discredit CB a bit more. Why he does that you'll have to ask him, but it's surely irrelevant to hear that coming from his mouth.
If you want to whine about an organisation that makes changes, the only condition that should be fulfilled is that the change has an effect upon you or your team which is not the case here.
Haha as said above I've no predisposition, just say it as it is - show me one example of where I've been unreasonable and I'll take it back. You'll have a job.

Though I do love the childish inability to take criticism.
Once again, just like the majority of the CF-userdatabase, you just flame at CB for the sake of flaming. This no criticism anymore when you are only negative, then you are flaming or whining, whatever word you like most.
what's positive about CB last days? Well yeah, cheaters are getting banned, anything else? Oh I forgot, they implemented Blogging issue!!
Nellie doesnt whine, he just states the facts, and you are ignoring them, with a silly excuse, besides you almost have no relation with CB. And dont tell me, that being an admin makes u so important. Tbh it doesnt at all.
It's not because you don't use them or don't know them, that they don't exist, but here are the most known improvements:
- Cheaters are being banned.
- A new ET Ladder has been introduced (with succes)
- Ladders have been improved (recently, yesterday)
- Quick Cup system has been introduced (which has been used aplenty)
- Hosting a SummerCup

Those things only in the past 6 months. Does it matter if it is "too late" in some peoples eyes? No it doesn't matter at all, there are still people who enjoy playing at the Ladders and the Cups and who appreciate this work so the work we (or my supervisors) do is good for them. It's kinda lame or pathetic to start whining about it especially when you have not participated in any CB competition or are not affiliated with CB whatsoever.

And no relation with ClanBase? I've been actively working for ClanBase the past 16 months, I don't know how it goes with you in Latvia, but I build a relation with CB when I worked with them. And I recently cashed that relation into a position as Supervisor, but I never said (not here, nor somewhere else) that I was important now all of a sudden.
What do you mean by 'working'? Adminning matches and leaving report pages empty?
You are spraying comments everywhere and for me it felt like you made these things(ladder stuff) yourself, especially when you use "we". These "features" should have been implemented 5 years ago, and I have no idea why you cant stand this objective criticism. Secondly I have participated in the biggest part of ET CB leagues and fully agree with Nellie. Do you still think it's pathetic? I would say that your reaction is pathetic.
Find me 1 report I left completely blank. I challenge you to find me 1 report where I left more than 1 map empty. Don't go flinging stuff in my face that aren't true.

Ofcourse I'm typing "we", I'm part of ClanBase and you denying or regretting or hating it will change nothing.

Objective criticism? Once again, that ain't criticism. Criticism is meant to let the other take note of it and improve it/him-self. Here it is not meant as criticism, but purely as flame.
Rhand, watch it objectivly, he is right, but that is not your fault.
You dont have to flame him for it
I don't flame him? :o
imo rhand doesnt like u
ladders rock
VERY[/u] interesting.
yeah ladder rox
}=>players should play with their clan's members and not add a person the last seconds and add his GUID after 24h the war ends.

}=>ppl's pbGUID should be at least 3 months old (keep backup off it)

(those are changes i think u should make)
Don't think improving the challenging system will increase the low ladder activity.
If you aren't motivated to play in a ladder these changes also won't help.
Quote by razz Rhand u are the most retarded person in this community apart from chmpp so will u shut the fuck up u belgian no life geek.

Keep up the g^^d work
What a noob you are.
Yep, we steal everything from ESL. Damn, you got us there !
It's a good thing: now you have all this in an actual usable site.
Good Job CB :)
not related to this, but why the fuck did you put tc_base back on ladders?
because tc_base is good!
because apparently warleagues used it and it catched on :o or something like that. i liked tc_base though :)
There is nothing wrong with tc_base as it is a rtcw map
yes, tho if you haven't noticed this is ET not RTCW and tc_base sucks in 3on3, do we really need another map that you can finish in 1 min?
You cant finish this map in 1 min, its like 1.30, BUT this is only possible if your opponent has no idea how to play the map.
did it once in 1:09, one proper attack and both radars are down
ok, but that is the easiest attack to prevent too :P only noobs manage to loose radars that fast.
Nice, good work.
i got so excited, i just had to tell the whole family!
you didnt tell me :<
This update is way overdue, it should of been done years ago. I'm actually surprised clanbase is changing.
You hate frogg speaking?

send a bombe on the french ET Community
Our first match is on aug 12. Rhand, is it possible? Can we play that late ?
just in time
Ladders... we are back in 1971.
your point is?

ESL and ClanBase always strife to become perfect. Yes, we have ESL also seen 'stealing' ideas (ENC?).

So who cares? Both want to grow anyway.

The relationship between ESL and ClanBase is alot better then you think. However this is not the place to discuss that.
Dont you think its ironic that Clanbase (yourself included) mooted veto'ing Crossfire and myself in any way shape or form due to the fact you dont like Crossfire's unmoderated varying opinions of your organisation and you're now advertising on Crossfire and your admins are abusing Crossfire admins in comments?

Dont worry this comment I've put here has been sent to mads aswell.
QuoteCrossfire's unmoderated varying opinions

That one made me lol
You'd lol if you saw a cloud in the sky. The quote has specific reference to a debate/complaint from CB.
Admin Update: Kamz has since been banned by Clanbase for cheating and one can only assume he said goodbye knowing he would be banned shortly after. Take his farewell with a pinch of salt
You've learnt to read!
look nice, good job
Good to see some activity at CB gl rhand, keep at it.
Q4 2v2 ladder :) woehoe
we care.
Really nice, really nice, we have beeen waiting for this update.
Site still lags
looks soo much better <3
vnice rhand!
Rhand rules!
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