The ETpro-team released the latest official version of their competition mod last night.
Version 3.2.5 fixes the damagefalloff bug, where shooting someone long-range did less damage then it should do. Furthermore ETpro Lua was updated to the latest development version.
ETpro 3.2.5 released
Version 3.2.5 fixes the damagefalloff bug, where shooting someone long-range did less damage then it should do. Furthermore ETpro Lua was updated to the latest development version.
- damagefalloff fixed
- b_realhead now defaults to 1 (enabled)
- latest development version of ETpro lua (it includes all changes from snapshot 1, snapshot 2, and snapshot 3)
- Forumthread
- download ETpro 3.2.5 (see forumthread for mirrors)